Fuck you and your children

Fuck you and your children.

Attached: Haunebu-I.jpg (618x466, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt

Flying saucer has no shadow.

Attached: 1504416208555.gif (700x394, 1.9M)

Fuck me? Fuck you alien nigger

Your women smell like 3 billion year old sulfur, you lanky big headed grey fucker

Attached: IMG_0561.jpg (500x530, 66K)

You could build these yourself but NNNNOOOOO; you gotta get all nostalgic about some bygone era. Lame.

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I don't have any children. Can I fuck yours instead?

I don't have any vril.

If its anti gravity, would the light bend around it?

How do I build one? Spin mercury? Large rotating magnets? Will Trump disclose the Nazis in Antarctica and fight the NWO?

Just one of your many mistakes

weird, for so called chosen people

fuck you lying piece of scumbag shit

also you cant hide like that anymore, not since like, last month

inshalla muta fucka theyll be on our doorstep (which is also fucking fake) soon enough you fake mothafucka of kids

time has come again you asshole your fake wealth is worthless in this temple - just as your very convincing untruths are. out of the fucking temple and back to drifting you fucking assholes and take that golden calf with you

if that clear enough for you, asshole?

Everything you said is accurate......really makes me think.

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Can you redpill me on what a time phone is and how it works please?

t. fat fuck with no kids

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Bitch I've been following the timeline. We are fighting the Zog and all their evil AI creations. Humanity evolved to become interdimensional beings...imagine Terminator. AI vs Humans being sent back in time to make sure one doesn't win.

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No. They work similar to the Mesiner effect is true and the gravity goes around it, as would an electric field, but light wouldn't go around it, just like it doesn't go around in a superconductor.

There is no such thing as "anti gravity."

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Don't know wat da fug dat is

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Apparently there's technology that exists that allows a person to watch events unfold and decide which actions to take to get the desireable result. Think something kinda like that NEXT movie with Nic Cage. The one where he can see like 3 minutes in the future.


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Who are you referring to?

Why does he bleach his hair?

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I'd tell you, but the last time I posted physics shit on cold fusion, some fucking korean published it under his name.
That, and they told me to shut the fuck up about it and they threatened my job. Mostly some Jewish guy from Israel.

I heard he's in the great white brotherhood. Any truth to that?


Depends on your definition of "anti-gravity", doesn't it?

>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Western Europe by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas-tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if they were under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.

Then, 20 years after the war this
>The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, United States.
several years after the war

inb4 its a weatherballoon or basedus capsule
>It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan – Windsor, Canada area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio,[1]

page 91 of
vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO Part 12 of 16/view
Prisoner of war talking about a "circular aircraft" rising out of a german facillity during WW2. Also read 88

Just 1,5 pages, dont be lazy
Talks about a german engineer that worked on flying saucers

just one paragraph, dont be a lazy cunt (the one with big [] around it)
Talks about flying saucers in Argentina and Antarctica

2 men in eastern germany in metallic clothing jump into a flying saucer and fly away in east germany (document from 1952, no idea when the incident happened

And some semi related doc with pics

Attached: kecksburg bell.jpg (727x490, 77K)

You're talking to "I view the world, and you can only view my world" American user

article you can read here for a few shekels
otherwise you can confirm the headline for free

could post more on nazi UFOs and hollow earth, but it would flood the thread, so here a link to a thread with everything i have

Attached: nyt mystery.gif (399x350, 40K)


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the real reason for that

Attached: UFO.jpg (960x558, 122K)


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Fucking kike shill

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Lets say I build this... I'm pretty confident of the physics of it.
And lets say I had a power source...
Who would be up to an ethnostate on Mars? Can't terriform it first, sadly, and you're gonna have to live in underground vaults Zubrin style...
Anyone wanna ticket?
PS.... you're gonna get some rads that might be a bit above the OSHA recommendations.
PSS Gonna need some German boys because I suspect the Germans may be there already. Need a translator to say we come in peace.

kill yourself, faggot.

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Actually statistically it's much more likely that you're Jewish.

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yet its you who floods the thread with irrelevant bullshit. makes me think, and thanks for the (You)s

Attached: Vrill saucers.png (1600x975, 1.47M)


My Jew-jitsu is stronger than yours Solomon.

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Oh look, multiple flags come in to defend the german bot because it got caught. Really makes me think...

enjoy your rats I guess, man. Maybe they wont shit all over the rug and die of a monster energy drink overdose before they become a liability to you.

Doesn't change your Jewish genes one bit Shlomo.

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Look up AlienScientist on youtube, watch his older videos.

Krav maga... because they literally check for lethality on Palestinians.

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Now ya'll are gonna get me to stop playing video games and make a cold fusion reactor and a flying saucer.

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you people in general.

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mate, i appreciate it, but by engaging him you derail the thread only further. if the person reading isnt retarded he can judge for himself wether its legit or not, if he is retarded there is nothing to do either way i suppose

Attached: Silver balls.jpg (297x383, 55K)

Some time ago they discovered a grave deep in the mountains of russia.
In there they found a crate containing among some other stuff 2 skulls of unknown origin (look into the article to see those. Could very well be the skull of a grey alien, which i believe to be demons though. It also contained a letter (pic related) talking about a "biosynthetic body" aka artificialbody. Maybe an empty shell created for demons to possess them and then interact with this world better?

Attached: nazi letter grave.jpg (1784x600, 321K)

the skulls

Attached: skull 2.jpg (590x350, 58K)

>Admiral Richard E Byrd made the announcement today that the United State are required to take protective meassures against the possibillity of an Invasion of the country though hostile aircafts originating from the polar area
>The Admiral said that he didnt want to scare anyone, but the bitter reality is that in case of a new war the United States could be attacks by aircrafts that can fly from pole to pole.
>The Admiral stated the necessity to be in a state of alert and watchful along the whole icebelt which would be the last fortitude against an invasion.
what did he mean by this?

Attached: Byrd pole to pole complete.jpg (1725x919, 798K)

Attached: total surrender.jpg (357x351, 20K)

kys faggot

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Lol is that u Bodhi? Been wondering were u been

"Herp derp, would light go around it?!"

Then how would you be able to see it, you idiot.

We nuked Antarctica in the early 60s. Nobody knows why.

But I have no children?


Attached: Black_Sun_2.svg.png (1024x1024, 80K)

no, bodhi usually keeps claiming how im stealing his info and how we should check out his channel. this seems to be someone else i guess

This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
archive.org/stream/InterviewWithMr.WilhelmLandig/Interview with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
A transscipt of the interview for the non-german anons


You mean the KEKSBURG Bell!

Attached: happy-cia-black-project-day-i-mean-worldufoday-we-x-24651749.png (500x567, 85K)

>That meme flag
Of fucking course.

t.roastie sipping on some boones farm wine coolers

There's no such thing as "gravity"

Attached: 1518327299821.jpg (1000x625, 208K)

I'm sorry to hear that. Gooks are soulless.

Attached: Vril saucer.jpg (714x540, 50K)

Got anything on thorium?
I'm interested in possibilities of small reactors for powering homesteads for a long duration.

I wish there was some open source plans on this stuff.

Isn't gravity just 2 different kinds of waves? Gravity A and Gravity B?

Cannot have cannon that shoots physical rounds because that will destabilize the craft.

What is a recoilless rifle?

Looks real tho

I haven't seen him in months. He once posted this, one of my top 10's, if not no. 1.

Attached: 1524721261123.jpg (720x451, 42K)

are there actually rifles without recoil? i know of bazookas not having recoil by firing a projectile with equal force into the opposite direction, but didnt hear about rifles having that feature

Attached: witness 1.jpg (721x930, 136K)

Holy fuck, thank you!!!

German user is Bodhi Mantra. It's the same Ai

well, i have a difficult relationship with him. he supposedly has good stuff on his channel as i was told, but i refuse to check it out because whenever i see him he acts like a total bitch. i never see him posting any info, only always his channel and some article (which i again refuse to check out because of his behaviour). he then claims im stealing his info even though i steal it from people in my threads and discord, which he claims are all people from him because appearently he thinks he is the sole source of anything. also im still wrong with everything according to him. but well....

you are welcome. if you like that thread linked in there maybe check out one of these

the occult principles behind 9/11

or if you are more about history (currently ongoing)
also have some stuff on nazi UFOs and hollow earth

Pizzagate (ctrl + f "hogg" or "paddock" dor the parkland shooting or vegas shooting)

NASA being lying pieces of shit

MKUltra (the 3 post about ays in here are in there, but also some additional stuff on other kinds of behavior controll)

JFK files and clinton mails that were released recently

Attached: witness 2.jpg (650x948, 127K)

Many thanks German UFO user.

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Why are all humans such miserable faggots?

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Fake and gay

that pic is from the same batch of files as this here is. pic related are instructions on how to get to Agartha/Hollowearth via Submarine and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it). Nikolai Subbotin, russian journalist who seems to have some reputation, has an interview about these documents. but sadly its in russian with german subtitles only. but if you speak either of those languages:

Attached: Agartha instructions translated full.jpg (2232x1256, 777K)

Attached: New swabia resettlement.jpg (1311x850, 341K)

Attached: new swabia difficulties.jpg (2954x1124, 525K)

Attached: Earth hollow.png (1614x1186, 3.75M)

Based space natzees poster

the fuck is this shit? fuck off with

>provides documentation that goes against the official narrative
>rEEeeEEEeeEEeEEeeeE leave Jow Forums now!!!11!1

I really want to believe, but I simply cannot. How can it be that this technology has not been recreated by anyone outside of nazi germany and the USA?
And considering just how much money could be in this shit, why hasn't this technology been leaked to US manufacturers to further cement the leading role of the us economy in the world? Why still hide this shit after nearly 80 years?

>How can it be that this technology has not been recreated by anyone outside of nazi germany and the USA?
its was, they just arent telling you. black triangle UFOs for example likely is a US off shoot of them. its military technology kept secret to keep the edge over the others

Attached: neumayer station lights 2.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Good goy.