The last politician to give a damn about the poor and middle class...

The last politician to give a damn about the poor and middle class. He was pissed jobs were going overseas and we were getting ripped off in trade. He wanted every citizen to have healthcare. He didn't want us to be buried in college debt. And how does Jow Forums repay him? With a knife in the back.

Attached: sadsanders.jpg (960x640, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We treat him better than he deserved.
He's a fucking Socialist, and thus should be second in line on the Helicopter Rides, right behind the communists.

keep crying commie

Who cares what were his relations with other lobbies? He is anti-white, that's all what matters.

hes an inbred kike you sick fuck

>The last politician to give a damn about the poor and middle class. He was pissed jobs were going overseas and we were getting ripped off in trade. He wanted every citizen to have healthcare. He didn't want us to be buried in college debt. And how does Jow Forums repay him? With a knife in the back.

Somebody has to pay for all the shit, you dimwitted fukkking kunt!

Are you going to pay for it?

Of course want OTHER people to pay for your FREE MONEY!

I hope you starve to death, FAGGOT!


None of you get it. No other politician has been more consistent with their views their entire political career than Sanders has. He's legit and he cares about us. Both political parties are in the pocket of corporations. They don't give a fuck about us.

He's a fucking socialist.
He's not pro-poor people, he's anti-rich people.

Poor people don't make business, or hire employees.
Why? Because poor people are poor for a reason; they either lack the skills, intelligence or drive to do what is necessary to get ahead in life.
Poor people are blights to society, and should a majority should be culled.

>says the same things as pol pot
>give a damn about people

He fucking sold you out after he lost the primary you pinko faggot.

> He's legit
I can accept that he is against the people who currently hold power, but
> and he cares about us.
Not true, consider pic.

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Trump is the establishment too moron

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>oh look at me! I am so smart! Kill poor people, lol!
You Ancaps are edgelord faggots that are the ones that need to be culled. You act like self-righteous faggots and are the kind of faggots to reduce morality to free market; hell, I bet you're the kind of faggot that would sell your family members if the market had demand for it.

Attached: communism.jpg (960x412, 46K)

Socialism never works and he's a filthy kike, kill yourself user, you hook nosed faggot

Maybe he was pressured by lobby after elections.

>knife in the back.
that was the dnc

Attached: bernie wouldve won.gif (426x240, 1.58M)

> ancap is only alternative to socialism

Bernie "90% tax rate is not ridiculous" Sanders

A real man doesn’t give in to the (((lobby)))

Isn't Vermont a wealthy state relative to the rest of the US?

I was responding to an ancap. Check his flag.

The lack of even the most basic understanding of economics and math that socialist have is mind boggling

Real man ends like JFK.

>And how does Jow Forums repay him?
It's like you didn't know it was the DNC all along.
fuckoff shill.

>None of you get it

NO, you don't understand common sense and logic! Are you going to pay for one million NIGGERS to go to college? Of course not because you don't have the money and neither does the United States government. People like you are complete retards. You think money grows on trees....well it DOESN'T and somebody has to work and get TAXED to death to pay for your fantasy. Wakey Wakey dimwitted the real world BERNIE is a pipe dream impossible fantasy. So until you have trillions of your own dollars to pay for all this FREE money....SHUT THE FUKKK UP!

So what has he done in Vermont that would have been done to help the rest of the US when he's President?

this anarcho fag is such a moron..
socialist communist... no one in western world want that..
just as no one wants your fashisto garbage..
youre mutant psyop larper

OP, Hillary and the DNC are the ones who did the stabbing.

I'm just a Jew...Yes I'm only a Jew. Just sitting here on Capital Hill.

Attached: I'm just a bill.png (622x349, 230K)

Literally the most economically illiterate main contender for president besides Trump. Hope this idiot doesn't bother running again in 2020.

I choose the Ancap flag because they don't have the correct Libertarian Flag, which is a Porcupine fucking a large pile of money. I am barely a statist, and think the only things the government should have their grubby little fingers involved in is International Trade, Military intervention, and nationwide infrastructure.

It is immoral to steal money from people, by force, and then turn around and play the nice guy and give "your" money to the poor, out of the goodness of your heart.

And to answer your question: no I wouldn't sell my family members.

Apparently you've never been to the Pacific Northwest.
The amount of Communists and Socialist who are public about their desire to steal more money from the people who are more successful than they are is downright sickening.

Excuse me faggot WE did not put the knives in his back not a single one.

Pol was memeing Bernie vs trump from the start.

Hillary Clinton and her seventh floor cabal are the ones who put the knives in his back we know for an absolute fact that they rigged the primaries. It's not even debatable they admitted to it after ward (Debbie Wasserman Schultz and podesta) and several top DNC officials wrote books about it.

You fuckers just do not fucking learn. You let a cabal of satanic globalists take over your party the same way the right did with the bushes which you once criticized the right for.

Fucking insane you don't learn at all.

>be (You)
>pretend to run for office of POTUS
>receive $650k in pretend campaign donations
>lose pretend run
>wait till noise dies down
>buy lakeside cottage on private island, in gated-community, behind fences/locked doors/locked windows, under 25-hour surveillance surrounded by guys with guns to preach your 'Open Borders' away from the plebs that gave you $650k goybuxx

Attached: Feel The Bern.webm (240x426, 1.83M)

they was going over seas cause his sort was demanding wage hikes and taxing the companies 90%

what are you, a baby? why do you need someone to "care" about you. fucking pussy.

Is this hitler Jew thread?

Kek also who is the fag that’s banned for this, that we’re sharing an IP? I don’t understand how that shit works but someone in my city likes to shitpost. Feeels goood mane

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nice repost

stay mad shillfaggot.

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He helped Trump win.

Thanks Bernie.

He dropped that for classic leftist demagoguery. Fuck that guy.

He's a ((christian)) who said he was proud that his preferred daughter quit her religion, abandon Jesus Crhist to convert to Judaism and marry a kike. Imagine the level of cuckolding we got here

you would say the same if reagan or bush were killed, leftyshill.

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>Wants to redistribute wealth
>Owns 3 houses
Choose one.

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he had his chance but he was too weak to fight against hillary, he is beta that always gets stepped on

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The frenchcuck is mad that Trump tried at least?

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My thing with the bern is that the lefties fawn over and love him so much yet they’d never ever admit that he is practically Jewish hitler with no backbone. Because of the muh hitler meme.

>he wanted to steal even more money from hardworking white americans to pay for the gibs of niggers and spics
I wonder why we would hate him....

Just a mystery I guess.

>cared about the poor and middle class
>which is now filled with whites
sorry Ishmael, you and this filthy heeb are going into the oven

Attached: BernieSanders.jpg (480x480, 39K)

>i'm glad she did it
Here's your supreme leader, savior of the white cucks

Attached: cuckbou.jpg (753x480, 75K)

Daily reminder for all Americans.

You know what to do with rats like OP.

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not really. It's starting to see a influx of niggers and spics, along with coal-burners and bean-hoppers. It's a place full of oxy-morons.
>t. Vermonter

>Frenchcuck is mad that The Prez cant force his daughter to marry somebody.
Worry about your country getting Blacked Pierre.

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just because he has a big heart doesn't mean he knows shit about economics

you are the stereotypical bleeding heart

Wheres Macron childs? oh wait, tell me about cucking, your Prez is a expert in that, at least it wasnt black like Wifes son of John Mcafee.

>"White people don't know what it's like to be poor"
Bernie fucked up his entire career in about 1 min.

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Commies like him should be thrown out of the country at bare minimum

He said he was glad she married a kike, you vile cuck, he didn't say I tried to stop her. No he is proud of it. And so far the only thing he did consistently was sucking jewish peckers. He send her to inaugurate the new US embassy in Jerusalem.

You mean this?

Attached: shillkiller.png (931x484, 179K)

yeah, just like how obama wanted to unify the country. ok, sure user.

I have a better idea.

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