What was the American Civil War REALLY about?

What was the American Civil War REALLY about?

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Trade war. South held all the natural resources and were growing to strong. Washington wanted to retain power and only way to do that was destroy their monopoly. By “””freeing””” the slaves they broke the south and it’s still trying to recover.

Washington. Washington?

I was what most of early to mid American history is about. Yankees and Dixies trying to one up each other.

Slaves, you big dummy.

Jews in the south vs jews in the north.

The South wanted to make a Caribbean Empire. A "golden ring" around the entire gulf of Mexico. And the cotton industry would have fueled it all.
Had the South got away from the US it probably would have just done that.

nigger lovers wanting even more niggers.

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Every war in the last 1000 years could be described as "jews vs jews"

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In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned slaves.



So a little over 1% of the total US population owned slaves.

While 40% of the JEWISH population in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it much higher.


There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.


40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

80,000 is 26% of 313,975

Thus 26% of US slave owners were jews, despite being less than 1% of the US population.

Attached: jew slave owners.jpg (602x233, 64K)

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After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax, the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.








Attached: jew slave ships lopez.jpg (775x784, 108K)

Washington was supporting the indudstrial north, and forcing the agricultutral south to pay for it basically, and as dixies do when pissed, decided to shoot someone, this just happened to casue a civil war.
The reason slaves were banned after the war was a way to cripple the south even further, this just helped them though
(((They))) just push the slavery narrative, they were wiling to get rid of slaves if the french and brittish helped them.

Probably the same reason we're gonna have another one: the smart ones are gonna fight a bunch of ideological idiots.

Trade and economic power. The south had a highly agregarian economy focused around food, cotton, and livestock. While the North was rapidly industrializing and beginning to focus more on manufacturing.

This resulted in the north no longer requiring slaves while the south was still very dependent on them.

So rather than persue a reasonable compromise, they labeled southern slave owners as ignorant and oppose them in increasingly violent events like Harper’s Ferry and the bleeding Kansas massacre.

Sound familiar?


Probably jews and money.

Freeing niggers really helped us advance didn't it
Without them, we wouldn't never had to build suburbs for ever city after they moved into them
without them we wouldn't be in space
without them our crime rate wouldn't be so low

yup, freeing niggers was ideologically the smartest thing to do. stupid southern hicks just don't know what they're talking about

Colonies forced to use money issued by the British (((Government)))

The North wanted the south to become industrialized. The south relied too much on cotton industry and slaves for its industry. North wanted to abolish slavery a threat then to South economy. Then war. Jews controlled slave trade, modern day place all blame on regular whites who have ancestors who were irish slaves

The Civil War was a rejection of Jewish culture.

Jews controlled the South (still do). They imported millions of slaves to infect the country. Jewish values don't give shit about consequences, just profits.

Jews cut corners all over the war. Superior generals and officers with inferior equipment and compensation.

The victory made the Jews think twice about their exodus to America so they continued infecting Europe. We know how that turned out.

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Destroying america. Killing white men. The north and south were both kike controlled op. Their only purpose was to keep niggers in america. One side wanted them free the other side wanted them slaves. There should have been a third side. That wanted all the niggers sent back to africa. Along with the kikes who imported them. It was a bullshit war fought for bullshit reasons. The most logical side didnt even exist. The side of sending niggers back.

One side of kikes wanted their votes. One side of kikes wanted the free labor. It was a war for kikes. Like all others. They get us to kill our own brothers over fucking bullshit. Send the niggers back to africa. And send the kike slave masters with them. That should have been what we fought for.

History repeats itself because nobody fucking listens.

To anyone but the kikes. Think for yourself for once.

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It was not a war between racists and lovers of niggers. Both of these sides loved niggers. Tell me. What kid of racist wants to own a dozen niggers? It was all bullshit.


The slave trade was basically forced mass migration. Just like today how kikes flood europe with niggers and arabs. Back then they just bought hundreds of slaves.

With the end goal being to set them free and doom this country.

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The Civil War was about money, just like every other war.

The North was unfairly taxing the South (since the national tariffs on imports were paid mostly by the South but the money collected was then spent mostly in the more populous North). Just as in the Revolutionary War only 75 years before Americans said no to unfair taxation, but this time the forces of Empire won.

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The south may have been misrepresented. The south may have fought to send niggers back. Which the north purposely misinterpreted as “they want slavery” because sending niggers back would have kept niggers slaves to their own people.

No. Its about getting white men to kill each other and their potential allies.

By way of deception.

May you have many weak friends
End rant

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states rights

desu, i just like your birdposting

The war was fought over the south seceding from the union. You can argue about the reasons for them seceding but it was their right as sovereign states. It was the war of northern aggression no matter how you look at it. They forced us to change our constitutions and destroyed our sovereignty. We didn't pledge our allegiance to a federal government before the war.

It was about beer! Hops Vs. Spiced Dried pineapple skins.

Pineapple cultivars were sent into complete chaos. Scandinavians introduce hops they were much easier to cultivate plus were economical and plentiful....we dnot talk about it because it’s an embarrassment. Going to war for brews and ingredients in a commodity war.

We tried to save Anne, but failed.

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>Schlomo Goldstein labeling it the "War of Northern Aggression" because he's still upset that he couldn't use slavery to his advantage under the guise of "STATE RIGHTS!"

And now they have successfully infiltrated the federal government so they can re-instate slavery, except this time instead of negroes it's mudslimes and mexishits as well, and you're a horrible RACIST for not wanting them in America by the gorrilions so they can have their cheap labor again. The only difference is this time they don't even need to hide behind the constitution.