Why would I support Trump when he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children?

Why would I support Trump when he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children?

He separates children from families and puts them in cages. Why would I support that exactly?

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So making decisions based solely on emotion.

What would the logical reason be?

Also yeah I don't want children hurt dude.

how does one not get thrown into a tizzy over obvious bait?

theres 10,000 kids in the internment camp

Opinion riddled with emotion and buzzwords discarded. Also sage.

No one does, but we can't be responsible for the decisions of their parents that place them in shitty situations. It's cold logic.

Porra caralho!!

Kys memeflagger sage jidf shill

Why do we want to do that exactly?

Can someone please explain to me why we keep those children and not send them back with their parents?
They'll be placed in orphanages and that is their ticket to a life of crime, drugs and abuse and they will not become productive members of society who love their new country but will forever hold a grudge against the government and live of welfare.
We cant be this stupid.

You're right, they should all have been gassed on the spot.

Because the structure of modern society contains a backbone of justice and penitence. Read some Foucault. In the worlds we enjoy living in, with plentiful food and safe cities and fair pay and efficiency, acts that subvert or challenge the established order must not be allowed to stand. Our angst at punishing offenders is the price for keeping a working civilization. Plus it's better than the old retributive shit anyway.

I legit don't care about illegal alien kids getting temporarily separated from their illegal alien parents while illegally crossing the border. At all.

You mean 6 million.

You have a job? Pay taxes? Good, I'd like to move myself, my wife, our 6 kids, 3 cousins and my grandparents into your home. You also will provide us with free medical care, and allowance of food each month and welfare even though none of us work. You finally get fed up with me after leeching for so long, you decide to get rid of me and my wife after a drunken car accident that destroyed your white picket fence. Well in the mean time, we have had 2 more babies. They were born in your home and are now yours to feed, house and provide medical care, school and everything they require.

You still want to preach love now? If you wouldn't allow immigrants into your home you are a hypocrite. So, would you?

so people like you chimp out and maybe just maybe it will keep those jungle spics in their own fucking country.

iv read him. hes a postmodernist.. how exactly does a bit of illegal immigration 'destroy society'..thats a bit of an exaggeration here

>he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children
Yeah I'm pretty disappointed about that myself. Building a camp seems like a waste of resources, better to just shoot them at the border along with their parents and be done with it.

>houses and the 4th largest nation on earth are the same

>He separates children from families
Who's stopping the children from going back with their parents?

The size of the problem doesn't matter in this comparison you retarded kraut.

>how exactly does a bit of illegal immigration 'destroy society'..thats a bit of an exaggeration here
We have fucking laws that need to be followed. And in this case with immigration there are only arguments for strict immigration control. I spent a shitload of time and effort to move from germonistan to the US. Got a job, paid my taxes and did countless runs to countless administrations and went through the whole green card process and got my citizenship last year.
And now some dirty wetbacks think they can bypass that by simply coming here.
Fuck those people.
The rule of law is the most important characteristic of civilization.
Fucking leftist like you prick subvert this and ruin civilization.

quoted a wrong post, meant to:

lol at this desperate concerted effort by dnc and shills

>parents shove their kids in the back of a fucking 18-wheeler in the middle of a Texas summer, evade police, and travel with drug dealers and human traffickers they paid a small fortune to
>Fucking DRUMPF has the nerve to STRIP THESE KIDS AWAY from their RIGHTFUL PARENTS and place them in a well-maintained compound with recreational areas, dedicated education centers, and well-prepared meals


Na it’s not. Look at the fucking amnesties done over the last 40 years and the number of Hispanics living in the USA. That’s how you kill a country.

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maybe they should stop putting their kids in danger

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The illegality of the migration is key. Allowing illegal entrance to the most sought-after nation would not only be an insult to those patiently waiting for approval, it would irrevocably damage the trust in institutional migrancy.

Why wait in line when everyone's just grabbing the ice cream anyway?

And yeah, Foucault is a postmodernist. I hate most of his shit, but he's the father of most Western penitentiary systems and sentencing guidelines.

Yet another fuckup Trump is currently fixing. Children such as yourself (and the ones in Obummer's cages) don't understand that shit like this doesn't get fixed over night. Even MUH DRUMPFH said it himself a few days ago.
Of course you didn't listen.

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>Why would I support Trump when he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children?
Meme flag. Hillary shill detected.

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Come on kids let’s sneak into another Country, nothing could possibly go wrong. Not like it’s breaking any laws or anything.

>how exactly does a bit
What is california


Because you're not a wet back???

why should we support illegals who want to put their children through a horrible legal ordeal by sneaking into a sovereign country illegally?

Thanks for your feedback. I agree with you. That makes most sense right now. I just doubted myself because of a reaction by a friend when I said I didn't see the problem with Trump.

> why support deporting and separate.

For the good of your own future.

good point. but this thread is getting saged.

Why would we WANT to build a prison camp and pay for more worthless immigrants here when we could just drop them off in Japan?

Dunno.. Why DID you support Obungo, OP?

You are right, we shouldn't build """"camps"""" (like pic related)

These kids should just be deported. Housing them is a waste of money.

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>Why would I support that exactly?
Well, if he gassed the families instead, it might inspire him to fix ((other problems)) too.

>Why would I support Trump when he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children?
Is that not reason enough?
>He separates children from families and puts them in cages. Why would I support that exactly?
I dont get it, is that a bad thing?

children are separated from their parents when the parents commit crimes
why is this a hard thing to understand

you are a tool for the jews:a slave.

Trump is trying to save the children (((they))) sacrifice to Moloch.

Jews have a subconscious fear of being gassed by the government, the truth is separating children from their parents is a fine extra punishment for crossing the border illegally.

Quit being a whiny bitch, Moshe.

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>Why would I support Trump when he wants to build a prison camp for 5,000 children?

Yeah it's absurd. 5000 bullets is considerably cheaper than a camp

At least he is not eating them.

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew....

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This. The biggest enemy of conservatism in America is sentimentality. We must strive to eliminate it both within ourselves and wherever we find it.

Human life is not particularly precious. Children of our enemies grow up to be our enemies, too.

>Also yeah I don't want children hurt dude.

Why do you care? What have these children done for you? Why do you want to risk the children of other citizens of this country for outsiders?

The number is irrelevant. It can be 10, 10,000 or 20 million. All of them should be there.

Incels love trump. They hate the world and want to watch it burn.


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I love watching the US completely dismantle their rule of law, economy and international relationships.