Now that Trump's Republican Party has turned its back on free trade and is starting to run up trillion dollar deficits...

Now that Trump's Republican Party has turned its back on free trade and is starting to run up trillion dollar deficits, should libertarians run more 3rd party candidates and try to spoil elections for the Republicans?

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No, because then democrats win and we all live under socialism until the next revolution.

We're already living under socialism.

I thought "libertarian" was something Nazis called themselves in public so as not to raise suspicion? I mean, has anyone ever actually heard a "libertarian" espouse an opinion that made sense?

>Americans dying of obesity
>living under socialism
Idiot detected

>implying socialism has some kind of actual meaning instead of just being a vague noise signifiying "things I don't like or scare me"
wew, user


yes, i talked to some korean dude on a bus that talked about libertarianism, seemed legit

>40 years of Reganomics
>Shit keeps getting worse
>Damn RINOs!
>"Republican in Name Only"
the lesson is that ideology is for retard cucks

I don't think nuking Japan has much to do with libertarianism though

Literal whataboutism. Who said that I support cuckservatives? I dont

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Libertarians can do whatever they want because they don't matter as a voter demographic.

yeah lets just let the democrats win again

kys meme flag

Forget libertarians. Forget republicans, democrats , and all the rest. Time for WAR.

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Shut up idiot.

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This is who the Libertarian Party ran one year for governor of Alabama. It's a party of degenerates.

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grow up, then you’ll realize you should join Bernie’s effort to overthrow and rebuild the democratic party

She also got into a battle with the Alabama prison system because she wanted to be able to visit relatives in prison while not wearing panties. Apparently it's a rule that visitors must wear underwear to keep them from smuggling in contraband. But she is against underwear in general and demanded to be excluded from this rule. This is who the Libertarian voters felt was a good choice for governor.

>Apparently it's a rule that visitors must wear underwear to keep them from smuggling in contraband.
what kind of idiot thought up that rule?

I voted for the libertarian last election.
I knew trump would win in my county and was hoping for the 5% rollercoaster

>>Shit keeps getting worse
How is shit getting worse though? Do people have better goods and services today or back then? If they're better, then quality of life is up.

>now that we're running trillion dollar debts
>now that we're running

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How would NOT wearing panties to prison make it easier to smuggle contraband? If you have rules like that, then perhaps a libertarian could improve your system a lot.

You have no clue, Estonia.

It's just prudes making excuses.