Are they trolling or legitimately ignorant?

are they trolling or legitimately ignorant?

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The lack of self awareness here is actually making my head hurt

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They're completely aware. They're just fucking evil.

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>abortion shills caring about "reproductive justice"

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So the solution is to deport their whole family.

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This has to be ironic shitposting. Did they let an aussie handle their twitter?

Melania is against it. The best retort is to say it's to protect the children against trafficking. You have papers to prove the child is yours? Nope? Split.

>"keep families together"
>"ignore all the unborn kids we kill and separate from their fathers"
>include a drawing of a faggy looking spic dabbing with his mutt spawn
this is satire right?

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Which happens if they plead guilty... then the family is deported as a family unit.
If they make a bullshit asylum change, then the kid is separated for up to 20 days while they consider the merit of the case. If the family skips, then they were probably child trafficking.

The solution is to abort their whole family

>Repeal Hyde Art Project

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he looks like hes dabbing on his kid

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HE dabbin

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Holy Jesus that has to be the Onion!

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Say what you want about Planned Parenthood, they kill more niggers than anyone here ever will.

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The fact that this was for by tax payer funds fills me with homicidal rage.

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*paid for
I'm acoustic

>Separating children from the family that knew and raised them
>Getting rid of a child before it was even born and who nobody knew or had any attachment too
These are not the same thing.

>had no attachment
>physically attached to its mother before they destroy the skull with forceps
bretty good

id blow 4 hot loads into her pussy each and every fucking day. marriage from day one i love this hottie. so many sticky cummies to fill her fertile womb with

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pajit, take your proxy off

I would agree that a late term abortion is wrong, especially if it has grown enough to survive outside the womb, but before that, it is just a clump of cells inside the womb.

This is mental disease.

My aunt lives in the US because she married an American soldier, but I've never heard my grandfather demanding a *right* to go live with her in the US. He felt very sad being away from her, of course, but he also understood that if he wanted to see her, then either he would have to go there with a tourist visa or else she would have to come here and visit him for a couple of weeks, and that's how it always was.

Trolling they have killed more blacks then the entire history and slavery combined and they know it

Its why im pro abortion last thing we need are more future criminals running around



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how is a publicly funded organization so political?

nobody has bothered showing republicans in congress how political they are yet
'muh unborn chilluns' is one of the few things that can actually light a fire under their ass

So they want them to all go back? I agree.

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