Should we restore The House of Unamerican Activities?

If so, who should be the chair?

These scum are now literally advocating for foreign subversion and 100k+ people agreed.

When will the day of the rope be?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally every single politician (including Trump) would be tried if "foreign subversion" was a crime, all of them shill for at least one foreign country

>children in internment camps
I'm out of the loop with burger politics
quick rundown?

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Trump is rounding up illegals and sending them to detention centers and splitting up families.

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Nothing really, even Obama deported people like this. Leftists are just being hysterical as usual because "fuck blumpf"

so they said children to humanize spics
why not sell them to elite pedos?

The UN on any United States soil other than embassies and for any investigation is a foreign invasion faggot. Let it happen and give me a reason to use my boom boom stick to explode the faces of all kinds of foreign insects.

It wasn’t from lack of trying.

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We should make a deal with the EU to offer full citizenship to anyone who would give up their American citizenship for it.

>get rid of non-humans
>elite pedos get taco aids
sounds good

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They cry most about the children's detention centers because naturally that is what hurts the Liberal's feefees the most, so the media hypes that up. The place the adults go to is far worse, you have to work in those places I believe. Liberals do not give two shits about what goes down in the adult's detention centers, also the boys ages 10-17 was the only one the media were allowed to go into besides the sorting centers.

Pic related is the mural you see in when walking into one of the children's detention centers.

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Eugene, why are you always coming here and posting screenshots of your nonsense? Is it because everyone ignores you, even with the blue check?

Hes right you know.

We need to investigate the jews promoting them coming here in their media and the legislators passing legislation enticing them which violates US sovereignty while they provide comfort to foreign agents. This is why Trump needs to use RICO to seize any and all assets of those promoting this or who have worked to undermine US sovereignty.

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Didn't Vanderbilt fire Eugenes ass a week ago? Does anyone know why I can't remember?

>As an American

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he was stealing for the kikes far as I could tell, he was funneling money into some org he made with other kikes.

Reminder that the guy on the left who wasone of seven Twitter users who filed a lawsuit against Trump in July 2017 after being blocked from Trump's personal account.
This same guy also quit a general surgery residency because he was "punished" for his political views and "bullied" by the nursing staff when really he was violating the program's social media policy, under-performing as a surgery resident, and told by nurses not to eat food that was reserved for patients only. Despite repeated warnings he continued to badmouth his program on his twitter which has over 170k followers.

Now he can't find another residency that will take him and his career as a surgeon is basically over. He continues to blame the program for this of course.

Essentially this guy is a leftist nut with serious mental health issues and no insight.

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Do liberals really not realize obama did this? This isn't something that just started under Trump. i don't get how anybody can stay on the left with the blatant lies.

Eugene Gook is the king of retards and continues to show the falsehood of the asian iq meme


On the bright side he isn't cutting anyone up. Imagine this fellow slicing into you and being told to do life saving procedure only to find out you voted Trump. Imagine how fast you'd have bled out or just ended up one of those that "just didn't make it."

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>hory sheee
>save da chirrin NAO

The amount of idiots who follow him and like his tweets is scary though.

because atheists treat medicine like a religion, so when a doctor sells them the bullshit they want to hear they go crazy for him. whatever school gave him his credentials should be ashamed.

>an asian doctor
>parents named him Eugene

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I know right, the dude seems to be mentally ill at times with how fucking obsessed with Trump he is. he talks about trump more than magafags do.

I mean statistically, you're just fucking retarded. By the numbers I mean.
You are appear to have downs syndrome if you think Trump has increased anything. Non-criminal are the ones which have declined the most under Trump.

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Pictures from 2014 were released of kids in detention, lefties are screeching Trump did this.


Thanks user, that whole article pretty much spells it out. He sounds like a whiny child. Muh white supremacy...Muh racism...Muh drumpf. I for one am glad he got shit canned!

The Trump Curse is real.

after the war of independence all the subversives who sided with the crown got loaded onto ships and sent to halifax in canada
i think thats why the eternal leaf is always trying to get back at the usa
when the coming day of the rope arrives and the civil war begins tolls will have to be paid but the enemy within will have to be ruthlessly expelled before we can start over

>thinking the UN investigating something means anything

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>As an American
*As a chink

Duh duh duh I'm a supporter of sand nigger jew religion and whatever i say atheists believe is totally true.

>and 100k+ people agreed.
you mean 100k+ bots

>Should we restore The House of Unamerican Activities?
Depends, is it JUST the House of Representatives that needs to be investigated?

They A B test different narratives, and this one must have tested well. Half the voters are women so appealing to their base maternal fear of child seperation is an effective persuasion tactic.

Maybe (((they))) spend too much time here, because I swear our propaganda has rubbed off on them and they are actively pushing for the 4th Reich, so they can bravely resist it.

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I want Trump to follow Sargoy's suggestion of withholding federal funds from any university with a social justice department.


Leftists and cucks made a law that if a goblina shits-out a goblinet on US soil, it automatically becomes a citizen and we can't deport it.

So we put the children in detention camps, and send their illegal parents back to Shitxico.

Trump lobbied to end the "anchor baby" clause, but Democrats and cucks wouldn't support it. If they did, then we could send the whole family back to Shitxico together.

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HUAC should have been reinstated january 21st 2017

trump fucked up by being a moderate faggot this whole time in office. he could have been great and should have been so by being very extreme in his methods, but he's been deballed and FUCKED and so is the country.

all hope and optimism: gone.

He's just doing it to get hits on his website and business, like the (((Krassenstein Bros.))) do.

Can't blame them for trying to fleece dumb shitlibs.

the fucked up thing is I have heard of minoritys becoming doctors just for that reason

This is what normies actually believe.

>[[[Fellow American]]]

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Nepalese flag is still best flag.


fuck off you pathetic faggot. atheism is a refuge for self-centered cunts. i bet your dad was a weak faggot, and i bet you're not too far off, boy.

if you bothered to look outside the shitstained box that is your life you'd realize that not everything is about you personally, but being a rabid anti-christian because i assume someone at some point JUDGED YOU through a christian lens, you probably don't have any fucking clue how badly you lack self-awareness

Thanks Bestonia. I hope you will soon deport all Russians from your country.

>meanwhile israel's dinduing nuffins erry day for 70 years..

>it pains me to say this
no it fucking doesn't faggot, you have been posting nothing but anti-American faggot shit for years now, you get an erection from saying it. Fuck off unemployed chink doctor

>When will the day of the rope be?
Never. Look like you don't even realize how bad things will turn the day Trump is kicked out of the office.

Will this be the issue that finally triggers a civil war?

Chinese Communist Jews.. Goddamn we are in for a ride now gang..

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>international law
Fucking normies

While they are here they need to investigate the prisons too. I heard that when black people break the law they are held against their will there.

>At least one
It's only one and they all shill for it.
The yank relationship with Israel is really fucking bizarre.

pedogate is about to drop. the family separation portion was written into the 2002 homeland security bill, but was actually drafted by Bill Clinton during his presidency so his buddies the bushes and mccain could control the trafficking payoffs, and he and the podesta group could run the adrenochrome racket.

Trump is keeping it going while cleaning house to bait the left into saying it is trump's fault. This sets up the reveal, which will be supported with evidence provided by el chapo and north korea (who was running the 'sushi' component of the operation). Sit back and get comfy. it's happening. the only thing that will stop it now is a total surrender by deepstate and the old world order.

>it pains me to say this

Meaning, you're taking great delight in seeing the demise of America.

>the Gu cries out in pain as he strikes you

Dim sum Gud digits

escalating the situation will ensure conservatives are assassinated eventually. you become the evil empire complete with secret police and media black outs

but your welcome to try. the soviets were capable of doing it because of control of resources under communism. america has the free market and second amendment as well as a hyper polarized political landscape. the left may not be capable of a civil war but lone wolf attacks are easy. you think you couldnt find 20 liberals in all of america who would do something given a excuse. politicians would still have to do public speeches in election years or be called cowards. you cant shut down a 2 mile circle of a city . drones are a thing and israel put the idea of using them as a shitty bomber in peoples heads. chlorine gas is easy to produce and can be bought on the open market because its used for things

Yes we should.

Make mister metokour the chair.

Is the UN Human Rights Commission still chaired by Saudi Arabia?

>As a 2nd generation parasitic immigrant to the US, it """"pains"""" me to say this...

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People soon to be deported go to detention centers. Courts have ruled that children can't stay there, so they have to go elsewhere.

>oohOoHH muh gawd! Think of the children!

Well can we keep children in detention centers with their parents?

>No, that would be illegal.

So leftists want to make deportation (at least for people with kids here) impossible. They also try to advocate for other bullshit besides detention centers that don't work, like cheap bonds (surprise, they don't show up for deportation), or electronic monitoring (surprise, they cut off the monitors and don't return).

Really we all know they want to use immigration as a means to expedite the end of the White majority and they want a world without borders because they believe the equality nonsense. So yeah, that's where we're at.

Leftwingers will be murdered eventually, it's a global race war.

Americans can one of you please shoot this annoying, God damned, communist, chink already?

>100,000K people

They're bots. Twitter doesn't matter.

El Chapo Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump teaming up to take down the pedo elites
What fucking timeline is this holy fucking shit

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>you become the evil empire complete with secret police and media black outs
We just had 8 years of a nigger despot who used the IRS to hurt conservative political groups.
We already lived through that dude. You must have missed it. Trump winning the election was the peaceful option.

I agree we should be housing these kids.

We should drive them to the border and turn them loose. How they get home is up to them.

These read like a fever dream. Good pastas. Why are some drumpfkins actually falling for this delusion?

Yes, but im afraid its too late now

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look at the jewish population by country. it isn't bizarre at all.

offtopic but

>America was founded on racism and white supremacy
>Border control is unamerican and goes against our proud heritage of tolerance of all people

"As an American, it pains me to say this"
>he wrote, as he sat back smugly in his luxury office chair with a satisfied smile on his face

Just fucking shoot them

>as an American
Anyone who starts a phrase with that deserves a free deportation

Eugene Gu is involved in the trafficking of fetal tissue and organs with Planned Parenthood. He purchased a lot of them for his "medical research".

Those (((concentration camp))) photos are from 2014 who exactly was president, allowed it and had the change to put an end to it but didn’t because he needed some kids to diddle? That’s right it’s was king nigger himself Barack Obama

soft G pronunciation

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this faggot lost his residency at his hospital lmfao

So according to liberals I can just walk into USA without visa and proper documentation?

What is the use of the whole passport and visa system then?

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>UN investigates
>UN finds this happened during obama and it’s the dems in the house that isn’t letting it end
>UN concludes its nothing
Well it technically is nothing since no one is being killed and a cage is better living conditions than the shithole that is Mexico

Don't believe me, I'm just some guy on the internet who may or may not be a spook.

You'll see.
How this plays out depends on a few factors:
option 1: The guys behind the curtain that called the shots prior to trump's election decide to bend the knee-- very unlikely and even if so Trump would very likely kill them all anyway
option 2: They go down fighting, which is actually how they have been trying to play it, but we've shot down their last two ICBM's with space based weaponry. Other powers have been swayed to trump's side since those attempts, so it's not a strategy that's playing out well for them currently.
option 3: cabal goes for a strategic stalemate using the samson nukes in the Israeli embassies. Bibi is preventing this, so he'll have to go for this to happen.
option 4: Cabal makes a sacrificial move of their middle management and the bigwigs fuck off to the DUMBs that are still a secret from the white hats. This is looking more and more likely.

>What is the use of the whole passport and visa system then?

White immigration is severely limited.

And they say white genocide is not real. They are literally importing shitskins by millions into developed world and pushing antiwhite propaganda. How come normies are blind to all this? Holy shit, I feel sad for white people.

>i don't get how anybody can stay on the left with the blatant lies.

They're gullible altruists and want to believe the narratives. It's easier to believe that Obama and Hillary were "scandal free" and that all the world's ills are caused by Republicans than to take a second to ask basic questions about what CNN keeps feeding them.

It's why they make such good socialists. They believe everything functions according to this ideal they hold in their heads.

It seems to be less a curse and more just the logical conclusion of deranged people making poor decisions.

>some left wing think tank comes up with this angle
>all of a sudden LITERALLY EVERYBODY is talking about it
>every single news agency, all the twitter trolls, every single outlet is pushing the exact same narrative

how does this work anons? this isn't the fist time I've seen it, it happens over and over

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Why does this faggot have a blue checkmark? He's just a doctor that got fired for virtue signaling

If you were paying attention during Gamergate you'd know:

>press has informal mailing list/ap feed
>press copies each other's stories to get the lazy easy outrage clicks

This was how they got 13 different articles all saying the same thing when Gamergate broke and how we got things like all the "DRUMPF DARKY DARKNESS" MSMemes at the same time around the election.

Occasionally there is true collusion with the press (DNC spreading cash around for a Bernie hit piece or suppress an anti-Hillary article for example) but the majority of it is lazy journalists copying each other's meme headlines.

>how come normies are blind to this

They aren't. I live in California and a bunch of my white friends have been indoctrinated to believe that their demographic replacement and institutionalized racism against whites is something they've earned.

>how does this work

The short answer is jews.

The long answer is that all these media outlets collude with one another via email and chatgroups about what line to push. Anybody who questions the narrative is a Blumpf Supporting racist, and anybody who points out that they're all working together with an obvious agenda gets called an anti smite, even if they don't directly name the jew (see Elon Musk a couple weeks ago). Same thing happened on a much smaller scale a few years back with gamergate. The media all pushed this one bullshit line, and anybody who questioned it was a misogynist incel.

I guess you're correct. This is a German/cuck mentality. Pretty sad.

like 10 minutes ago i saw the first nigger in my city and like 4th in my life, he was an american soldier, u ruined my day americans.