Opinion of him?

opinion of him?

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Literal who and controlled opposition.

Wish this George Lincoln Rockwell larper would get the same ending already.

Solid academic.

Either autistic or controlled opposition. He married a Central-Asian ogre of a woman, yet claims to be a "European Nationalist".

More than likely, though, he just has autism. Even a paid FBI shill couldn't be that cringe.

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Dumb faggot who licks Bush balls and rims Obama anus.

A total faggot, and a shit leader

hes an autist for sure

yamnaya peoples were the result of EHG men and CHG women

spencer is merely attempting to bring the aryans back by breeding with a woman from the Caucasus

Jewish plant


Just like all the other talking heads, he should do more than give speechs or beg for money.
Do any have a real career?

the problem with that is that proto-indo-europeans (what they mistakenly called Aryans back in the late 19th) were nomads who came from the Steppes INTO Europe.

The people in Georgia now are literally Genghis-tier rapebabies, no offense.

Every thread.
Surely you fags are good at doxxing and can find out more about him and actually prove he's a fed.

Richard is one of the more respectable people on the American dissident right. When an intrinsically European state is finally founded in the next few centuries, he will be cited as an early pivotal figure in the realization of a sort of white Zion a la Theodor Herzl.

Jews have Israel - perhaps white people will have Europa.

I don't see your point

we need a leaderless horde to rape and plunder and cleanse Europe

don't be a civcuck

it's antifa discord kids spreading fud

Spencer is red pilled and based

isn't that what the Syrians are for?

Syrians are semite parasites, they only exist in Europe thanks to our pity and malaise

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who cares, he's done

He has the same jacket as me


Yeah because feds always make it easy to expose them... idiot

so PJW was married to a woman and found out that hes a faggot

Washed-up has-been, we’re waiting to see who will try to replace him next.

you're alright bro, but you need to get your shit together

Jow Forums hates everyone, why bother asking?

Suddenly weaponized autism doesn't exist.

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The threads have been spammed since before discord was a thing, probably a variety of groups doing it. Not surprising, Spencer has more academic and political experience than the majority of 'alt people'

Could have been something great by staying true to himself, but he chose to become Matthew Heimbach by appealing to morons.

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lol don't compare the noble founding fathers and pioneers of zionism to dicky spency the wimpy faggot

>stay forever online
>do nothing in real life
at least its your business what you do in the states

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Hes cool

LOL you are such a retard. Go ahead and try to use weaponized autism to out an undercover FBI agent.

i disagree with that post
other than causing havok on social media because the news have shifted to the internet
and people here especially the older ones are basically veterans in that regard
there is not much that happened

it was just online jihad like many others just on a larger scale

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of course im a jew from Bosnia
one of the stunning 262 that remain

Gets on my nerves. I can't watch a speech, video, debate, etc of his all the way through.

The founding fathers deserve nothing but scorn for their incompetent designs, far worse than communism.

Surely he has handlers.
Surely there are suspicious people around him.

i just did you fucking kike, what are you going to do about it?

let the shills live with their own delusions. Anyone that doesn't hate every single public right wing figure is automatically controlled opposition/jew for them

i mean i get it if there is an online component to it and you declare yourself a leader or you don't renounce a perceived leadership
people who are more far leaning than you will be against you, that how its been forever online.
i dont mind when Americans do it its really their business
i have a problem when they dont want to talk about it
or if foreigners meddle into burger affairs

Dr Pavel?

They barely look white at all. Not even saying that because of their hair color or whatever, their facial features are very mutt like

He’s a homosexual. That Russian woman he married is a beard.

only kikes hitlerpost
only kikes nazipost
ergo he's a kike

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holocaust was a jew op
they used IBM computers
top 30% went to US
mid 30% went to Israel
bottom 30% were gassed - those are rough numbers
the purpose of WW2 was cull the herd of jews
get jews to steal america - like a religious cult mafia
almost .1 billion whites killed
and because of that
.5 billion whites now missing that would be here

Paid shill

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literal homosexual glownigger

My opinion is
>1 post by this ID

Richard "Don't Gas the Kykes, No Race War" Spencer?
Not a fan.

jesus wtf is this? 2009?? no opinion cuz hes fucking NOBODYYY (and in ALL HONESTY) never fuckin was

>Spencer does a Hitler salute
>Spencer acts like a moderate

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My opinion of him has been steadily decreasing the more I learn about his philosophical grounding. I agree with him about the reality of race, and I'm sympathetic to this idea of white race consciousness. But when I hear that he's a fan of Hegel (the first true pseud) and that he found Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals in any way convincing, I have to come to the conclusion that he's not really on my side.

Races are vessels for ideas. If the ideology your race carries is something as disgusting as the ideology Spencer advocates then its not a good Race.

That being said, I don't think most white people like Spencer's ideas, even if they could be brought to understanding about race realism. Most of us don't want to be godless dialecticians. Probably the philosopher who best expresses what most white people believe implicitly is Descartes, and that's a good thing.

Controlled opposition, will join UKIP to help Sargon do absolutely nothing.

A great man, fighting for the white race. There will be statues of him throughout the ethnostate one day.

one of the most intelligent eloquent gentleman on the right.

Tommy Spencer?

Rationalism is garbage. Hume btfo descartes. People want to be part of something greater than themselves, without religion that will be a nation state composed of similar people’s.

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pretty cool
faggot nu-Jow Forums will say everyone is controlled opposition though

I watched him speak in the latest Netflix docu about the alt-right. He is either a literal rat mole of the FBI or a megalomaniac narcissist. He speaks like a college freshman who just parrots philosophical quotes out of their context, contradicts himself every 5 minutes, and is easily dismantled by anyone remotely educated on the topic he likes to speak about.

He sounds and talks like someone who is stupid but got payed his way through expensive private collages.

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Zionist fag-enabler.

the 3 gluttons

>d*ckie the amerimutt
utter subhuman faggot and a typical mutt retard

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He's an entertaining guy to watch but someone like Jared Taylor is more suited to spearhead the movement. Spencer gets absolutely demolished by any adversary it's almost embarrassing. Taylor on the other hand is the one demolishing other people.

He has some good and some bad points. But he sounds like a faggot every time he speaks.

>Jared "Jews are hWhite" Taylor

idiot with some good takes.
was useful, but it's wearing out.

kys faggot

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Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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Name one thing he’s accomplished besides subverting a political movement from within.

Garbage, whether he is an agent or not he's a lispy fag who will only set good things back

Russia is still Russian.

He’s a hero. Very very few have the courage to take a stand like he did.

Glow in the dark CIA nigger.

Slide thread slide thread slide thread

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