How can I persuade this dark corner of the Internet

If this picture doesn't do it, then I don't know what will. I'm one of those few democrats that don't resort to 'Rules for Radicals' tactics. I will just try to resonate with you using this picture.

You were a child once, remember?

Attached: 35474736_10210218730379303_8213506010157940736_n.jpg (960x684, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yes but I hate children.

He'll be a grown-up soon. Remember?

I bet he's smuggling heroin. Someone give this little bastard a full cavity search.

Good grief, fuck off with this stuff. The American lawyers in Mexico convincing these poor people to do this need to be hunted down and put in jail for treason

Blame their irresponsible parents for putting them through this.

I was once a LEGAL child

You can go fuck off memeflag.

Attached: mexican-spic-enrichment.jpg (2000x1600, 1.44M)

What about when it grows up into this? Some of us live for more than our immediate emotional gratification.

Attached: Mexican white male.jpg (950x942, 211K)

REEEEEEEEE open your borders goyim reeeeeeeeeeeeee the children reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Drumpt argghhhh noooooooo

Attached: psyop.jpg (1076x928, 180K)

>trying to tug heartstrings on Jow Forums.
Of all the things to waste time on.

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What are you even arguing? That we should put children into jails along with their parents?

Attached: mexicanpointyboots.jpg (629x358, 32K)

Exactly. Try to enter a country illegally- with your kids- and blame the country. There are plenty of stupid parents. Can't stop that.

Attached: mexico-long-pointy-boots.jpg (560x525, 49K)

>I'm one of those few democrats that don't resort to 'Rules for Radicals' tactics
>proceededs to literally resorts to rules for radicals tactics

Attached: replace_plan.jpg (1023x1278, 334K)

You have to go back

>posting pic of la creatura

What am I supposed to see ?

no, you're one of those liberals who resort to... 'oh look he's crying, quick burn the constitution'

>What am I supposed to see ?
your future, goyim

Attached: diversity.jpg (646x792, 151K)

This has been happening for 8 years when Obama was president. Yet you werent complaining then. Why is that?

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When I was a child, I did not invade another country and insist that they ignore their laws and let me in anyway. Neither did my parents put me in harm's way by using me as a human shield so they could break the laws of another country.

They're coming to America

Attached: a.jpg (447x559, 83K)

Fuck off.

Attached: feelsadgoyim.jpg (980x649, 103K)

This picture convinces me that we need more border enforcement. If the borders were well guarded then this kid's parents never would have been allowed to create this terrible situation for their child. The parents did the crime, now the child will suffer for the parents' mistakes.

Mi kill pussyclot for fun

mexican children should be dead

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>Immigration policy is decided by looking at pictures.

Leftists really are retarded.

Convince me of what? That parents shouldn't put kids in danger and break another country's laws?

When i was his age i was almost killing my parents and had two girlfriends; one of which liked stabbing her pets to death. This kid's a faggot and so are you.

wtf is that kid okay?

Actually, that would be better. My family was put in jail in East Germany, but it wasn't so bad because our parents were there to soothe us. Hitler also kept families together. It is more humane.

That said, the parents are fucking douchebags for breaking the law with their kids

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Someone needs to mail a bomb to Kogan

I was just about to say

Fuck your feels faggot snowflake. We didn't blink with a dead syrian kid on a beach, we don't give a fuck about a pampered spic being looked after by the police.

And it must be awful op. I truly do feel bad for the kids, but what's a country to do? Just open the borders? Say "rules and laws don't apply here"? People seek a better life, and come inside of our borders. If the borders weren't there, there wouldn't be a better life here. Does that make sense?

It's about the rule of law leftanon. The law says no crossing the border without permission, if you do that you have to go back

yeah i was a child to actual citizens of this country. the parents of that kid can take him and themselves and fuck off

Someone post that edit of Hulk Hogan elbow dropping the kid.

>1 post by this ID
Can reddit niggers fuck off

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Fuck off kike. We’re sick of your shit.

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This isnt somthing new or interesting. Life is harsh to people of all ages. Sucks but thats how it is.

Why the fuck did his parents try to cross the border with him asshole? His parents didn't give two shits about him and you expect me to? KYS you child-fucking Kike.

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the children did nothing wrong but the blame should be put on the parents for trying to enter illegally.

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The children
Their parents
The activists behind the NGOs
The media
Then YOU

shes sorta cute

>You were a child once, remember?
Yep, and my parents weren't criminal pieces of shit.

I don't give a fuck, send him and his shitty parents back.

Absolutely heartbreaking.
Deport them together with their parent.

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Kate Steinle was a child once, too. Now become even more insulting to America than you and this post currently are.

Meet Kate Steinle, garbage tier illegotrash.

Attached: ht_kate_steinle_05_jc_150706_4x3_992.jpg (992x744, 109K)

Tell you what faggot, when a burglar breaks into your house and gets arrested, I'll tell everyone to be sympathetic to his kids, sound good?

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What about all the white children? I rarely see any stories about them. Its always so one sides.

Its always browns or black kids who dindu nuffin. They make up over half the worlds population. Whites are only 6% world population.

Really puts into perspective who one should feel sorry for...

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Steel Ball Run looking good.

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Absolutely. We should all break into his house and move in, claim it's "dangerous" where we moved from, proceed to wear his clothes, eat his food, rape his woman and steal his shit and then issue cute photos of ourselves looking all scawy scawed between officers doing their fucking job to try to remove us. And dox any friends of his who disagree.

Nice appeal to emotion faggot. When are you going to stop using children to hide the fact that your arguements are garbage?

Forgot pic.

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This is what we need to start doing to any Jew in the US since they do this to these poor children.

Dont Jewish people have a soul? How cruel!

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His parents put him in a tough spot and soon they will owe child support.
The same happens when any child's parents commit crimes and go to jail.

OP, someone who wants to dispossess Americans used that child.

OP, Democrats now want to claim it is legitimate for a political party to DISPOSSESS AMERICANS





OP is a traitor

OP wants to dispossess Americans and is defending child exploitation in order to dispossess Americans

OP, you do realize that someone made the decision to put that child's life at risk

OP, you do realize that someone made the decision to use that child as a weapon to wage war against the USA

OP, you do realize that dispossession is an act of war

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what really pisses me off about OP is how much OP sounds like my mother or father

my parents are both worthless liberals

absolute trash people
Child Border Crossers Have Higher Standard of Living than 13M Impoverished American Children

Poor thing, looks like he's homesick. Time to send him back.

Any parent that puts their kids on top of a train for hundreds of miles, drags them through a desert with drug smugglers, and crams them like sardines into a tractor trailer in 110* heat deserves to lose their children.

Attached: illegals-truck.jpg (690x920, 51K)

>the same left that uses rules for radicals
>trust us we are the good guys

>Dont Jewish people have a soul? How cruel!
In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned slaves.

That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it much higher.

There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.

40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just 0.7% of the population.

Attached: jew slave owners.jpg (602x233, 64K)


Attached: jews cotton trade.jpg (1275x1632, 467K)

Boomers are fucking trash

Attached: slave trade examples.jpg (602x432, 104K)

>i'll ignore all context by attempting at appeal to emotion while we intentionally flood the country with illegals and change the demographic make up
>i just want more people here who will vote for free gibs like me
>and when this doesnt work ill sperg out like the rest of my fellow loonies

Attached: lib-sperg-democrat.png (328x314, 60K)

Attached: jew gaslighting.jpg (810x777, 201K)

this is classic liberalism

using a sense of guilt rather than a political argument to demoralize political opponents

OP, you are using the weapons of demoralization and dehumanization against the people of the USA

OP, you are trying to suggest that someone, who is not a USA citizen, has a right to send his or her child to the USA to be used as HUMAN WEAPON to wage war and dispossession against USA citizens

OP, you are trying to suggest that USA citizens should accept DEFEAT and that if they DEFEND the territory of the USA then they are BIG MEANIES

guess what, OP


I do not accept defeat

I reject defeat

OP, give me the name of this child

this child has participated in an attack on the USA

OP, give me the name of this child


>1 post by this id
>10 heartbreaking pictures that will make you say "fuck borders and laws and shit."

You don’t have shithead boomer parents?

Fuck off you pathetic parasite

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My parents never broke the law.

Fuck whatever border jumping parasite decided to use that innocent kid as a human shield / bargaining chip

A friendly reminder whites are the true minority. Lay your emotions to rest and see things as they are.

The jew inverts reality. The opposite is truth.

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Yeah I remember being bullied my kids who looked like him


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Came looking for this

>soon they will owe child support.
This is a good damn point. Separate, incarcerate, then back charge the deadbeat parents for that good American daycare. Either that or they finally learn to stay on their side of the border. No other race does this shit! Are Latinos literally this fucking brazen and entitled or stupidity??

Attached: 374.png (200x192, 62K)

the democrats created the laws that separate families you stupid fucking gay faggot lib

That's some serious pilpul right there

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until liberals stop promoting abortion they have no room to talk about immigration policy.

califruityas illegal alien schools have banned the American flag - meaning near all of them...

imagine the smell

Load up TOR or freenet and you'll see the dark side of the internet

I’ll support if you support getting rid of Jewish/israel influence across the global fair trade

those are entirely separate issues dumbass

>dark corner

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that one made the clock bomb the libs cried and awarded the terrorist and his potus aspiring foreigner pappy millions in freebies
demos love terrorists
bil;layers is their greatest hero, besides his political muslim protoge' obama

Simple solution. Stay in your own fucking country.