
Why almost at any form of media,advertising,everywhere that related to some entertainment I see white women and black guy couples. Its not about that it triggers me much or I against it. Its just so strange to me that even in movies/games background characters are white F and black M couples. Like it happens unconsciously. Its harder to see pure white couple nowadays. Even tho in reality there is not many couples like that. And I live in a fucking LA. Drive for uber sometimes on weekends and I see usually normal couples always

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Is this that simple explanation? You think only jews are yhe reason?

who cares? we are all human! there is no such thing as races only the human race! usa was never meant to be a white country

I'd guess women are more impressionable so they target slags

Why does it need to be more complicated
Jews own the media and many video game publishers (ex: zenimax for bethesda) they want race-mixing to occur, so they directly promote interracial relationships or indirectly place their brainwashed drones in positions of power where they will do it on their own


Yes. Please wake up.


The answer has already been stated in this thread.

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It's a meme. Artists just keep repeating it because it's the most unnatural interracial relationship which makes it the most "anti-racist" in their mind.


you should read culture of critique by kevin mcdonald it's entry level shit for plebs who don't know how media take over occurred in USA and how it damages demographics

To annoy people like you so you whine about it, out yourself as a racist and then everyone knows to either disregard or outright harm you.

Where's the white man, black women? Asian man, black woman? You can't be serious when you say it's the most underrepresented in media.


Because the vast majority of white men are too risk averse, too stupid, undereducated, LAZY, and cowardly to fight the real battles in the worlds of mass media, mainstream news, and the schools.

THis is 1000% true. CD Project Red proves it can be done. You just don't want to do it. So I'm glad all your precious vidya and Meme Wars movies are now shit. It's the future you chose.

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No I mean it's the most repulsive. The constant promotion of it is to break down people's natural disgust response towards seeing interracial relationships.

Kill yourself if u cant figure it out retard

Who siad I am triggered. I am just curious. Its really interesting to me. I do not give a fuck about who sleeps with who. Just representation of same type of interracial couples made me ask a question

when you have whites becoming a minority rapidly nearly everywhere, this is a little more than 'dont touch muh women'

I think they realize blacks are a big demographic they are missing out on so they make ads to target them.

You kidding me? Asians absolutely do not like the idea of breeding with blacks. Blacks hate the idea of their beautiful women even being with scroungy Asian men. You mean they target their audience which is just white men. And I find it appalling to just blatantly portray it that way as of it has no ramifications.

If you want another non ((them)) reason, the left sees a distant future with just 1 global race. If you read any science fiction this is always portrayed. Helping move the ball in that direction should come natural if that is what you think the future 'should' look like.

It also doesn't help that there ARE actual racial differences present which really bothers the clean natural slate, all are equal mentality of the left. Again, promoting moving towards a one race world should get rid of that pesky problem.

>Asians absolutely do not like the idea of breeding with blacks
Which is why many new hollywood movies are beginning to show asian female/black male.

Unless it's written into the story, it's just the AI behavior just to find some random NPC and pair with them.

Yes you newfag.

Egalitarianism was a mistake. You essentially have to upheave the entire world and its civilizations and destroy all racial diversity to even began to make it possible.

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>Detroit: Become Human
>All the antagonists are white males
>Robot Jesus is a mulatto looking male android that can be paired with a white female android
>Single Female Android Mother can be paired with Big Black Android Daddy
>Heavy-handed use of slavery and segregation imagery
>US President is a woman that looks like Hillary and named Warren

Yeah. Only because there's less whites in them. It's bound to happen.

They are just virtue signalling.
I went to NY last week, and fuck, the gay propaganda was fucking EVERYWHERE.
Like really, you need advertisements about being gay ? You are not selling shit !
But ok I guess.

this age, this dispensation, is coming to a close, and Satan hates the people that God loves and blesses, (and forgives) since he abandoned those things

it's a last little attack upon your confidence and success, and I sincerely doubt it's going to be the last terrible thing he does to you


kikes use the companies that they work for to pass the miscegenation theme, to destroy the white race is their goal simple.

who gives a fuck about what you chinks think, chang?
you're literally on the same tier as niggers when it comes to being disgusting non-ethnic human garbage in the west



Mix your enemy with a low IQ humanoid from the prehistoric age and guess what, you destroy the ability of your enemy to think. Once he no longer can think he no longer poses a threat.

Why would Jews ever stop promoting this? There is still a lot of white people out there.

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It is being pushed absolutely everywhere except for, strangely, ads for golf products and tournaments.

But it's on fucking everything else.

It's Obama's SJW empowering legacy and it's going to take time to undo and subdue it.

Zenimax/Bethesda is owned by Trump n Co. now.

>Is this that simple explanation? You think only jews are yhe reason?


They are turning off 50 percent of their target market, namely black women.
It is exactly the same here with bmwf adverts, the point again it is very disrespectful to black women.


It's getting obnoxious.

White woman seen as something high class, the purest beauty. Nigger is associated with poverty. Its more based in status than race.

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To be fair, I did spot a bunch of white dude + black woman couples in that game. David Cage would be a lot more on the nose about REPLACE AND KILL ALL WHITES because he's a shit writer. What you see in the game is more of a "diversity quota" than an actual "white genocide" thing.

You're not wrong, I'm just saying that there's more mixed couples including white on white in that game specifically and it's more of a muh diversity thing.

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I say this to my mrs but she thinks im paranoid, but i've got kids and even in cartoons it's always female lead and male best friends. always

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There was a screenshot copy pasta I used to have on this from Jow Forums with the "Deutschland remixed" picture on it and the pic was from a nightmode post, anyone have it? Anyway, I'll post the reason, no picture, just the pure message.

The explaination is very, very simple; UPPER LIMITS TO BIRTHS.

Rival tribes own the media and wish to destroy Europeans. Whithering demoralisation is primarily done though the undermining of ---female and juvenile--- bloodlines such as couple binaries and Africanization of depictions of European history respectively.

This is how you KNOW we are under attack from a subversive tribe; they are using binaries of the most proximal and servile replacement population to Europe (Africans will be used to wipeout everyone eventually) this is why 99/100 times "diversity" is just more blacks it's why they are shoehorned constantly here in the UK despite being one of the smaller minorities (for now); because it's nothing to do with now, it's to do with conditioning the nation into accepting brutal Africanization as it happens in the future. ANY opportunity they get to encouragment of this is taken, eg; BBC teach fiasco and black Celts/Romans etc and the cheddar man debarcle, where his dark skin = a Peckham ghoul, somehow.

You know it's real because women have an upper limit to births;

When a tribe breeds, and breeds with other women what happens? Nothing they have the next generation and some bastards.

However flip that, now what happened to the rival tribe? Well put it this way, if all of those women breeds with another group then unlike the other tribe it is wiped out in a single generation.

The rival tribe wants their deracinated, atomized, Africanized slaves and those pesky liberty loving civilisation building Europeans gone. EVERY MIXED CHILD IS LITERALLY ONE MORE SLAVE AND ONE LESS EUROPEAN.

And which rival tribe owns the media user?

Every single other answer to this question is disinformation or shills.

Screen cap.



>they want race-mixing to occur
Why do (((they))) want it? How will it serve (((their))) goals? It will ruin society. When shit hits the fan, (((they))) will be the first to go down?

I answered this two posts above you

My girlfriend does cinimatography for a company here in the UK that does a ton of advertisement contracts. They literally write black male white female into the contract brief. She hardly ever sees anything that isn't race mixing.

Thanks. Let’s flush (((old mass media))) down the drain.

Yup, judging by the like ratios on any advert it seems most people are getting irritated by this.

Who owns and run these companies?

If it's the tribe doesn't that confirm the truth?!

The Hebrews.
Ironically when we first got together I mentioned the Jews and their tricks but she didn't believe me. Now that she's seen it first hand she's done a complete 180.

Merely coincidental

Because it's not the truth. The thing that you need to understand is that the media's job is to lie and brain wash the goyim. Especially the women and children because that's the white man's weakness and the Jews know it. We will never abuse our women and children back into obedience. We just don't have that savagery in us. That and it's by far and away least successful coupling. So by jew anti natural law logic it is the victim class of racial pairing. This it must be kiked into normality. Fun fact 50-70 percent of non saphic Jews date outside of their race. Less than 7 percent of white women do. A white woman with a nigger has like a 5% chance of staying in a long term relationship with him. 94% of White women who bare a niggers child do so as a single mother with extremely limited to no contact with the father. Notice how none of that makes it onto (((the silver or the small screen.))). I wonder why? The simplest explanation is that it is a crime against nature therefore the Jew is compelled to try and destroy good nature in order to achieve it.

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>most people are getting irritated by this.
Most people are generally hate advertising today.

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Jews invented media, advertising, and entertainment to brainwash humanity into liking White female Black male relationship, for total world domination.

It's the normalization of the aberration.
It's not racism to be wierded out by it. I loved Lethal Weapon and the two protagonists where black and white. But even that movie was kind of propagandistic as the white man was a mess that couldn't hold a relationship and the black man was a succesful family man.
But now they're doubling down on it and it doesn't matter that older generations see it as abnormal, the younger generations will accept it the same as the previous ones accepted the other kind of propaganda.

It's something inevitable as it's part of the human code. The people that are doing this have been winning for centuries and will keep on winning as the masses transform to their will. It's not a defeatist argument, it's a historical fact.

Because it takes 3-4+ generations to wash the nigger out of someone, and even then they show sympathies towards niggers because muh 1/8th blackness and all that. It's just "them" trying to get rid of whites.

Let them, this is our best recruiting tool

But people like you are scared of me, no question of some little sober harming anything other than his anus

Good post

yeah it is mostly Jews in charge of media and advertising.

Advertising agencies are owned by jews, yes

Thank the lord my favorite series fallout and metro will never be cucked.

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>The people that are doing this have been winning for centuries and will keep on winning as the masses transform to their will.

Wat?! By winning you mean getting kicked out and having all their wealth seized..... right?

let us tell you about the jews, user
welcome home

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Hooton plan
Kalergi plan
Sabbatean Frankists
we can do this all day

no faggot, it's a policy
>racemixing is mandatory
president Sarkozy, UN speech

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>detroit: become human
isnt detroit Nigger City?
Nice jab right there

I wonder (((WHO))) could be behind all the niggers with the white women.

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Because it reflect reality so stop being angry about everything.

Jews invented and produce 90% of pornography. Jews produce all of the degenerate hollywood movies.

they stay in control
they corrupt and ruin all great civilizations
they're already preparing the next one after us
they're parasites
they keep humanity in bondage and alienation

>Play cuck games
>get cucked

Based Ali

>hey, remember white people?

social proof, normalization, etc...

it's a germline warfrare procedure carried out through social engineering...

They are trying to breed the goyim races to be as dumb as possible, so that their deception warfare tactics work better.

I personally don't mind. If women won't wake up by themselves, then perhaps they need some red pilling through experience. Because white roasties deserve this.

Because they are paid to do it.

>tfw live in peckham

send help

Miscegenation is a theme they push so hard just to show (((they))) control the media. News, advertising (especially), or entertainment. It is all (((theirs))) and this is how they show it.

Women want to be the smart one in the relationship and blacks are the only race on avg with a lower iq of avg white women.
>mystery solved now get over it weak racist fucks.

And their drones

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Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew.

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I used to work on movie sets, so I can sort of speak to this issue. For couple background actors they usually have to get an actual couple to do it, in case they want them to kiss or something they won't make strangers do that. Working as a couple usually gives you extra pay for being willing to hook up on camera. Background actors aren't casted like regular actors, but casting directors will hire from background casting agents they've worked with and trust. The increase of BMWF couples in the background of movies is just a reflection of their increased commonality among background acting couples.

fuck off

Eternal hellfire and torment will be their reward.
There will be no escape from judgement

That goes for all of you fucking trap faggots and furry pieces of shit.