I have been a good boy and everyone’s always treated me as a saint and shit. It fucking makes me feel weak. Everyone in my family seems to pity me, i guess for being so level-headed and “normal”. Like, “nah user doesn’t do this/that (normie stuff)”. People start to look at me like i’m a freak...
I think by “normal” i meant to say boring btw and not actually normal
Jayden Perez
Care not what degenerates think about you, user. Right is right even if nobody did it, and wrong is wrong even if everybody did it.
Jeremiah Taylor
Carter Foster
Fuck what a fail. I thought i was posting /r9k. Move this thread mods.
Lucas Myers
>hiding powerlevel Good lad, straight out of the playbook
William Anderson
I have, its important to always remember to let yourself unwind with people in a way that doesnt involve your ideology or morality. Good luck user.
Ayden Scott
get out before the depression hits dude.
>the whole damn things a lie, a narrative.
Benjamin Hernandez
I agree with you but sadly that’s not the case in our society. I have been way too good of a person my whole life. I feel like i wasted my adolescence by being way too nice and respectable. It seems as if there should be some balance between being good and bad, but i didnt develope it.
Gavin Perry
That does happen, strangely even though I don't hide my powerlevel. It's just how they want to percieve me I guess.
Jordan Hall
Something like that i guess. Like there are people that do some nasty shit but they are forgiven and sort of rewarded with acknowledgement. I’m a good person, they are not expectig anything from me but being good
Parker Price
I'm naturally predisposed to peace/non-confrontation. Start lifting and taking supps/multi vit/fish oil, being an impartial and diplomatic individual is a virtue but you need to show others that you have teeth when such things are warranted. Lifting will give you the self-respect and manhood you seek.
Brody Long
dont, keep your innocence, the world needs people like us
Kevin Brown
BS. You have a meme flag chosen lol.
Nathan Thompson
I have always lifted, etc. It’s not that.
I’ve always been a guy that enjoys being a shut in (until last few weeks). My job is working through a computer, so basically that’s all i like doing. What triggered this rant is because some family members told my mother that the reason i’m like this is because of her. My dad promised my mom that she wouldnt need to work when they got married and so my mom stayed at home all the time. Somehow they think i’m like this is because she is doing the same thing to me.
What pisses me off is that i think they are right.
I think i’ve reached the conclusion that i’m simply not being myself but that i am the product of my mother’s behaviour. I know i have the power to change myself, but it would somehow make me feel fake. Idk, it’s weird. Thinking going to a psychologist this week
Aiden Garcia
Just think about what your values are and stand by them, who cares what other people think? If you are a nice, boring guy, there's nothing wrong with that. Strength comes in figuring your own shit out and becoming someone you can be proud of, not doing what other people think you should do. Just don't shoot up any schools.
Oliver Young
I want to be happy though. Everyone seems to be enjoy (not necessarily happy) except me. I think i need to do some crazy shit like trashing a hotel just to feel something different. Can’t keep living in my bubble
Jayden White
That’s the same bullshit i believed. But if all it does is make me sad, then i rather be someone else.
P.S: i dont hate anyone, there’s no way i would shoot kids (that’s for cowards)
Jaxon Smith
>what are scripts
Jaxon Watson
Doing destructive shit for attention or catharsis will fuck you up even more. Don't worry about being "happy" because you'll never stop chasing that dragon. That's how the US ended up lost and degenerate. Just worry about doing the right thing and do what has meaning to you.
James Smith
>I want to be happy though That's fucking gay
Josiah Scott
I guess i’m doomed then. Doing the same shit will make become depressed. I wouldn’t care if somebody else thought of me like that. But when your own family says something like that against your persona, really makes you feel self conscious. I’m gonna sleep on it. Thanks for your support
Aiden Brown
I guess. I still haven’t taken the black pill like you obviously have.
Luis Wright
No, listen to anons They are right, be yourself, stand for what you see is right. Also be yourself (accept even your negative aspects). You will never be happy so just try to be content with what you have.
John Brooks
Thanks. Who would’ve thought Jow Forums gave constructive criticism. I accidentally posted here instead of /r9k.
Isaiah Flores
Extreme introvert here who also made good at in-person sales after effort. No, I'm just sensitive as shit. Probably genetic in some way. Fuck off with this thread. The world is terrible and I'm not much better. It is what it is.
Luis Hall
That must be some shit. Being an introverted and working on sales. How the fuck did you get into such high energy job?
Xavier Miller
A friend brought me in from a cabinet factory job. I was work 63hrs a week at 10$ an hr. He was a natural at sales. I wanted out of the basement there. Took me two months to learn and make as much as I was before. I kinda wanted to talk to people and break out of my shell though. Kinda forced myself. You're right to say that sales, especially door to door sales, is intense. My boss was a former contractor for th Army in Afghanistan and was fucking psychic.
Jeremiah Williams
Whatever you think about Jow Forums it's still humane, and is browsed by people. Jow Forums has empathy, for people that deserve it, not those that cry being victims while they are actually not, like jews for example.