BREAKING: PATRICK LITTLE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 2020. Patrick is currently fielding candidates nationwide willing to name jewish supremacism and run for office in 2020.


>Reuters election night interview:


>Patrick Little best moments compilation


>Fake news MSNBC lies about Patrick Little



@SensoredCandid8 on twitter



The goal here is to redpill the masses and make the JQ mainstream. Either by winning the election, or by stealing enough votes from Trump to pressure him into naming the Jew. But even if those two things don't occur, the fact that he is running in an election will bring more attention to the JQ anyways.

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Other urls found in this thread:


AFD: m.youtube.com/watch?v=gJwREtcgbOU&layout=mobile&client=mv-google&skipcontrinter=1


This man is a democrat shill trying to make the maga movement look like antisemetic nazis. Sage in all fields.

Idiot would do better to run for mayor in a smaller northern California town

like we couldn't see this jew shit from a mile away


Cry more kike :)

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>stealing enough votes from Trump

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>supporting a Zionist orange

Y'all losers gonna lose.

We got +50k votes with only $5000 and zero media attention. Plus election fraud.

I'm pretty sure Patrick little is a shill put out there to make trump lose the presidency

You'll take 1-3% in the election away from republicans. And not just make Trump lose make the democrats win

People who did better in politics than Patrick Little

Why to you retarded have a video of him getting btfo as the first link in his own general?

drown yourself in semen

This is worth getting the JQ out to the masses desu

Literally a dnc shill archive.fo/bJfdV

Inb4 Zionist kike

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Patrick little is an agent provocateur hired by the dems to split the republican vote. Do not let these d&c agents deter you from the MAGA movement. We are about to accomplish some magnificent things soon and we will not stray away from the path. Once these fuckin Muslims strike the dome, we can begin rebuilding the 3rd temple. G-d wills it!

>Do not let these d&c agents deter you from the MAGA movement.
The maga movement is too kosher. We are moving in a more prowhite direction from now on

>t. shareblue

Trump is a ZOGGED brainlet who gets his foreign policy from Bolton, It then gets crafted by Kushner and then implemented by Trump. He keeps the economic sector flowing the way it needs to flow for them, into Jewish hands and out of the lower rungs. The military is ready as ever to fight, bleed and die in piles for israel and have made it quite explicit for sometime now that they will do anything and everything for them, They pushed out this Zog mutt puppy on national TV to proclaim we all need to die for the Jews. You can't get more explicit then having a military spokesmutt extolling the wishes of the administration to be the BEST GOYIM for Israel. This has been a nearly three hundred year contest to see who can suck more Jewish dick, For awhile it was france, For a long time it was Britain, Now of course its America and boy are they making a mockery of themselves. FOX news might push out a revealing artcile against Judaism every now and then but they haven't changed hands at all, they are still run by Jews and funded by saudis.

Overall when Qanon said that they will "Save Israel for last" that should have been enough of a clue for everyone to figure out that they are just going to do all the jewish shit in the second term when it counts.


If anyone glows here Yiddish slime its you.

>if you're prowhite you must be shareblue
You altists continue to show more and more of your hand each day. Its clear whose team you are on

Who is Patrick Little?


tl;r a Jewish TRS plant like all the other e-celebs

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>Cry more kike :)

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Woah that's fucking so unique of every Republican since the beginning of time.

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If the democrats didn't want to make supporting antiwhite policies the lliteral pedestal of their parties goals then I would have voted for you fuckers last election cycle but you seem to be content with letting Progressives and marxists run rampant and supporting them at every turn.


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Stay mad D&C shill.

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I have to choose between these two

Jews who want to destroy Europe and would more then gladly genocide all of them, Even the poles that helped them


Satanists (My Uncle knows General Powell, Dont even try to fucking argue against this) who have historically supported NAMBLA and other sadistic shit. Actually the most im ok with is the human child sacrificing because its on the light side of fucked up shit that has been done to others. Most of the kids are fucking brown anyway.

Yea I bet you Zionist loving republishit lmao

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Thanks for posting that image that backs up what I have posted you fucking retard.

The average shit that a D&C shill would say.

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Get fucked and read my most recent reply dumbass.


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You can be pro-white without being a edgy faggot.

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>Supporting a Zionist warrior ape like him


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Keep flashing migamutt.

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Explain to me why I should vote democrat.

Alright the numerals have spoken, I hope the progressives Icon of Multiculturalism and fuck whitey hangs off of the mural of Jefferson Davis.

Are you saying that Noko is now a cia state just because of Kim wanting Peace with Trump?

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I wonder why a media owned by the Rotschilds is butthurt about the Summit.

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He's right though. Trump's only job was to keep Hillary out and I will only vote for him again if Dems run someone as equally shitty.

Buchanan Says otherwise.

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I didn't even reply to you Botfaggot.
Rothschilds have been on the decline for a hundread years, Their heiress is getting fucked by some soundcloud rapper and people still think they pull the strings. Its absolutely fucking hilarious. Now they do have influence in british and israeli politics and have significant financial power (only real power to be had other then military desu) but other then that they are so out of the times its not even funny.

I didn't realize Buchanan knows who I'll vote for. can you ask him the winning lottery numbers?

>democrat shill trying to make the maga movement look like antisemetic nazis
if you dont hate jews for the atrocities they have committed on mankind from teaching children the lie of the holocaust to their running of the slave trade, then your fucked up bro.

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I wonder why they fear the end of Liberal Democracy then.

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looking at this retard article....
its all tldr so def made by the kikes, long story short is they say Little is a Zionist Jew because he hates jews.

Hating jews needs to become more mainstream no matter who promotes it, as long as the word gets out. The jewish neo nazis and dailystorm.israel all are pro jewish and distract all topics into blaming niggers or muslims, but lately mostly asians. Jews really do fear the samurai, but they distract from Jews so all those tards forget that jews are the problem and spend their time on hating every other race except the one causing the problems.

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if only RBG would fucking die of a heart attack already.

>my attention span is rekt by decades of viddya
why do you think i condense the information, user? i realize user's attn spans are terrible. you arent going to turn anyone off to the truth by saying
i already accounted for that :^)

>you arent going to turn anyone off to the truth by saying
fuck off jew, you dont tell the truth.

All you do is say all these other people are Jews that we already knew are then say Little is a jew because he hates jews. I mean I know your inbred, but get your head checked man, you cant even think straight, let alone present them without those jewish gymnastics of yours which is just evidence of your fucked up genes.

Now go be schizophrenic somewhere else.

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Because they are too fucking weak to deal with strongarm countries that have a decent amount of power. They sperged out so hard against saddam. They are starting to see "EBIL HITLER" in Trump even though he is bought out by a Jewish community who they can just meet over a few bagels and apple juice and hash things out jew to jew.

>all you do is prove these people are Jews
fixed it for you. the best part is TRS can no longer produce these e-celebs because Jow Forums is now very much aware of how they're manufactured and spread. forced memes are forced. how mad?



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>the best part is TRS can no longer produce these e-celebs because Jow Forums is now very much aware of how they're manufactured and spread.
Yea I said the same thing you did.... and thats a good thing.

Just because their jews like I said doesnt mean Little is a jew, or Obama. I mean thats basically what you did, you said ah-ha their jews, which we already knew, then use that to say Little is a Jew which makes no sense you fucking kike. We already knew for what like years TRS was all jews, that was nothing new, google could tell you that.

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Little is a Jew because his family is Jewish as already proven by the link here: Now Jow Forums knows. Now Jow Forums doesn't fall for the anti-Semitism meme irl. Now MOSSAD can't produce a new e-celeb to replace Patrick Little.


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You dumb fucking kike, literally I could make a twitter account spam Little and say im a zionist kike. There is no evidence that this girl was his campaign manager, your just making shit up like the kike you are. I never heard him mention her, and you post no proof she works for him via pay stubs from his funds or anything.

Go inbreed somewhere else like Einstein who was so dumb no woman wanted him so he ended up marrying his first cousin to keep the incest going like the Jew he is.

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>here is no evidence that this girl was his campaign manager
evidence in the link


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there is no evidence there she was his campaign manager you inbred kike. Show us the pay stubs, show us where they interact with campaign strategy or where he says SHE IS HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGER.

You wont find it because it doesnt exist, your just an inbred kike who thinks if someone posts a tweet their a campaign manager because your literally that retarded.

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pic related says you're wrong. seriously...tell me how mad you are rite nao.

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>still with the bs d&c narrative
you seems to ignore how Shapiro feels about Trump meeting with Kim.

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oh no no no no honey child what's this?


>b-but no proof!

im going to take a shower now. when i get back i'd like an assessment of your anger level.

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>pic related says you're wrong. seriously...tell me how mad you are rite nao.
Im not she says she worked for him, there is no proof of that from him or anyone else. No funding to her directly from Little. Your grabbing at straws you inbred kike.

I could set up robocalls on behalf of any campaign and say im Trumps campaign manager, and id sound just as spergy and inbred as you do when you post that dumb shit.

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there is no proof there you inbred.... keep looking at clouds making it into what you want like the fake holocaust.

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Nothing on that link shows his family is a jew, all the link does is call out other people as jews we already knew about.

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Normal people don't destroy flags user

There's a Tavistock afoot

stop being all butthurt kike, your jewish fragility is showing.

*pinches your cheek*

You're adorable.

So retarded, realistically he's just going to embarrass himself, but worst case scenario he splits the conservative vote and hands the election to the niggers. What's wrong with him? I voted for this guy but he's making a mistake, he needs to wait until 2024 for this shit.

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Do you come in a little mossad box I can keep in my pocket?

to go with your menorah? literally sit on it and spin rabbi. Then post it to pornhub like the inbred you are.

Never before seen levels of adorable.

Incredible stuff.

*pinches other cheek*

Looks like you got the grooming down to a science, are you born with as part of your inbred DNA because your a jew?

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Spencer 2.0

I groom daily user, you should try it, start with some soap and water.

>I groom daily user
Bet ya do like the pervy jew you are on kids.

Finally the TRS doing something good for once....
And I thought they were Jew shills!!

Betting man are you?

I'm a bit of a Matador

>TRS doing something good
>not Jew shills

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It will be too late by then. Little is our last hope.

>splits the conservative vote
He wishes

now unable to force-feed a new eceleb makes PL your last hope, yes

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It takes two to split. Stop splitting vote Patrick Little - get a little more from your vote.
(Could pun all day with that name. It's just my Little joke)

>It takes two to split. Stop splitting vote Patrick Little - get a little more from your vote.
Rabbis, rabbis, calm down go inbreed with your sister and get some sleep. Little will fail in any run for president, I mean how fucking scared are you Jews?

Even I know he has no chance to ever even see a debate stage. So with that said, go to bed, sleep well, and worry about it in like 20 years if he is even alive then. Your just wasting time and energy worrying about Little for president which is fantasy.

Find someone better than Little.
Pro-tip: You can't.

God bless Patrick Little!

He needs 15% in polling,
Even Jill has more chance lmao.

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