Realistically, how long would it take us to wipe America off the map if we were to go to war?

Realistically, how long would it take us to wipe America off the map if we were to go to war?

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You? An eternity. We have more than hockey sticks to fight with.

Not long now. The US will implode in a civil war in the near future if things don't change.

Hahaha. It's so funny to hear uneducated opinions about the state of lands that the poster has never visited.

True. The amerikikes are turning on one another at a pace never seen before. It's only a matter of time.

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It would be a short war. The majority of guns and farm lands/food processing/distribution are owned by the right.

3 days

>The amerikikes are turning on one another
Commies are not American, let alone human.

Through attrition. We poke them a little and then go hiding and spread out innawoods to wage gorilla warfare. Rig moose with explosives.

Its gotten to the point that I cant tell if leafs are being ironic

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Unless Canada is nuking us, never.

How would you kill the mutts without them winning instantly?

Depends on how you'd want to win it.

IKR? Next, they are gonna bust out the gun control faggotry.

Moose and squirrel with not save gay Trudeau or any of his bed wetters and drama queen Canucks

Two continents with a total of 36 countries? That would take a while, user.

You mean "gun restriction."

I can understand why Leafs would be so belligerent after all Canada is run by a Castro, however if history is any metric canucks will be a 3rd world country B4 the us

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I would skull fuck trudickless with an A S S A U L T R I F L E

Doesn’t matter, the majority of the fighting age capable young men are pro trump. Who the fuck is going to wipe out the USA? A few more niggers and muslims that only moved here from the USA in the first place? Fuck off retard
You can fuck off too.

Americans are all dumb fat niggers. Probably a week.

That's a nice picture of some "free healthcare" and what it offers.

Realistically the North Dakota National Guard could take over Canada and still leave enough troops in the States to do regular deployment rotations you delusional ice nigger

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California would sooner have a civil war before the entire country did.

Please try it leafs.
We will execute all your socialists/leftists, deport all your third world migrants and annex your land, but we will give you your choice about what happens to Quebec.
> build a wall around it a la Escape from New York as a new permanent prison colony
> depopulate and leave fallow as a nature reserve
> irradiate and salt the earth
> ...?

You dont anywhere near the level of energy to do that.

The yield in that picture is 10 teratons of TNT or 10,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT that is 200000x stronger than Tsar Bomba.

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Canadians are all limp wristed fat chink liberals

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there's at least one in every shed. you don't stand a fucking chance if you invade us, faggot.

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You realize you're an American, right? From North America, just like me?

two weeks

Separatist Quebec is actually pretty based. And its state of politics is only dependent on the amount of lefties still alive.


Haha. I hate both sides, and I'm a good fucking shot.

Everyone is armed in the US.
All the amerimutt memes asides, you just cant take this country with all the civilians armed, and ready to defend their home against the invaders.

The only way to conquer the US is to destabilize it by increasing a lot racial tensions, or to conquer it economically.

Physically... Except with nukes, you cant.

Try it leaf!

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Good one leaf. Have a (you) and my sincerest wishes for the death of Trudeau.

No. The majority of farm lands are owned by giant megacorps that are bankrupting your little farmer revolutionary heroes into suicide. Your so called right wing super patriots are basically a bunch of poor fags.



We would surrender before you ever crossed the border.

Try it and see!

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This is true. Then we win, take over Canada, and purge the vermin in the United NA states.

>wipe america

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Were gonna take your maple trees with napalm.

The United States sent more than 100,000 troops to Iraq and they failed miserably at accomplishing anything even remotely passable as a positive outcome.

You fucks probably couldn't even figure out how to get into Canada while looking at a map, that's how incompetent the United States military is.

>find map in english (23 days estimate)
>try to rub America off map (32 minutes)
>discover it is ink and must use solvent to remove (84 years)
>find solvent (impossible it has all been drunk by granpa)
realistically? not gonna happen

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I'm pretty sure the North Dakota National Guard could conquer Canada, Sweden, reequip, then the UK & France, and if we didn't order them to stop, they could just keep going from there.

suddenly I remember an old phrase "behind every blade of grass is a gun" or something like that

Canada is only a vast wilderness area and a few over populated cities which have turned into hell holes.

Canadians are all doughy virgins who can barely lift a doughnut let alone a gun.

The only thing you're going to wipe is our runny McBurger asses, leaf.

How do you intend to defend the inland? something like 80% of your population lives on the border?

It would just be a matter of pressing you along the St. Claire until invading troops flank you from the North.


A week, Amerilards are too fat to leave their couch let alone fight a war against the Superior Leaf!


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Like 15 min we just release our stockpiles of arabs and gooks on them
>Subhumans do more damage then nukes

There is no one in the US military who can read a map, that is why they could accidentally be committing live fire war games in you country at any moment-- sorry about that.

Bitch please, the people who want to revolt are the ones who are anti gun. What are they gonna do, use bike locks?

>implying leafs are man enough to even go innawoods. Odin wouldnt allow your faggotry in such a sacred place.

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We'll give Quebec to Louisiana.

The fags in Quebec could not even survive Cajun cooking.

Literally counting down the days until this happens. I can't fucking wait.

uh oh, looks like we've got some collateral damage..

>doesn't understand that every war since WW2 was actually about trying to win


Even our guns have guns!

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>We burned down the white house once!
>Did I mention the time we burned down the white house 200 years ago?

Better not fuck with a Canadian.

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Meek and mild

We have over 300 million guns in the USA. How many do you have?

Well, if we Americans don't fight back? Never.

Only urban scum talk like that.

Where are the city dwellers going when it is time to evacuate?

No where.

The city is a death trap.

Canada could easily be invaded in under 2 weeks by the USA

Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, New Hampshire & Michigan alone could do it desu


We don't want Canadian refugees!

>Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, New Hampshire & Michigan alone could do it desu

do you mean like the National Guards, or just like random militias doing it for the entertainment value?

We killed a shitload of everything, as we always do. You think that wouldn't win us a war with Canacucks?

Well since if your enemies kill you, you win, it would take about three days.

The only thing Justine could burn is her bra.

we arent even remotely close to that point

Both, probably.

Pretty sure local deer hunters could conquer canada

Irrelevant question. Doesn't matter if you beat a country these days. If my country was on the edge of losing everything I would rather destroy the entire world in a nuclear war than lose my country.

sharts have not been able to win in afganistan and they have been there for 20 years fighting 2000 goat headers . we could roll in and crush them in a week or 2 .

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Nigga you ain't even got attack helicopters.

Fuck out here canuck.

1 million years.

For US to beat Canada? 2 weeks.

80% of Canuck subhumans live within 100 miles of us border. Nuke Toronto (preferably on the 4th of July) all of America comes out and watches the world's great firework display on the south shore of lake ontario. "The great leaf burning"

Then carpet bomb the ever loving fuck out of Vancouver Winnipeg Edmonton Calgary Quebec Montreal Halifax Saint Johns.

Nation will fold like lawn chair.

The glorious day the US marines entering a charred out ottawa, hoist down that pussy leaf flag from their parliament building, hoist up the stars and stripes and then play baseball using the skulls of Canadian parliament as the balls.

Using American chips and weapons. Yea you only got those bc we can shut them down if used against us. This bait is shit tier.

>all these mutts eating up the b8 like it's a deep-fried kosher tamales from wal-mart

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No time at all. Since you're a post-national state, you technically don't exist. Thus, there would be no war.

>our leader meeting with powerful NK
>your leader is a flaming faggot
kys faggot

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Depends on how many US soldiers die laughing at the thought of it.

>powerful NK

I don't even care at all about the argument.

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Mom said it's my turn to play with the attack helicopters.

1812 days

I've seen information that predicts a war between Canada and the USA would last around 12mins.

Hint- Canada complete loss.

Blow up the highway outside of North Van. Blow up the #1 somewhere before Hope. Now all the innawoods niggers in BC starve themselves out.

Longer than the heat death of the universe. Squared.

>at a pace never seen before
Clearly not a student of history I see.
This guy gets it.

>The United States sent more than 100,000 troops to Iraq and they failed miserably at accomplishing anything even remotely passable as a positive outcome.
They literally killed over a million Muslims user. The Americans are the only ones still doing things the right way.

Unfortunately they missed you but such is life, your time will come moor.

>Realistically, how long would it take us to suck America off a nut, if we were to go to war?


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>Canuckia can't even wipe their own asses
>Wipe anyone off the map besides themselves

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The Can-schluss!

We say 'peoplekikes'.