Stop separating families you damn racists

Stop separating families you damn racists.

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Sadly, no fucks were given to this bot thread.

We want them Mexico.

>d-drumpf isn't r-racist guys!

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>putting kids in concentration camps is fine as long as they are brown!

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pushing family values on selfish liberals, nice.

then stop coming over here, you fucking spics

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you're right. we should just throw them into the bonfire and stop wasting money on cages.


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You're late OP. I threw mine away when I realized conservatives were just Israeli apologists.

Not about race, its about law.
That people of color are the ones breaking it is just a coincidence




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We aren't separating them, we are gathering them all and sending them all back to their homes.

>US immigration policy
pic related

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>That filename

Toppest kek.

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>Stop separating families
I agree

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Fuck illegal immigrants smuggling fucking children into this country for sympathy points, let’s smuggle our kids so we can move to a country and be a second class citizen that’s so much worse than staying in Mexico and trying to improve my life so that my kids can have a decent chance. Is Mexico really that bad?



The sin of the parents separated those families. SAD!

This, but for the sake of winning the argument irl, you bros should not gloat or any shit of that nature. They want to portray us all as callous. Frame the debate around crime, because that's what it is, why they are being seperated. If you took something of value that wasn't yours, the police will seperate you from your family when they arrest you. Because you commited a fucking crime.

Also bring up MSM using propaganda, like using pics from Obama-era incarcerations and trying to use it as an argument against Drumpf. Where was the moral outrage 2 years ago, faggots?

I-i wont come over there. But pllease come all overe Sweden-san.

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They can stay together in Mexico

>implying there is something wrong with racism

Low quality, faggot. Sage this shit

>Stop separating families you damn racists
Said no trump supporter ever.

You're right we should send them ALL back.


Same exact format as 'shameblue'. I think it's time to ramp shit up against them.

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Their parents bring them dumb cuck