It's time to face the facts you manbaby bigots. Game companies don't and shouldn't have to feed you toxic entitlement

It's time to face the facts you manbaby bigots. Game companies don't and shouldn't have to feed you toxic entitlement.

The time of cis white male heteronormative characters/stories is over and a new diverse and multicultural age filled with gender, sexual, and PoC view is upon us. And that's good thing.

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No one here gives a fuck about video games you stupid Jew, grow up

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> the optimal business strategy is to browbeat your customer base

It's so tiresome the way they presume that you are accepting their bullshit politics in order to buy their products. I purchase on a games ability (or assumed ability) to entertain me.

Whatever, people will just pirate your stuff or more than likely not play it at all. I wont.
(Or play games made by foreigners, which I do).


Welcome to videogames.

>Still talking about GG in 2018

1 post by this ID

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>Game companies don't and shouldn't have to feed you toxic entitlement.
Looks like I won't give them my money then.

>not realising we vote with our wallets
>not realising it's shifting back again like the overton window
>not realising the last few star shit movies alone proved our point, not to mention the lesbian of us 2.

They're not after money.

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Gamergate was the best thing to happen to gaming because it killed it.

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Sheessh...Hopefully ND goes under.

>calls people toxic manbabies
>cries angrily like a child
The left is so fucking retarded, it beggars belief.

>Invading the last refuge we had
>This is good for them

I played video games as a child. My sons will play sports. This is a victory. Thanks kikes for making whites fit again.

I can't wait to see Mainstream gaming eat itself alive. The only thing at E3 that looked good was RE2 and I am not entirely sure that it will even be good.

They will soon realize that the people who put out money and the people who take part in the video game journalism are two completely different entities. There will come a time where no one buys shit anymore.

You may not have heard m8 but gamings dead. Like Hollywood its in a bit of a crisis.

Implying I give a cent to the western gaming.
I only give my money to the Japanese.

Lefties want to get btfo'd. Its a literal fetish for them. They hate video games because it gave the white man something to do that wasn't stomping a fags head in. They don't actually believe that running gamers out of town is a victory for them. What they secretly know is that it will cause it backlash and they'll get to tell everyone how much of a victim they are after the backlash.

They see the down turn in sales for these AAA games. They aren't that stupid, but they couldn't care less about making a profit. The goal is to lose; they get off on it.

I don't play video games. Find something else to bitch about.

Fuck that shit, every year it gets worse, it's either DLCs, p2w lootboxes or some propaganda.
I'm sticking with my ps2 and older gens