EU or US

If you have to live in EU or US rest of the life, Which would you choose?

I will choose america. They have more culture and tradition.

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>america. They have more culture and tradition.

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>Hollywood. pop-music, macdonald, Jow Forums. youtube etc

>yeah America has no culture

Also America has diverse culture. Boston, Texas, Silicon Valley, dixie every cities, region have culture

meanwhile, in europe, wine and cheese. no diversity

Bach, Mozart, Puccini, Verdi, Debussy ect ect . Calthololism, Lutheran reformation, Huguenots and thousand other types of Christian denominations. Vermeer, leanardo de Vinci, Francois Boucher I could go on and on.

Katy perry and tylar swift.

These two are more influencial than listed people.

Really Bach’s been remembered for over 300 years now, let’s see if anyone even remembers Katy Perry for 10 years after she dies.



The Europeans are all mostly sheep, and cucked to whatever a government tells them to do, they also don't have strong traditions and protections of freedoms like the 1st and 2nd Amendments. "Hate speech" laws are total bullshit, for example, but Europeans are like, "duh, yea, that makes sense! How retarded am I?"

>t. American Engrish teacher

Edmand Bach probably known for 1million people in the world.

But everyone know Katy perry.(millions of million people)

Everyone knows the names of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. These people are pointed to as the principles of the classical period, they’re taught in schools worldwide and will be as long as history keeps record. If you really think anyone gives a damn about Katy Perry especially in the grand scheme of things you really must be have no understanding of history and how easlily forgotten pop stars are.

Gonna hang onto muh guns thx.

*gets shot*

Freedoms. Just the freedom of speech alone makes USA better than pretty much any nation out there. Also guns are way fun and you fgts are all missing out.

America. We have SJWs but we still have the freedom to tell them to fuck off.

Now if only we had the freedom to beat the fuck out of them.

Switzerland has some of the highest rates of gun ownership per house out of any country. Although to be fair it did say EU

Cmon lardball, we all know mernicans lose their breath walking, let alone trying to throw hands.

>No fucking EU banning everything
>Can make a lot more money over there

i'd also be bellow average weight. Pretty sweet.

US, because theyre not actively trying to destroy their own culture and subvert their own people

EU all day all live.

Only retarded move to the third world country American.

If the choice is between Europe and Noth America, Europe hands down. Between the EU and US, EU by a slim margin.
Muh freedom of speech and right to bear arms won't last in the USA.
The situation in Europe is much more likely to turn genocidal, depending your race this can be a good ior a bad thing.

>not actively trying to destroy their own culture and subvert their own people

America. I want guns.

>some cunt that's alive in present is more known than dead people of past
yea no shit you brainlet, there's reason of being historically significiant and being a short lived fad you can turn off your vpn now

a little reminder: not all european countries and people are sheep. The ones who are not are just not well-known. And i say to you: our culture and our traditions are remembered and alive. our forefathers are still living amongst us and we strife to achieve their deeds and ideas to this day.
pic related, it's the Schlacht bei Sempach where our ancestors fought against Habsburg to gain independence.

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America hands down. Europe is a massive shithole. The only thing better here is the food, but that’s about it. I have lived in the US several years foolishly believing I could return easily. I am now struggling to go back to the US despite my blonde, blue eyed, athletic Aryan appearance and Christian convictions. I guess I need to marry some American country girl to move back.

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>more culture and tradition

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Yes, tell us more about “French” tradition

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or it's a burger serviceman stationed abroad who knows he has a shitposting opportunity to bait newfriends by feigning foreign feeblemindedness

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I said “tell”, not post a worn-out meme.

You're fucking retarded, he is trolling. This doesn't look good on you

what a fucking nigger faggot

depends on where in america and where in eu.

like scandinavia is good but fuck living in like portugal.

minnesota looks nice. colorado looks cool too.

How tall are you?

America because its the greatest country on earth

>these niggers were not even able to invent spears, can you believe this shit

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I get that. That is why I said "mostly". I'm not totally ignorant of European history. Hell, I greatly respect France and their history because they were instrumental in the foundations of America. Switzerland, I'm not familar with the history, but I do know there is a proud tradition of guns there. And being a neutral country, that is also famous and prestigious.

>Having a Black president is OK
>Having 40 million blacks is OK
>Having 55 million hispanics is OK
>Having 30 million illegals is OK
>Being 56% white is OK
>Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK
>40 million interracial marriages is OK
>putting blacks on your money is OK
>inventing affirmative action is OK
>imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK
>giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK
>fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK
>losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK
>having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK
>the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK
>banning the American flag from schools because it upsets Mexican illegals is OK
>cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK
>losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK
>being less white than London, and maybe even paris is OK
>figthing for israel is OK
>mocks europe's hate speech laws, yet the police arrests you for making a poem is OK
>mocks London for being shithole, despite that the avergae londoner is whiter and richer than the average yank is OK.
>making it a crime to misgender someone is OK
>making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK
>jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK
>destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK
>America is based as fuck and totally not cucked

Let us all appreciate that while us Ahmeds in countries like Sweden, Germany, UK and France are all "cucked", done for and should "be nuked" and "genocided". At least we still have America, the great uncucked white haven of conservatism, strict immigration laws and common sense.

Yes, lets appreciate and ponder on that for a while.

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You missed so many things, what are you- lazy??

I choose Europe but somewhere like Switzerland or Austria. Switzerland has some of the most lax gun laws in Europe and I don't want to leave Europe because I have roots here and love white people. I'd choose the USA if it were still 90% white like in 1970 despite our historic, bloody history of animosity, rivalry and killing each other. I simply have more solidarity with the Anglosphere and the cunts who speak my language, but between that and choosing white Europeans, I choose white Europeans. Fuck living in the USA as of right now. They'll return to their high tier status once they get a handle on their race demographics and stop being Latin America.

America, because EU is going to be muslim in the next 20 or so years.

Perfect argument as to why appeal to popularity is a shitty logical fallacy. Katy Perry is a pop music media whore and Bach was and still is an intellectually and musically unmatched alien who composed over a thousand works during his lifetime and is still studied by historians and erudite music theorists for his sophisticated writing techniques. tl;dr u r gay

>all these people taking the bait

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The US. As it is, I don't see the European Union lasting much longer. A member has already left, and Poland is soon going to hold a referendum on whether it wants to stay. On top of that, the euro is weakening, and a wave of nationalism is growing in those countries.

Only 6’0, but in America probably taller (most Americans seem to exaggerate their height).

>T. English teacher from the US
Europe has a fucking huge culture, dumbass

We all know he's trolling. He should be rebuked anyway in case some actual retard reads this and thinks he has a point.

Nips bringin the bantz tonight

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>(most Americans seem to exaggerate their height).
I think it's more due to the fact that we use inches not cm (larger units), and I guess we probably tend to round up rather than say "I'm 5 foot 9 and a half". So you're more sensitive to the rounding up because in Europe someone would say "I'm 187 cm"

>They'll return to their high tier status once they get a handle on their race demographics and stop being Latin America.

It's too late for us and too late for you. You are the 1970s brit, brits coming of age in 2020 and 2030 will pine for your glory days :^)

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Retards should be seen and not spoken to. It's bad enough we have to hear them moaning. Just keep moving

This is an exact repost, by the same flag even.


Bring some taller germans with you when you come

>having to cite old dead dudes to make your point
Oh wow, Europe was uncucked 100-200 years ago. I'd totally go there today.

Just let them keep moaning, just let all the immigrants come in, just let them rape your wife and kids.

Be from the US Having no real history to cite and no culture other then McDonald’s

Because they live in a time where music was readily accessible

Before that if there wasnt a musician to play music good luck finding music to listen, chances are you were illiterate so not like you could Read a review in Ye Day of the Suns Times

These names mentioned laid the foundation of music for decades after their deaths

Just go back to defending dead people against the evil likes of Katy Perry

Murrica, nobrainer. At least there's still a chance (if slim) of an uprising there. Yurocucks are all but disarmed, how are they going to overthrow their oppressive governments, with their limp fucking dicks? Please.

>america. They have more culture and tradition.
This genuinely 'triggers' me.

I can name live composer too if you’d like, although you’d probably be to stupid to recognise any of them.

Keep munching that bait einstein

I'll bump this bait thread saying Europe easily. Murica has the murder rates of countries like Ecuador and Sudan

Literally who?

Keep defending it retard.

Europoors have higher rape ratio

Dont hang out with niggers

What cunt is that?

Not really

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Central Asia. Not very far from Afghanistan, to give you an idea. I ain't no towelhead though.

hey. look at sweden. dumbass

Lmao, should’ve recognized Kyrgyzstan, the flag is too pixelated to really make out, and I’m a phonefag so cant hover over it. Cool country, you steppe-niggers are absolutely hated over on

>hey look at this country which counts rapes multiple times

I doubt you're a nip but go ahead and contribute to your country suicide rates

Little China with cute women.

I want to live in Europe, but not in an EU country.

>Talks about America having no culture

Be French, main language now Arabic. I'll wait for your response let me know what prayer you're on today man.

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Be American, main language stale memes.