DropTheB Reactions

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Identifying yourself according to your sexuality is the most degenerate thing on earth.

Lol I love you guys.

I missed this one.

Proud of you guys.

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lol this works. Just keep going.

Oh trust me Bisexuals acknowledges there is two genders only. Which contradicts the rest.

anyone can post here and they know it. why the fuck would we give a fuck about bisexuals either way. 100% trap origin. Keep telling yourselves it's a bunch of "right wing" assholes from 4chins, ya fuckin losers.

>need LGBT to think of themselves as something special.

Nothing of value is lost. They will not pass on their genes.

They always blame someone else for their problems. Females and responsibility are like water and oil.

Why are we not more covert?

>woke enough
so woke

Did our local german cuck out himself in the first image here?

Because this is an open board visited by possibly millions of people each month, you want to be part of some super sekrit operations group then find somewhere else.

people who are fine with fags but draw the line at not picking a side? wtf

"You aren't a real gay, you aren't oppressed like us because you can choose to not be gay, and that's straight passing!"

It's basically "You aren't stuck with the less savory sexuality" and oppression olympics bullshit.

This is fucking hilarious

The great thing about this campaign is that it is literally something they should care about according to their retarded "gender is a spectrum" logic

Like we are actually helping them, but of course they're gonna argue about it because it was never really about logic was it

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lol yeah I didn't think of it that way, it's just fucking jealousy
tbf though, bis have it better than fags because they can choose from more people


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wow awesome gif please keep posting it in every thread :DDDD

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fucking kike losers.

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woah you said kike holy cow ur really 1 of us D: my fellow based /polack/pede XDDD

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don't forget he added a peepee pic
which makes him much cooler and much more of /ourguy/
am i right XDDDD


Pic related is true but it exposes the extreme “progressive” left as the paradox of insanity that it is.

>super sekrit operations group
hello R*ddiit!

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we need to become smoother anons.
This post ().

Jow Forums was taken over by social media outcasts years ago. They don't give a fuck about being sequential, in fact they enamor the idea of the credibility on trolling people. Fucking retards



Drop the G and the B #LTPQ movement.
Gays are less opressed specially if they are white, Bis opress others with the gender binaries

what do you mean by smoother?

hold on, you might be onto something there. What if we made fake posts about movements saying that they were psyops by Jow Forums when in reality they weren't? That's like 2nd tier irony holy shit.

We could trigger so many people like that my god.

I think he wants a less social club and more a secret club

Holy shit, like, we say that Jow Forums is trying to divide us by making a fake post in Jow Forums and making a fake tweeter outrage to keep the bi. Because pol cares about the gender binari or other bullshit

They are starting to figure out when we are shitposting or not. We need more advanced tactics.

the fact that so many anti-droptheb screenshot our threads and post them on twitter is kinda scary isn't
a reminder of how popular Jow Forums had become


i see what you mean


No b, only p.

they caught on bois
they know that we were trying to troll them

I love how pol doesn't even need to go full guerrilla tactics anymore. Just a blant, low effort, obvious trolling attempt is enough. The salt coming just from these reactions to people realizing its a Jow Forumsop is enough to make me smile for the next 2 weeks.

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kek and indeed we are

>alt righters
They are so behind.
We have a shot to organize. We can survive this.

they already figured out that it was Jow Forums

but the shit was fun as fuck while it lasted

Bisexuality implies that there are only two genders and that those are biologically essentialist.

It's such a delicate operation really. You need to apply a little internal logic to cause a ruckus, but, if you get too logical (eg, "trans" implies that male and female are biological categories and that a female gendered man could only become a woman through a transition, meaning that she is actually a he) they will freak out and stop listening.
SJW's have dyslogia. They can only juggle a few variables in mind at once, this is why they are always contradicting themselves.
You have to keep the logic sequences very small, anything too complex will make them frustrated and mad.

Bisexuality implies that there are only two genders. Men and women have penises.

It makes us complacent though

We need something to force us to stay vigilant tbqh

>this pride month kind of sucked

Luckily the truth universally does not spread among left leaning circles. They'd rather have something to be mad about

it's been so long