I'm half Somali Half Norwegian, I look way more Norwegian than I do Somali but I was born in the UK...

I'm half Somali Half Norwegian, I look way more Norwegian than I do Somali but I was born in the UK. I know how bad things really are and I know how bad they can get if the current political atmosphere doesn't shift quickly but I was wondering where would someone like me belong in your ideal society? I'd like honest answers, thanks

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no I hope you fucking die

Go to Brazil. You can even call yourself white there. :3

You're mothers a whore

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>I-I look way more Norwegian than I do somali

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Congratulations! You're a mutt!

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>inb4 my mums somali

i don't want to be called white even though I look mostly white
why do americans always splurge on this board

Saying she's a whore would be implied if I said she was Somali you stupid nigger

she is

Good, because you're not. Nigger

Most likely strung up as a tree decoration. Its disgusting to even comprehend the abomination that you call your life.

Run to Brazil where you belong of course.

alright fatty

Is pic related you? You don't look white at all. You have light skin but all of your facial features scream dangerous Somali nigger

Honestly, your existence is a negative impact on white society (statistically, not you personally)

However, in Somalia, your existence is a positive impact on Somali society.

I hope that answers your question

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>I look way more Norwegian than I do Somali

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Figured you were gunna go on about burn the coal pay the toll... We don't like mixed race people usually. Nothing personal towards you, you didn't choose it, but I don't want you in my community.


no that's another half somali half norwegian, i have really pale skin and grey eyes

freak of nature

And on second look your skin isn't even very light. Looks more like a spics skin color.

that's a bantu

Peacefully repatriated to one of your parents country of origin or some kind of reservation, you'd have the choice.

I don't blame you, you didn't control being born and it isn't easy being in a racial limbo. I blame your irresponsible parents for betraying their kind.

Here in America with the rest of us mutts

Lol at you mutt

T. Nigerian

Israel has open borders. Go there and ask them the same questions.

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You dont even look a little white. You look like something brazil spat out.


In the ideal society race mixing wouldn't be a thing, so someone like you wouldn't be there to begin with. The only issue is what happens to already existing people like you in the process of changing current society to the ideal society.
I'd say those that clearly are more European in character and allegiance are to be allowed to stay, the remaining foreign blood in them will diminish to the point of being negligible after a few generations. Those whose character shows more foreign traits, or who identify with their foreign ancestry rather than their European one should be deported.

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a simple eugenics program fixes literally all of these problems, no stable white nationalist would just throw you back to Africa, you have their blood. If you're afraid of them gaining power, and getting 'rid' of you, you're a fool. If anything i'd imagine them forcing you to breed white women, ironically

no, they need to be sent back to Africa or they can volunteer to fight with us on the great crusade

Nigger YOU are the toll. Question (and please be truthful) do you have any blood disorders or cluster b personality disorders?


you dont know anything about white nationalism then do you dj racemixer

>I'm half Somali Half Norwegian
You are full Somali. Fuck off and kill yourself and your extended family.

No, even full somaliniggers wouldnt want him.

But hey, mixed race people have africa. Jews have no homeland kek

Youb are a mutt abomination and you belong to Brazil or USA.

>Somali/Norwegian mix

That's such an odd mix. It's like mixing fresh, cold, pristine, glacier water with lukewarm hotdog water

post pics faggot.

oi cunt I know a pure portuguese man in brazil that is not fair eh the negros should be sent back to the cape

i identify and feel more European. I don't feel like i belong around Somalis but I feel like I do when I;m with other Europeans especially people from scandinavia

What do you look like?

>Being white is about feels

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In Somalia ofc, creating a black ethnostate.

You're just as Somali as you are Norwegian you subhuman abomination

wtf does this have to do with anything?

i'd rather not get doxxed but here's a picture of zoomed in screenshot of me holding a puppy

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