Is Donald Trump a spineless coward?

Is Donald Trump a spineless coward?

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No, OP, he's our President, and from all angles he looks on track to be a great one.

Thank you, Kek, for God Emperor Trump!

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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I hear ya but why would he say “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law — that’s their law.”?

Looks to me that on top of being a super great god emperor president from all angles he's also a spineless coward.

No, because he has no intention of changing this unless Dems agree to some good immigration bill that isnt cucked


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I see your faggot ass spamming this post every day. Suck start the nearest firearm

The president doesn't make law, he enforces it. He is obligated to follow the law to the letter.

all the real Americans live in the suburbs

Yes, he should say, fuck these kids and their parents. They have to go back. And then walk away. The boomers will have a heart attack and die off, and then we can get shit done.


>Is Donald Trump a spineless coward?

Trump wants the children to stay with the families as they are deported.

Dem's won't let him. His hands are tied.

>Yes, he should say, fuck these kids and their parents.
Nope, he's doing it just right. Dems feign outrage, saying "This is terrible!" Trump turns it right back on them: "Yes, it's terrible. Why won't you do anything about it?" He's doing exactly what he ought to.
1. If libtards say, "Grant them amnesty!" they get killed in the midterms.
2. If libtards agree to keep them out in the first place, or deport parents with children, they lose their spic voters.

If Trump would execute and deport all the jews we wouldnt have these problems since their telling these people to come here and spending millions on centers, and advertisements in their countries to do it.

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no, he is a very stable genius

all the real Americans live in the suburbs

Invasive human parasites are now using their children as weapons to invade the West.

Fuck them. The children should be executed.

I hear ya. Democrats are ripping illegal families apart.


Why do we hate Democrats again? We should be embracing what the Democrats are doing.

This. Anchor babies should be sent back with their families, it's the moral thing to do while still preserving our immigration policy.

It's a constitutional republic. Requires votes to change the laws (or activist judges)

The president doesn't have the power to amend the Constitution you retard.

The point of ripping the parents from their children when they break the law when they come here is to serve as a deterrent to coming here. So why does Donald Trump oppose this?

Shouldn't we be supporting what the Democrats are doing or no...

you liberal are such fucking fools. literal retards. your shaming campaign will ultimately fail because shaming doesn't work if the people you're shaming don't give a fuck about your opinion. even when it does work it only changes outward behavior not actual opinions. Trump talked about this shit during the campaign and nobody voting for him gave a shit.

2nd you're histrionics over this is doing more to deter your precious migrants from coming here than anybody else. all of your faggot virtue signally sends one message to the tree goblins in Central America, Trump is literally Hitler and will put you into concentration camps. even the tree monkeys down there will get the message and stay home. Trump wins.

you faggots are so pathetic

>2nd you're histrionics over this is doing more to deter your precious migrants from coming here than anybody else. all of your faggot virtue signally sends one message to the tree goblins in Central America, Trump is literally Hitler and will put you into concentration camps. even the tree monkeys down there will get the message and stay home. Trump wins.

Trump said he hates it last Friday. So what message is that sending to Goblins. Come to Trump he loves you!

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You have been spamming this for 18 months.

Fucking die you faggot.

To be fair, living in a "concentration camp" getting 3 square meals a day and health care is probably better then living in central/south America.
Nothing but violence will stop them coming.

>suburban retards

Everyone who's over the age of 35 and is a a well adjusted human being lives in the suburbs.

>So why does Donald Trump oppose this?
I already told you., It's because trump wants to deport the children with their families.

>Shouldn't we be supporting what the Democrats are doing or no...
No. We should deport them all and deny them citizenship.

actions speak louder than words. he's already boxed in the democrats and they don't even see it. Trump has already offered the gang of 8 amnesty as his immigration reform, remember the state of the union? they called it a white supremacist act which is hilarious because they wholeheartedly supported the gang of 8.

so Trump lays out there deal, they reject it. Trump enforces the law which Obama failed to do. so he can say "yeah I hate it but it's there law. they don't want to make a deal" and that's where we are at. if the democrats cared they would make a deal but they don't. Trump used their stupidity against them.

>Come to Trump he loves you!
hardly you have the media and every liberal on social media tripping over themselves in outrage and moralfagging. that's what the hordes will see. Trump says he loves us but literally Hitler, slave master or whatever hysterical shit you people are spreading.
not a TDfag, just get mad at the absolute stupidity of the left.

they're stupid but liberals have gone way over the top with the moralfagging.

And what are the democrats doing that ought be supported?

nothing the entire democrat strategy is to resist anything Trump does. Trump offered them the largest amnesty in US history. his "ending" of the visa lottery was a joke because it would have taken 20 years to get through the backlog. if they would have agreed to that he would have been finished. that's literally how fucking stupid they are.

couldn't he make an executive order?
this shit started under obama anyway and it would be better to pas a bipartisan law...

Why won't Democrats work with Trump for immigration reform?

All that proves is that most of the democratic votes came from niggers and spics. Who are statistically much more likely to be retarded

Trump rejected a bill that required much more detention of undocumented immigrants and end the diversity visa lottery just a few days ago. That would have ended the family separation thing. But he shot it down.

Trump lied to us. You want him to lie to us?

There is no law saying "children must be separated from their families" Trump and Jeff Sessions purposefully changed how ICE and the Justice department handles these cases and could reverse it at any time.

They held a press conference announcing this back in may!

How many of the Trumpers have such short term memories that they believe this line?
Meme from an earlier situation, but works here too.

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They should all be shot whenever found. They would quickly stop coming, and that 'self deportation' of the rinos would also be quick to actually happen. Also would not need a wall if the only thing an illegal could expect is a bullet

>need to prosecute parents
>either jail the children, keep parents and children together in comfy area where they can easily escape, or separate and keep children in comfy daycare
seems like the only option is to keep the kids in daycare

You're forgetting about the option of machine gunning everything crossing the border, in the same fashion you would any other land invasion

Which is funny, because the entire republican strategy was to resist everything Obama did during his tenure.