>Dogs have been domesticated since more than 40'000 years >They have helped humans in almost everything be it in hunting, war or catasrophes >Cats showed up at in homes at about 10'000 BC >They live with with humans and protect them from the long-nosed intruder that tries to get their grain >Both cats and dogs can live together perfectly fine
Is the whole cat vs. dog debate just a psy-ops to keep pet owners from seeing the truth? A ruse to keep them distracted?
Dogs will eat a cat if they can dude, food is food and a cat is small enough food. You'd have to train them not to kill each other
Carson Nguyen
Anything that protects a humans interests or humans themselves with undying loyalty deserves nothing but respect. Because they are better than some people in this world
Cameron Parker
lol,my cat beat the golden retriever of a friend up.
Jacob Edwards
Stupid thread, but honestly I never even understood why there is this stupid cats vs dogs debate to start with. Some people take it way too seriously. It seems like the kind of surrogate tribalism, like sportsball, that Jews use to keep whites from noticing their inherent racial tribalism.
No you don't, bitch, you just have to monitor them when they're first adjusting to each other for signs of aggression, faggot. Most dogs never attack any other animal in the home. Ever. Including fuckin' pitbulls, you little sperg.
Bin that pitbull mate. I have a nice pound mutt and she loves the stray cat that comes a long in fact the cat tries to play with the dog but the dog has autism so she just runs off. My dog will chase a cat but come back at command. Sorry you have the wrong dog or your dog has determined it's the pack leader and you're it's bitch Fuck the cat vs dog ownership nonsense true ubermensche have both. Will your dog hunt mice? Will your cat scare the mormons away? Each has a place.
Joseph Reed
Exactly, animals are often far more loyal and trustworthy than humans in my opinion
Camden Brooks
At least a cat or dog waits until you're dead before they eat you that is far more polite then back stabbing hummies.
Oliver Smith
>>They have helped humans in almost everything be it in hunting, war or catasrophes >>They live with with humans and protect them from the long-nosed intruder that tries to get their grain And that's what they're for. Not for companionship. If you own a pet, just because, you have fallen for a kike meme.Unironically, get rid of it.
Elijah Hughes
Fuck up, autist, you can't even speak with proper grammar you fuckin' stupid motherfucker.
meh I doubt that they would realy eat you if they have another option. If not, this is kind of justified and when I'm dead I don't realy need my body anymore.
John Carter
what if you own a pet for both companionship and utility? The way a lot of young people treat their pets as 'children' is obviously retarded, but having a dog as a part of your family and to help protect the house seems like a good thing.
Robert Reyes
No. The point is that most cat owners currently get a cat for no functional purpose, then bend over backwards to treat them like children even though they rarely have the characteristics of a loyal pet, and all the characteristics of an entitled bitch. It's cringeworthy at best.
Oliver Morris
>long nosed intruder that tries to gwt their grain
cats kill mice and rats >both have long noses >they are generaly seen as a pest >they intrude your home without you noticing >they plunder your food until theres nothing left, then they leave for the next home I'll let you draw your own conclusions
>cats kill mice and rats and snakes. A friend in the countryside got a couple cats after his dog died from a yarara bite. He found a dead snake every other week just laying on the grass nearby his house. Not anymore I guess they learned their lesson.
Love your post 8/10 Although yeah my dog does hunt mice (>20 confirmed mouse kills, 4 rats) miniature schnauzers were actually bred by Germans to be thrown in to sewers where packs of them would kill off rodents Also my cat is a Maine coon and hates strangers and will literally come to the front door to “meet” whoever was ballsy enough to ring the bell
Only poorly trained ones. A dog that attacks people or random animals without being commanded to or to protect their master is not trained well.
Notice how it's only ever white people or pets of white people you hear about being attacked by dogs? Because white people are weak and incapable of controlling anything, especially their pets and women. You NEVER hear about black people being killed by the large and aggressive breeds like you do whites because black people know how to lay down the law.
Anthony Rogers
Its because dogs are dumb if they were smarter they would act like niggers.
Justin Thomas
Both animals make excellent pets, and both have advantages ('real friend/companion' vs 'easy maintenance')
In their rants, they never tell you that toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic, doesn't always infect brain tissue, and you can only get it once before you develop immunity.
Also, cats prevent disease by killing rodents. Cats were burned during the Dark Ages for their association with witches, but this actually caused the plague to spread faster.