I know that most of you who are redpilled are waiting for "shit to hit the fan" and start a race war.
Know that it will never happen. What is going to happen is a slow , painful degeneracy until the last one of you dies in silence.
Unless you start taking . Unless you are ready to create armed groups determined to die for their cause no matter what society, friends and the government thinks, you are doomed. Good luck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Im surprised that no western nation has yet seen armed nationalist groups take action. Says a lot

You see niggas ready to die in afghanistan and whatever shithole (((they))) send them when it is their home country that needs them

I'm in my bed browsing the internets but want to take a shit

Life is hard

Spain is not white anyway

As I listen to somebody shooting down the hill no less...

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Bye wypipo!

The Hard Truth? In reality what is called for isn't armed groups. Armed groups create a target for (((them))) to Waco.

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What is necessary is uncoordinated, unplanned lone wolf attacks by people with nothing left to lose. So if someone were going to an hero, for example, they should go out in a blaze of glory for the betterment of the country, rather than getting revenge on their school or some shit.

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>armed groups
The fact that you think this is a viable option shows you have no idea how the world works and how fucked we truly are.

When the welfare state crashes and burns, the race war will begin. At least here in Norway. I wouldn't call it a race war, its more Muslim vs everyone else.

You fags never learn right ?
Wait for November 11

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You first Mr. FBI man.

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It is unlikely that shit will hit the fan in all white places, at the same time, one of us will die the other 25nations will react moved by fear.

Just wait the public opinion swing when afrikaners will be genocided.

it won't be a 'race war' it'll just be a subverted war with other europeans like it always is, one that keeps the elites on top. Hell even a 'race war' is a subversion, when the problem with european countries are the elites not fucking third worlders getting a free pass to come here.

Lol faggot. Your moms pussy tastes like cinnamon toast crunch you fucking glow in the dark nigger, ill have you know ive trained on Jow Forums for years to spot your kind. You cant defeat me, you fucking nigger.

Fucking fairy ass kike worshipping cuck lovin faggot. Cant wait to see more cinnamon toast crunch out of your moms pussy, she's already filling it with milk for me.

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this the imported garbage is already to stupid to lay low until they have the numbers meaning they will never managed to pull it off everywhere at the same time. meaning when the first try starts in the uk, france or sweden every other country in europe will immidiatly be shocked to its core (at least the retards that didnt see that coming) and then deportations if not slaughter truly starts.

There will be a great white flight- deserting the cucked lands and leaving them to decay to utter ruin under the management of the blacks.

Whites will set up a state, or maybe use an existing one, with strict border controls, cold weather and absolutely no Gibs, so no black would ever go there.

I have a hard time believing that because Afrikaaners are the evil people who created apartheid, they're the new nazis

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This is part of the reason why I love Poland.

We are all mixed race as a sign of all the countries that we have conquered in the past, very similar to the UK

Say it with me! The Branch Davidians did nothing wrong!

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>so no black would ever go there
>hurr I must flee to Antarctica because it's so much easier than the alternative which is beating up/shooting every nigger in sight

Neither did the Michigan Militia, but where are they now?

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Yeah, no thanks. Armed groups attract attention in our Orwellian slave state. At least in bongland.

Kek, the Black Gods will destroy whitey at the first sign of conflict when the military isn't protecting you anymore.

>this message brought to you by Alphabet

I don't see how the MMC are relevant. I know that their leader, Norman Olsen published a press release blaming the Japanese for the Oklahoma City bombing, supposedly in retaliation for a clandestine US-sponsored gas attack in the Tokyo subway system. It was an embarrassment to the MMC membership and subsequently Lynn Van Huizen of Nunica, Michigan was elected state commander in 1996. After that, there was a massive decline in membership, almost to the point of the MMC becoming defunct.

I don't remember any altercations between them and the state.

As for the Branch Dravidians, I totally agree.

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Nationalism always comes about after a period of degeneracy such as this. It's coming. This has happened countless times before and will again. Question is if the Jews get expelled or not.

Yes, advocating against promoting violence on a public webforum known to be frequented by law enforcement makes ME the CIA Nigger.

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The MMC and other Militia Groups were demonized in the wake of the OKC false flag (which just happened to destroy vital evidence in the White Water investigation).

Only if the dancing israelis breach the normie sphere.

gay, creaturely existence is an evil nightmare, better to become one with the timeless absolute

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Well, no actually. It makes OP a CIANigger
>but if there is anything you'd like to tell us, Jow Forums is there for you.

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So, what solution could we come up with that doesn't involve making an armed militia, that will be destroyed or demonized by the federal government?

We wuz civilized

Say it with me fellow whites



Running groups for white males

> if everybody don't survive, it's all for nothing

op never opened a history book
shit, it might be even good for western europe - some tough loving like what communism did to EE after "the world was saved after defeating the sauron in ww2"

pic related

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This sounds like a good idea.

Where have I heard this before?

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If you must an hero, go an hero in the middle of the SPLC.

pretty sure your meme flag is glowing.

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Not really the central governments are all well organized and the indoctrination of democracy means the people back them in their enforcement of the law in most cases. They can put down any armed rebellion faster than the fire can spark.

Most nationalists have at least enough faith in their country that they want to trust it to the last, so it would take something dramatic for them to chimp out.


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what's gonna happen is south africa if you keep electing women and niggers

Nothing will happen until the fear of the state security apparatus, and it's investigative ability / enforcement arm is below the threshold to enforce its will. After that occurs pure bedlam will ensue.

Good speech by Hans-Hermann Hoppe about dismantling the state apparatus.

wont result in a race war

>Question is if the Jews get expelled or exterminated
ftfy. holocaust 1.0 is gonna epic


you know Azov is a political party now yes? they essentially have Gestapo fucking up Casinos and anything russian

Not Azov. That is Right Sector you are talking about. But yeah, other than that you are true and what true natsocs are currently doing in Ukraine is nothing but a short of amazing.

Also we are not yet there, degeneracy-wise. We need some more economic breakdown.

wars aren't made by the plebs
even 'peoples' uprisings have leaders from the intelligentsia
this next war will be made when all sides show their technological hands, then autonomous drones will wipe all sides out

>We need some more economic breakdown.
Just wait and watch.

Counting on it Czechbro. Though my champ is still South Africa. It will be a great opportunity for nationalists all around the world to go there, join the fight and gain valuable experience for a race conflicts in Europe which will come later.

>dismantling the state apparatus
that entire speech was pro absolute monarchist