Will It Happen?

>Angela Merkel is facing 'destiny day' in a bitter row over immigration that could see her 13-year rule of Germany come to an abrupt end within days.

>The Chancellor's Coalition partners, the Christian Social Union (CSU), want to turn away at the border migrants who have previously been registered in another EU country - often their first port of call, Italy or Greece.

>But Merkel is firmly opposed to the plan, favoured by CSU Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, warning that it would leave countries at the EU's southern periphery alone to deal with the refugee influx.

>An act of rebellion from Seehofer could force her to sack him, which 'would be the end of the government and the alliance between CDU and CSU,' an unnamed CDU source told Bild. The German newspaper called it 'destiny day for Angela Merkel'.

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Nothing will happen, she's got all the dirt on all of her so called partners, decades of access to Stasi files lol, she has Germany clamped down, nobody can budge here and they know it, they're just making noises to please the voters lol, dumb Germans thinking Seehofer is based now

Yes. Think so. When she fires Seehofer, the coalition will break, and since she will lose the majority then, greens or left will try to fill the gap to avoid new elections. The outcome will be either Merkel stays and the flood of Muslim shitniggers keeps going, or Merkel goes and the amount of shitskins will slightly decrease. It's too late for uncucking ourselves anyhow.

The German population collapsed Berlin in the largest protest ever. Chanting "We want the Führer back"

They'll re elect Merkel again and again, because they're used to migrant cock by now

the german rebound from nazism where they import half the worlds shitskins is just as pathetic as gassing jews

When will you fucking krauts finally hang that traitor bitch from the brandenburg gate????
Uncuck yourselves!
We didnt bomb the living shit out of you and gave you billions to rebuild only that you can fuck up even more!

I hope it happens but I doubt it. It would be a good signal for whole Europe. Fuck EU, fuck Merkel, fuck sandniggers, fuck Swedistan, race war now.

Imagine calling trump a dictator while living under 13 years of dominion

That's the spirit

>lose to beaners in the world cup
>sudden aversion to brown people

hmm seehofer was a useful idiot to keep other useful idiots voting for merkel.
He always talked against her on unpopular crap and every single time it was just so people would think the merkel gang changed.
of course it was always bullshit to keep idiots in line.

>"The end will come for Merkel any day now", said the increasingly nervous Neo-Nazi for the 8000th time this year

Nothing will happen. Modern germans have no balls for stuff like that

Seehofer just wants to act tough, nothing can change Germans and their never ending obsession with that nasty midget Merkel.

it's over bitch

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Rolling for Merkel to be guillotined.

>t. Schlomo von hitlerstein

roll for death by suffocation via BBC
Hello, rabbi

>germans doing anything slightly against the rule of their masters in current year +2

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Not yet. Seehofer is just making noise for the state elections, so merkel will probably be able to deal with it. It is a good sign of escalation nonetheless.

roll for hung in public

>>The Chancellor's Coalition partners, the Christian Social Union (CSU), want to turn away at the border migrants who have previously been registered in another EU country - often their first port of call, Italy or Greece.
If they do this then on what grounds can they oppose Italy and Greece closing their ports and rounding up the migrants and deporting them or putting them on camps? Because Germany is the strongest voice trying to stop them from doing that.

i hope merkel wins. that way we can finally have WW3 against the caliphate of EU.

more like

>germans doing anything slightly against the rule of their masters in current year +2000

the germans have always been servile dogs to authority

A rifle bullet is all she needs to know

When you consider all the innocent people who were killed by refugees or raped by them it really makes you wonder why the people responsible for recklessly importing them are still alive

what about your commie leader?

Nope, it is all a charade. Our borders are 2500km long. We haven’t got the infrastructure or manpower to turn anyone away. We had 10,000 illegal crossings or so which were noticed, but around 70,000 illegally crossed the border - mosy via Poland and Czechia - into Germany this year.

And we aren’t even checking roads or trains any more. It is all bullshit. If we wanted fewer illegal migrants, we should just help secure the EU borders. we should send our shitty army down to the Turkish border with sniffer dogs.

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Sup nigger, do you think your country will beat Sweden?

A broken man.

Reminder that if Hitler wasn't such a faggot and had to gas Jews that Germany wouldn't have swung this far left permanently.

Oh like turning them away is going to do shit. What about kicking out the self-sustaining breeding population that is already there?

Europe is so fucked.

Flaying alive then nailed to the mecca cube. Forever tainting said cube because she's a pig and that's haram.