
How does it feel that the left has multi billion dollar platforms that will shove their narrative down our throats with EASE. Do you feel uneasy or nervous about this uneven playing field?

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The left hit peak media control and won the culture war. It abruptly failed when people realized that the narrative was completely removed from reality.

They've been losing ground ever since and will not recover.

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the picture that made America do a 180 and scream fuck borders n shiet

This will not end well for them.

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The founding fathers were uneasy about their decisions as-well

Why would you feel uneasy? They did this shit x1000 during the election and Trump still won.

fucking saved lmao

>yfw a group of neet shitposters with nothing but memes is beating multi cultists billion dollar media

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i hope you like ovens hebe

Fine. The MSM does our work for us. Look at trust in the media ratings. No one except people who already vote shitlib are going to be fooled by this bullshit.

>...and that's a good thing
>...and you should be outraged
>...and no one noticed

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What about the white children?

Shitskins are a global majority.

I like having things like Jow Forums for us. The left needs censorship or outright lies to validate what they say and as the internet grows they will not be able to hide the truth

how does it know that the Right owns all the arms in this nation and everyday they are more willing to use them?

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makes it all the more funnier when people get tired of being told how to feel. Humans dont like being forced to do things.

>people caring about others
>People voting cause an illegal won't take his kid with him


>implying this is a human rights issue and not a bunch of emotional retards perpetuating child trafficking by exposing the plot to save the kids

if you thought clickbait headlines couldn't get any worse, now they tell you what opinion your should have

That poor kid was born into a shit family. I do feel bad for her, but I blame the parents 100%

>fleeing economic poverty
Kid has new shoes, new pants and new jacket on.

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The mere fact that there's a pic and a story makes these documented. Documented to be breaking the law.

Did the Dems let these prisoners out so their kids would not be "ripped away"

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A toddler is crying?! I never heard of toddlers ever doing anything like that. Clearly the only reason a two-year-old would cry is a nation founded by White people enforcing it's borders.

see any shoelaces? that's sad as fuck
>and why you should feel bad

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i didn't know sissy hypnosis videos went mainstream

The parents broke the law, they get the boot, same shit if it was white illegals. They need to go, end of story.

Jesus christ, as a man, and I dare say - even more so if I were a woman, I wouldn't even consider having sex let alone sex for the purpose of reproducing if I even thought for a minute there was a

Right-wingers have a priceless platform; it's called reality.

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it's a little kid and her mom, trying to have a better life.... you aren't working to better yourself, you're on Jow Forums

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>Jow Forums against the world
It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

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I don't get it. You don't get to bring your child with you when you get sent to prison. What is the difference?

It's pretty bad at this point that I have to read 8 different articles on the same story just to find the facts. PBS news hour is pretty solid though. I mainly just read Economist and Foreign Affairs at this point and avoid "breaking news" unless it is actually important.

what kind of sick parents would put their children in this situation

She's so fucking hot. Dons a lucky man

I really dont feel bad at all for the dumb ass decisions that the child mother did to put her thru all of this.

>these people think they get free shot when they cross the border illegally
>they abuse our welfare and free housing just to invite more of their own family and crime syndicates

Welfare isn't work. They would just be more WIC recipients.

When someone has to spend a billion dollars to be competitive against something I can do for the cost of three beers, I don't feel scared.

I feel fucking smug, user.

Clearly it's problem, but they are losing power by the day.
Thanks to the internet, their bottleneck on the flow of information has been obliterated. It's mostly only boomers that are getting concentrated doses of that propaganda now.

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So kids of lawbreakers are separated from their illegal alien parents vía ICE, but every day, American fathers are separated from their kids by our very own court system. i guess one can be used as a tool for political gain, and the other one cant, which spells out why the liberal media choses to exploits one, and never decrys the other.

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Fucking gross

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Yep, that pic is pretty much what I saw when I briefly went to Mexico. Too bad there isn't a white guy standing the photo to show how short they all are.

How delusional do you have to be to believe this? As long as they completely own the media and narrative lies they push, they will always been in the lead of the culture war because once Trump is done, they'll just install their next puppet to turn us into the UK.

>Do you feel uneasy or nervous about this uneven playing field?

>Yep, that pic is pretty much what I saw when I briefly went to Mexico.

What are you talking about? That's America son.

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Nice shill post.

No one is buying it. Econ and FA are garbage.

Wypipo is doomed

Literally saw this same thing on twitter moments 10 minutes ago. "Iconic" give me a fucking break. Also Laura Bush is trending mysteriously but with know numbers to quantify the number of interactions.

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I mean ENOUGH people are seeing the headlines for the sensationalized bullshit that they are and see the hidden agenda. Enough people to win elections, until a new media emerges. They are done.

>18 images that will make you say "fuck having laws and borders n shit"

I like how all of them show number of tweets only, yet Laura Bush's is literally a fucking headline with no numbers.

We won't be able to win elections once the demographic shift has reached the point of no return, which is mighty close. White people need to just straight up give up on working 9-5s, for militias and overthrow every state government as well as the federal government. It's the only way out at this point.

>Sending your children to invade a foreign country because you are a piece of shit.

They are as bad as the Arabs strapping bombs to their children.
Kick them all out.

Let them spend their billions in a futile effort to obscure the truth. Anyone who is paying attention knows that their money is only going to those who agree with them, and they are a vestige of the past.

How does it feel to be LOOSING to some autists on a crappy site?

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The majority of the people still watching television media are 50+

They aren't going to win. These fucking retards took the internet for granted and failed to adapt. The Youth control the internet, not boomers/ gen xers and their failed ideals.

Its over, we won and civil war will come.

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>crappy site
Why do I keep coming back, user? I should be through with this autistic crap.

This is why fighting is the only option. Trump just slowed things down, but thats not a good thing because technology is getting better and better everyday. We need to force the revolution NOW as opposed to later.

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We are the media now. CNN is nothing more than a left-wing blog no one pays any attention to anymore.

they do this shit often with whatever narrative they are trying to shill. Whats the difference between a bunch of russian twitter bots running up a phrase to get it trending and some fucking asshole leftists at twitter simply typing in a cpuple lines of input. This type of shit is why I know i'm on the right side of history.

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But the censorship from Google, Facebook, twitter, etc. is only going to get worse and normies don't even notice.

The bots aren't from Russia, they're from Google.

I'd say the Left seems pretty desperate if they're gonna resort to concern trolling on a Monday

Why is that tiger so fat?

>yet google, facebook, and twitter are all jew controlled leftist propaganda

You are fucking delusional. We are loosing, and its going to be a long fight.

this guy is right. they are doubling down on censorship and almost 99% of normie internet use is facebook/google/twitter

a huge percent of people get all their news from facebook, and they only see what the zuck wants them to see

we should write an onion article making fun of these headlines

>This thing happened and this is how you should feel about it

They would have to ban half the people on social media and Jow Forums to "win"

Its not going to happen. Its too late for them. Europe will rise and then America.

When did they rename our Armed Forces 'the Right?'

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I hope so, but it just seems to me that evil always wins in this world. Throughout history, every time white people achieve something great it's immediately torn down by barbarians.

Rabbi, all your shekels mean nothing in the face of unbridled autism focused like a laser beam.

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didn't the onion shut down because real news was becoming indistinguishable from parody?
...or was that itself just an onion article?

Pretty sure children have ALWAYS been the most abused creatures on this planet, except dogs. We don't deserve dogs.

>with ease
yes, that's why Trump won, because those multi billion dollar platforms worked so well

These are written by an algorithm

>2k is a lot
I got more follows posting squirrel pussy. If you actually had something interesting to say people would pay attention to it.

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This is what the average beaner goblin spawn looks like

Yes, how dare they point out the Trump administration doing something unforgivable.

because he's a good baby boy

Because (((they))) control the language, and the narrative.

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you need to be fighting dirty back. Regularly false flag your local zoo. Just call the police on them until they leave your community.

doesn't matter. All it took for me from being a semi-centrist with Left leaning policies to a full on NatSoc 1488 was Jow Forums and the internoobs. Younger generations only use their tvs for vidya and high-def porn. They use the internoobs for the info they want to gather. Gen Zyklon in particular gets most of its news from the internoobs, tons of them coming to this site in particular. The purge is approaching faster than a kike can snatch a shekel off the ground.

most of votes are retarded soros bots and their idiot sheep followers. You could kill them all and the future would not chance even a bit because they are this useless.