This is America

This is America

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Genuine question: what happens to those children?
Will they stay in the US?
Please tell me it isnt so.
Why not just send them back with their fucking parents?
I dont give a shit about illegals but this seems really unnecessarily cruel

It was probably the only food they had for the day too

Well they'll be back in Mexico before they know it.

And it's a good thing! They learn how to do stuff themself in very young age. Nice!

And I adore it. Burgers get the those spics rounded up and offloaded into their shitholes by any means necessary!

About the only education their brain capacity can handle. Dumb beaners.

Not if the cartels put them into their sex trafflicking ring.

The border patrol really needs to start mutilating them worse than the cartels would, and leave their corpses strewn all over the desert.

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Where were her parents?

This is (((reporting)))

Need to send them to Russia to populate Far East. They will make Siberia Great Again. Russians will love them because Russians are not racist at all, they love darkies and brownies. "Muh victoria over fascism" runs deep in their souls.

This the first and last time these Latino kids are gong to act as Surrogate parents to younger children.

>commit a crime while bringing along a kid

If this were any other situation everyone would say off with the parent/guardian’s head. Just imagine it’s a B&E and some dumb bitch brought along her toddler. The fuck are you thinking


Children integrate so fast, today they are sharting, tomorrow they will be watching baseball and eating apple pie and planning massacres at their school.

Thank you for the morning lol OP

>non-Americans hace c any bearing what America is
Lol no

fuck off niggerfaggot go shilling somewhere else

Don't you separate children from their parents when you put them in a day care? What's the difference? Just a long daycare until the parents agree to go back

You want a white homogeneous society? Buy a gun. I heard they sell guns in the U.S.A. for bargain even for poorfags. I would even move to the U.S.A. to have gun rights and freedom of speech. Canada doesn't have these perks.

Oh boy I can't wait to see the shill silence here when this campaign backfires spectacularly

This is why republicans will never win another national election.

there, now everyone should understand we are telling you not to come to the US. I am honestly shocked that rather than stop coming to the US people are acting indignant over this.

From what I understand they're held in the camps or facilities or whatever the fuck until the parents are processed and they're booted the fuck out together. I dont know for sure though because there's so much autistic screeching and hyperbole about it that its hard to parse the bullshit. I think the processing takes upwards of a month or 2 though, probably because there's so many of the fuckers.

The media is going to push this hard. Remember they are doing it to themselves by coming here illegally. And WTF eles are we going to do with them? Toss them in county jail.


This is only time I will ever respond to a kike. Your people are like the rat plague.
Feels good to have my DNA tested for 8 generations with no signs of Jewish ancestry. I'll be heating up the oven for you. Tell me your prefered temperature.

>This is America
Notice how you didn't say "Mexico."

Why is a fifteen-year old wearing diapers?

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Under international law, children get special rights as "asylum-seekers" which basically delays the processing. In addition to evaulating their "situation" the US has to do research on who has legal custody of them in their home country.
Because of allegations (and the reality that) kids were crossing with adults who were not their parents or guardians, and to avoid granting custody in the US to someone who crossed with them and said they were their parent/guardian, but was actually a smuggler/pimp, they seperated them UNTIL they could get resolution on their custody situation.
So it's either be subject to the "POSSIBILITY" of "CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING" or seperate them from adults until a CUSTODY INVESTIGATION can be completed.

>Business Insider
> written by chinese rat

You what's the true cruelty? A European male being replaced by other races under the guise of diversity and freedom. Don't blame Europeans for doing mass shootings when it's the liberal agenda that forces their hands.

In leftist America, pic related would have been passed around sad minorities on government programs for appeasement.

I Trump's America, this will be a trophy wife for the highest bidder

Well that's just bad parenting.

Welcome to the new age. Similar experience coming soon to you.

This is creative writing

this is the angle (((they're))) running with now huh? got to double down on the "muh children" bullshit

The mother couldn't go with her (back to Mexico) because ________.

Nah bruh, that's her taxi to the slave bin.

>Know the rules
>Break them anyway
>Seek special treatment
>Rinse and repeat

This is the sjw code.

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why are migrants bringing children that aren't even theirs

is it because they thought that if they brought children they wouldnt be detained

well that was misguided on the part of people attempting to break the law and "cut the line"

>Implying other children would give a shit about some screaming toddler with shit in its pants.

God the media are getting desperate.

Calm yo tits. I'm not indignant over it i just didnt understand why they were seperated. explained it quite nicely. Basically we are doing those kids a favor by saving them from cartel sex trafficers.
Lefties are terrible people for crying about this

they get sent back a little later. im talking like 1-2 weeks later

its also bullshit cause non of you faggots complained when the obongo did it for 2 years.

And it's beautiful.

>This is America
don't catch you sneakin in

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

And. So what?

>Card carrying socialist
thats good, we will use identification cards at the camps.

The United States is not the 3rd worlds daycare!!!

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So what, you're from Russia lmao

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>1 post by this ID
fugg :DDD

Back then, we saw America as hopeless and wanted it to burn down faster

I wish stupid liberals could understand this concept, but no. Apparently illegal immigration is hardly a crime to them. Anchor babies are what started this whole mess too.

>leans into microphone

I fucking love it. maybe these jungle mexicans will realize they aren't wanted. spics BTFO

That happens all the time over the border, their mothers are well-known for neglecting their kids.

This is the actual reason for separating children and parents. Sick? That is a subjective, emotional, manipulative term, but in my subjective opinion, yes.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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Gosh that's terrible, better build the wall so no more families force themselves into illegal action and drastic consequences. Mexico should also get tough on people trying to get into America. Perhaps the CIA/FBI could do what they do best and control the gangs in Mexico, they could scare people from trying to cross.

No, sweetie.
Unfortunately, Drumpf is having the children tortured for information about cartels, then they are taken on a train ride to a work camp.
Most of the children too weak or lazy to work are shot in the head in front of the others, and their bodies are thrown into a crocodile pit in Florida.
The remaining children will work hard labor until they starve to death, then they are taken to a shower where they are gassed to death.
That’s when their bodies are taken to an incinerator and cremated.
Over 60 BILLION Mexican children are being cremated every 5 minutes now at the US Border.
It’s so sad.
This is America now, sweety.

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The CIA is completely intertwined with organisations like MS-13. The CIA does not have any accountability, just like the privately owned kike/kike shill central bank that is the FED.

That says a lot about how stretched thin the border control services are. We need MORE ICE agents if anything to better care for all the human trafficking victims who have been rescued from being smuggled illegally from their home country.

They should hang any nacho nigger that shits itself. They already smell bad enough.

This is the short punchy rhetoric that needs spreading on social media to counteract all the fucking imbeciles with their "drumpf is hitler" bullshit.

>16 year olds changing diapers

>amerikkka literally puts people into concentrationcamps
>people are still joining the fun
Maybe, just maybe Hitler was right.

Spread the sex trafficking angle, it's the same as the Left in Europe siding with Islamic gangs over their rape victims, expose the fuckers for the pieces of shit they really are.

It's always OK when the Left do it.

Maybe you shouldn't invade a sovereign country with your children in tow.

Why the fuck is a four year old still wearing diapers?

Whelp, if the alternative, as demonstrated by the previous administration, was sending the kids to slave labor and pedo rings, then yes, temporary secure housing is preferred.

Can any of the coyotes...I mean, "parents" prove that they are the parent of that child?

If the aunt doesn't have the brain capacity to realize that illegal immigration is wrong, then she probably couldn't change the diaper anyway

Because wetbacks are too stupid to learn how to shit anywhere except on themselves until the age of 13.

Why don't you americans just fucking gas the illegals? You don't want them in America and they don't want to go back to their home country.
Solution = gas
It's a win-win situation. Am I the first person to think of this?

Burn in hell

If HRC had won, we wouldn't be hearing about these children.

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10/10 post

We don't have crocos, those are in Egypt. Wes gots Aligatos. They're similar but not the same.

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew

Liberals would rather have this

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