I have been unemployed for 8 months after suffering numerous phsycotic episodes due to stress caused by working in...

I have been unemployed for 8 months after suffering numerous phsycotic episodes due to stress caused by working in human and animal welfare industry and I am contemplating applying for medical assistance until I'm able to work in the industry again.
Is this abuse of my countries welfare or is this system set up to support people like me?

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Its actually quite difficult to get on disability support pension. you need to have certificates of diagnosis from a GP, psychiatrist (not psychologist) and have proof that you have been undergoing treatment and your condition is long term.

Give specifics, i dont know how animal welfare work could lead to ptsd. You could be reasonable but i need to know more.

At least you didnt go get diagnosed with Autism so theres that.

probably rescuing abused or homeless dogs. ive seen some fucked up shit

I have proper schizophrenia and I work as much as possible. You don't know what psychosis is. If you did you wouldn't even post this dribble. You'd shit so hard that you'd kill yourself.

Those are dogs. Some people have the daily job of killing and dismembering animals and it doesnt cause PTSD. Cops and Ambos show up to mangled human bodies after a car accident on a regular basis also.

On that scale ill need some specifics to buy that you've seen fucked up shit. Anyone whos been to bali has seen starving dogs.

yeah. if anything it would be PTSD

Most diagnosis would require either repeated exposure to severly stressful events or one event in which you reasonably believed you were going to die.

Imagine the dirtiest house you can.
The smell of urea and shit fills your nose and you can taste it.
Piles of decomposing animals along side skeletol dogs covered in mange and bugs, animal cages stacked onto of each other but welded shut with dogs inside.shitting onto the dogs below.

Dogs crucified hanging in the back garden.

These people exist in the world and they are usually not white

Iv worked in pretty much every area of the welfare and animal care feild. From lab testing and being a vivarium technician to rural vet and captive animal keeper.
None of these come close to the raw abuse and pure evil iv seen

Do you have flashbacks? Increased emotional reactions?

You stack shelves tho

Not flash backs but iv dropped an old man for smacking his dog at the trainstation.

It's not the sight of the animals. I am a hunter and only consume what I kill.
It's more the willingness of some people to preform these sub human acts of animal crusifiction and abuse on a regular basis


Talk to a GP, PTSD has a very specific diagnostic criteria and in a lot of ways it specifically excludes people who have been in your sort of situation (and Ambos and Cops). Centerlink and Workcover are particularly abusive to people in that situation and will be trying to disprove your diagnosis even after they start paying you.

You may be better off just getting yourself a nicr quiet job and seeing a psychologist under a mental health care plan.

Don't become useless. Keep working. Sometimes just having a reason to get out of bed for the day is enough to keep you going.

Its already happened unfortunately along time out of work gives me more time to think about the abuse

Mind your own fucking business

My business is to stick up for the quiett pup

What in the LARP is going on here???

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I want to get free money but I also don't want to go on the dole

What are they usually? Asian? Indian? Muslim? How many suffering animals do you see each day? Just wondering how common it is.

I'm a croation australian and it was my job to go to puppy mills and abo community to seize animals and record abuse. We are allowed into private property without a warrant so we catch a lot of people "" off guard""
Also caring for then after we seized them and the legal work is being done to gain ownership of the animal. Usually the abusers will go to court and pay a fine and get the animals back. And then we get them months later in worse condition, had 2 swiss shepards that we seized 2 times and the third time we took them the owners had removed the eyes of the dogs.

Oh them yeah very rarely is it an Australian person and when it is they are fully demented and think they are caring for the animals better then anyone else can so they horde a few hundo cats.
We don't re home black dogs to Indonesians or south east Asians

Just another immigrant fortifying the enemy in my country.

There's also a very obious difference between people not knowing how to care for them (muslim familys fist dog) and people who just destroy the animals for fun ( Muslim familys second dog )

Il get back to work eventually. Well otherwise I'm an hero

My answer to your original question is: no you would not be abusing the country's welfare system (imo). The government can't let the subhuman gooks in to the country and not expect them to cause all sorts of problems including cruelty to animals. Your job is an unfortunate necessity caused by the government, and your mental conditional is an unavoidable side effect of it. There are thousands and thousands of bogans that make up illnesses and abuse the system. If I were a centrelink officer I would definitely approve your payments.

I honestly don't understand why humans don't treat animals with a similar amount of respect to other humans. We have more than enough intellectual capacity for it. There are millions of humans around the world who are more stupid than a dog (severe brain damage etc) yet if I were to crucify and torture one of them I would go to jail. Why? Because their consciousness exists in a different body? How does that make any sense?
People that willingly harm animals should be jailed for decades.


Ive been seeing a clinical psychologist and pyschatrist for over 1 year and I got denied autismbux because I haven't been seeing them long enough.

Apparently you need to be seeing these mental health professionals for several years before you can even begin to be considered.

Oh well I've had NEETbux instead without any obligations whatever.

I am diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder, have been a shut-in hermit for over 10 years.

I will apply again for autismbux in 6-12 months time, and it fails again, I'll just wait and reapply again until they finally give it.

Do you not jail people for crucifying and torturing animals?

This guy knows what’s up.

Well we do, but the punishments are pathetic. They should be close to what you would get for doing the same to a human.