Roseanne is tweeting that Q user is Bill Hicks

She just deleted the tweet

wtf is going on!?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Alex Jones confirmed as Q, and therefore MOSSAD

Dude do you have the tweets from Q about Satan?

Bill Hicks is Alex Jones.
So Q user was Alex Jones this whole time.
Wasn't Jerome Corsi (Alex's employee) pushing this q user stuff to boomers?

Attached: BillJones.gif (399x429, 2.76M)

I'm looking for the Q messages about Satan and the NWO as well as Epstein's temple

Bill Hicks predicted this

>mfw Roseanne is a bigger brainlet than she previously let on
lol, why do we right wingers pick up the cringiest media figures to defend and die on proverbial hills for? What the absolute fuck is wrong with her and the people that liked her shitshow?

What if Q really is Bill Hicks and he is Andy Kaufman?

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In this friendly, friendly world with each day so full of joy
Why should any heart be lonely?
In this friendly, friendly world with each night so full of dreams
Why should any heart be afraid?
The world is such a wonderful place to wander through
When you've got someone you love to wander along with you
With the skies so full of stars and the river so full of song
Every heart should be so thankful
Thankful for this friendly, friendly world

I fucking love Man On The Moon. Thank you for reminding me to get it.

Roseanne Barr is Q

What a strange weekend

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You know, we should all treat each other like brothers and sisters

Man On The Moon should be Jow Forums essential watching btw.

With the sky so full of stars!

every heart should be so thankful!

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I hate boomers trying to "fit in" and sound "cool and hip".

who gives a fuck?

Trump should issue an executive order ordering production of Roseanne to resume as if nothing happened.

shes back on ambien

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the rabbit hole gets deeper

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i will surveve






Alex called bs on it initially until told to cover it by his sources, called bs in March again on it and said he didn't relie on it himself for new information. Corsi left in April.
t. daily AJ listener

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thx 4 the boomer update


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aw nah my conspiracies and possible delusions I keep at the back of my head are starting to be validated by other random people

I can't be dealing with this at this hour


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Q is just 2018's iteration of kids being guillible

Do you produce (photos) in a dark room?

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Ok let's say Alex Jones is Bill HIcks. To fake your death and replace a real person requires (((their))) help.
So Alex Jones works for (((them)))
Now let's say Alex Jones aka Bill Hicks decides to go off the reservation completely.
He starts shitposting as Q user.
Of course officially he has to counter signal himself but Corsi wont' stfu. He's exposing Alex's shitposting to a larger audience and thus endangering Alex's position with (((them))).

Attached: AlexJones.jpg (236x343, 13K)

Nov 11 2017 23:29:35 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB 149063235 Hard to swallow. Important to progress. Who are the puppet masters? House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+ Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+ Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+ Focus on above (3). Public wealth disclosures – False. Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. Think slush funds (feeder). Think war (feeder). Think environmental pacts (feeder). Triangle has (3) sides. Eye of Providence. Follow the bloodlines. What is the keystone? Does Satan exist? Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist? Who worships Satan? What is a cult? Epstein island. What is a temple? What occurs in a temple? Worship? Why is the temple on top of a mountain? How many levels might exist below? What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome? Why is this relevant? Who are the puppet masters? Have the puppet masters traveled to this island? When? How often? Why? “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” Q answers "Hard to swallow. Important to progress."

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How did a website dedicated to chinese cartoon enthusiasts get flooded with boomers?
How did they even figure how to use the site?

what if tony podesta is john podesta in a fat suit and they are both andy kaufman?

Your guess is as good as ours

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Q is Weird Al, I'm not even kidding

she's just deflecting to draw attention away from her downfall

This site is soooo Web 1.0 and archaic that it hurts - a natural lure for veterans of old net.

You're crazier than you make anybody else out to be, I can tell you that. He's literally talked about Jews multiple times, pointing out that the politicians, judges and corporations are more at fault than the Jews they listen to for one.

I believe you user

Wow an unhinged boomer believes in q??! Whats next? Jews run the banks???

Hello cointelpro.
I realize you're trying to mix in random stupid shit to confuse people but realize this.
Alex Jones has the same friends, the same manager, and the same city as Bill Hicks who died suddenly, right before Alex Jones became famous for his Waco coverage.
Alex Jones can't go a day without defaming HItler and the Nazis and his children are Jewish. He's randomly friends with Joe Rogan, who was close to Bill Hicks and just happens to also be married to a Jewess and have Jewish children.
Really spins the old dreidle doesn't it?

Adam Schiff is Andy Kaufman guise; try and keep up.

Nazis are shit socialists with a perverse tribalism problem. AJ is a libertarian. Why wouldn't he shit on them? He is who he is. I suspect you're an unironic nazi. Fine, you got freedom of speech here. Just know who people are when you look at them. Its helpful.

Oh I made a video about it user :)

would you like to see?

shit man sorry, I thought adam Schiff was huckleberry finn

Who tf is Bill Hicks?

He wears dungarees an awful lot for a politician

Rocket scientist

friendly reminder alex is not bill hicks
bill hicks last interview

that is not alex

no but who leaves a note on a cube??

Kevin Booth and BMB are the secret men behind the curtain who were Bill Hicks' handler and are running Alex Jones and the Everything else, but they're running out of ideas and the Silver Coleman is dry because it's been too long since the last TOOL album energized them.

Press E to help meme the next TOOL album to completion so we can get Kevin and Blair back up and running the multiverse.

Attached: tool to find god.jpg (445x668, 73K)

>Bill Hicks
William Melvin Hicks (December 16, 1961 – February 26, 1994) was an American stand-up comedian,

This dumb faggot is trying really hard to start a LARP. He already started a thread on this gay shit. And constantly spamming these same retard screen caps. Kill yourself

Alex Jones confronts FBI Agent

From the documentary "America: Wake Up or Waco". Alex Jones confronts an FBI agent over his "soft-pedaling" of the events at Waco. Great video!


BILL HICKS, Ruby Ridge, Waco connection


funny dude

Pretty sur the main writer, frontman, and lead singer moved on to A Perfect Circle.

alex jones

so is this fbi/mossad shilling coming back? trying to prop up some faggot as our " messiah " so they can control this places narrative? they were trying hard a few months ago

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Lead singer of tool is a literal fag

wtf now that i'm seeing him how the fuck did this rumor even start oh wait nvm the jews of course.

Ted Turner


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I've been telling you idiots this for months.

Waco is where it started

ya I figured

are you well today?

Roseanne Barr tweeted Bill Hicks is Q

is she Mossad?

AJ is not a libertarian. If he were a libertarian he would be more upset about all the money the fed throws to Israel. The libertarian/patriot persona he portrays is just a mask for his employers agenda, that employer being GCN a subsidiary of ABC/Disney.

Yes thank you.

How are you?

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>irrelevant boomer posting

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Bill Hicks was a saint. I wish we had more comedians like him.

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lol na she's probably some lesser anuna

pretty good, just trying to make some progress on my mission and enjoy the lovely weather

Roseanne was always a kike.
Never, ever, trust a fucking kike.

That's great, I am very glad the weather has been fair for you. Plenty of vitamin D.

AJ is a constitutionalist. not libertarian

current song:

Did you ever wonder about the number 27?

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i know that it is my day once a year, but you probably knew that

i know a little of gematria. what else might you suggest?

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William Hicks

Well there are 72 names of God and if you put that backwards it makes 27

if you times 72 by the trinity you get 216

and if you times

6 x 6 x 6 = 216

216 is Plato's number and in the Fibonacci sequence, if you add all of the digits of the 216th number, you get 216.

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Lel yep

Kek, and in addition the Conners have to adopt a pet gorilla and it has to be given equal screen time as the taste the rainbow grandkids get

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very interesting! puts a smile on my face knowing that the universe is this mental and all is mind

Q is James Woods

Attached: q55ykyh17kny.png (1242x1348, 1.86M)

James Woods is James Alefantis


Not only could I believe fully that Based Woods is Q.. but that pic is the perfect example of why feminism exists.

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>Well there are 72 names of God

James Woods is a woman lmao

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616 is the number of the beast

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