What does the average American soldier fight for?
What does the average American soldier fight for?
We just like it
Paychecks, Free bacon at the chow hall, and easy Asian pussy.
banker profits
We don’t fight we LARP as world police, hence why we haven’t declared war since ww2. Vietnam wasn’t even technically a war. Gas yourself and SAGE
prior military here. I did more fucking than fighting desu.
college money and the opportunity to legally kill people
Economic Mobility, 3 years gets you a paid for bachelors degree including housing expenses.
A ticket home in one piece.
Kikes, spics, niggers, and benefits.
>trying to normalize a cunt as an Average American Soldier
the destruction of order.
pussy and a job that doesn't make you be in retail/service industry.
I'm a class away from a masters degree without paying a dime. Not a bad deal.
It’s how a lot of disadvantaged lower classes come to own things
He fucking said it, guys. He FUCKING SAID IT.
Free gibs.
I'm a sailor, not a soldier, but most people in the navy joined for money. Far enough removed from the politics of it all that it doesn't matter. Just want to finish the day's shitty work and go home.
USMC infantry 2008-2014
Joined because all 4 years of high school I saw dead 18 year old scrolling along the bottom of the screen on a daily basis. Everyone who joined the Infantry had a sense of patriotism that was rooted in vengence for the constant Jihadist attacks from 9/11 on.
No one knew anything about the Jews. We all believed Hollywood portrayals of WW2 and the Holocaust.
There's no reason to hate a military member just for being military. Inform them on the JQ in the most reasonable way possible, they're human beings.
And getting away from Nebraska
free healthcare, free education and free fucking everything
honestly your troops are the most pampered little princesses in the word
And I have a 30 ACT score with minimum effort. Easily couldve gotten a fullride to a university. Many many enlisted are the same.
US soldiers do it for the money and benefits.
They are literally mercenaries by definition.
The right to kill people.
We make 30k a year and after 4 years of committment get 36 free months of education.
You fucking civilians talk out of your ass.
what? dude. you don't know shit.
Lots of my buddies in the army were just white lower/middle class dudes. They wanted a job that they were proud of doing, which is rare nowadays. These guys wanted a job they could tell girls to get pussy from and to be proud of saying. The average dude fresh in the military isn't looking to secure oil or save muh america.... The typical military dude is just looking for a girl to suck his dick and for a job that he doesn't feel like a total fucking faggot doing day in and day out.
Only a handful actually do any fighting though. Those guys do it for the men right beside them, not for 'Merica
The troops are fucking gay.
sure if they sip tea and eat crumpets for breakfast. faggot.
Anything coming from a Brit is worthless. Brush your fucking teeth and go sell some prayer rugs.
>What does the average American soldier fight for?
The Gay Disco
The only thing a goy soldier is good for is dying for Israel and giving the left a reason to justify mass immigration in Europe due to wars started in the Middle East and Africa.
I don't take advice from faggots
look at your fucking flag and then google the news headlines for your country.
Oh fucking wew lad. Your high level banter relvolves around who says faggot last.
Go write your Muslim mayor about how the internet hurt you.
Sorry I upset you. Try sucking a cock to make yourself feel better.
paycheck, pension. every other answer is larping
fucking traps
he's actually male, just a trap
Negro please U mutts re settled me here after bombing my country to ashes, how the fuck am I wrong, u mutts took Kosovo for the sole reason of stealing our copper mines. KYS mutt goy
at least my dog can raise its arm you fucking nigger faggot loving jew kike.
and to think you wasted how much of your work day to try and shill that horrible meme.
More time to pretend to think about what to do after highschool.
>What does the average American soldier fight for?
Why did you post a picture of a dumb kunt in the 1st Cav with no rounds in her m4?
Greater Israel.
This. To have the rainbow flag fly over every city hall in the lands they conquer
that about does it
just like the union jack flying over all muslime houses in jolly old.
Initially because of my views towards Islam but the policy and directive of the military has changed. We are just supplementing islam now and the nation I loved now has gay marriage, gays in the military, trans children and much more debauchery than the muslims I once hated so.
I really don't have reason anymore at this point, I am not too young any longer, not very old either but I know that I could not exist on the outside as a civilian, so I just stay, wishing shit would change.
The GI Bill + Yellow Ribbon Program is easily worth over 150k for 3 years of work.
So 90k salary +150k tuition/housing over 5-6 years with a HS diploma sounds pretty good.
Also 10% off of everything for life and 10 bonus points on all govt job apps.
Weighed against what? I have around 20 dead friends, and more fucked up otherwise.
No one blindly supports Jews or Israel. Everyone wanted to kill jihadists.
Did they know America is butt buddies with Saudi Arabia
Lmao. Not every one person was a dumb grunt friend
You fought to kill jihadist? You destroyed Iraq and left that place rampant with them.
You could not tame the Afghans so you left with the taliban still there. You are a joke
god's chosen people, you filthy goyim
Legally killing darkies.
Aren't a large portion of homeless former military?
I guess if home is where you make it, you can also own it
pretty sure homophobic comments are hate speech for in your country
Even though we were never justified to be in Iraq, Saddam is dead.
Afghan was a shitshow because the Taliban fucked little girls and the "good guys" fucked little boys.
As for your image: you're a fucking idiot. You retards act like you've been saavy on the JQ since birth, yet this whole counterculture wasn't even around in 2008. You were just a fucking pussy and over time have coped by justifying it with the JQ.
Honestly, all I knew going in was that Al Q was attacking America AND EUROPE with indiscriminate attacks against civilians. I didnt have any issues with dying, and decided if i could give my life to save another it would save my soul in God's eyes. This was before i knew about salvation through grace and faith...
Future sailor here, submariner. Gib fat check and Asian ports
the answer is genociding all non-whites, it really is the only way
Drugs and oil
Never said anything about the JQ. You seem insecure.
Maybe because like 99% of enlisted, you are dead beats.
On the nose
The ZOGBOT fights for Israel.
You're on pol, faggot.
You retards are looking too deep into this
Thank you for your service user
No, I think you lack reading comprehension. No wonder you enlisted. Not a college bound individual huh.
Just to think, while you spent a part of your youth in some desert playing GI joe, your peers who knew better were having fun in college and making something of their lives besides being a pawn.
Any recently enlisted who realized they've met like minded people who think the way they do and talk the way they do? I've always had trouble connecting with people and have had a degenerate way of thinking, is the military really full of fucks ups, boys? Have to say I'm actually happy.
Wasting your time arguing with our zombie cousins, Nige
Thanks man.
Like a drop of water on a hot stove. If you think you're making a point or cutting deep, you're not. You said
>"you joined to kill jihadists? Haha theyre still around"
Well I still killed some, faggot. Do you think you're doing your part by berating our military on a Chinese anime forum?
You think you get to lean back on the community as you're shield because this entire board is woke to the JQ and sees everything in light of it, but the fact is that you're applying all of this in retrospect. You are just a fucking pussy who had some thot cuck you for a black air force guy.
A paycheck
at this point they are just like cops
wellfare parasites that produce nothing useful
How many scalps did you collect?
Couldn’t have rolled my eyes harder if I wanted to.
Haha, stay mad and insecure friend. Some of us are happy with our decisions.
Untruth, social justice, and the European Way.
i liked big boats : )
most of them I know were pretty useless back home so didnt have much chooice... some didnt come back, some came back more fucked up, a few moved on to better things and it seems an easy road into high paying contractor jobs