Is peak oil real?

Is peak oil real?

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No but it don't matter now

It is real nigger.
Keep burning that shit, or someone else will burn it for you.

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Very stale OPEC meme for manipulating prices.

Wether it is real or not, we won't notice the decline in our lifetimes.

No. Oil is abiotic. Peak oil was supposed to be the happening in the 80's... then the 90's... then the... you get my point. Peak oil is a meme.

We are not at peak oil but we are definitely at peak white trash these days.. just look who elected our current president.

We hit peak wells
Now were on the shale moon launch.
We have a lot of fucking shale.

>dead trees and matter have no biological destructors in the past
>rot and make fuel
Organisms start eating dead trees

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Reddit please go

It's a big hoax. There is an endless supply beneath us. There is no evidence that ancient dragons and whatnot turns to oil. It's all theories to keep humanity controlled and stupid. Evolution theory is another big hoax to keep the majority docile atheists.

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America was really fucking smart about it.The ME had oceans of oil. We slurped it right up.

Meanwhile saving most of our remaining reserves.

Saudis still have oil but their supply is rapidly decreasing. We had oceans back in the day too. We used to have oil springing out of the ground in Virginia.

Now we have a SHITTON of oil and nat-gas in shale.

Meanwhile the ME does not. They have basically tapped into every existing oil resource. Except maybe a few potential offshore wells.

how can what I imagine is a tiny amount of muscle tissue and some weak tendons hold his body weight and move so fluidly?
looks like a fucking demon

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You know the drill. Wanna redpill? Provide sauce.

>He doesn't understand supply and demand cycle

We won't "run out" as such. Supply/demand will simply make it prohibitively expensive, which will make currently uneconomical deposits of oil economical for a while.

But of course, we should be using petrochemicals as a stepping stone to nuclear and into sci-fi territory while we can.

It was before the shale stuff was found.

Hubbert's Law was pretty much thrown out at that point, which is where all of that peak oil stuff came from.

Pretty much every oil company has released statements on this. If you’re going to listen to them, the last paper I read from shell detailed that they don’t have an end in sight due to the increasingingly effective methods of extraction combined with increasingly efficient methods of consumption.

Shale oil is not "easy oil" though. It's what I said in the post before yours. It was uneconomical, now it's economical. But it's not infinite.

We haven't even told the caribou in Alaska to FUCK OFF so we can drill there.

I am sure it is. Get your liberal Jude buddies to allow alternative tech to flourish that would stop us from using oil.

what the fuck is that?
it looks like a mix between an afghan and a kangaroo

What really happens in Australia?

Its a joke that leftists actually believe

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Ok you sound like a retard but how about this:
1. Gravity is inevitable
2. Time is inevitable
3. Death is inevitable
4. Oil = gravity + time + death
5. Therefor Oil finds a way....

Fake, but it'll seem true. We're removing oil not because it's going, actually there's a lot more oil than people realise, the entire planet was covered in a swamp of single celled organisms that became oil. No, it's because sand people used oil almost strictly to fund Islamic radicalism and Islamic revolutions, so we'll take it away from them whilst virtue signalling about environmentalism because fuck you sand niggers we made you rich when we could have just conquered you.

No. oil is a renewable energy. The earth continuously makes it from rocks. And we got plenty of rocks. The Russians figured this out a few decades ago.

How do you get hydrocarbons from silicates?

Oil as a fossil fuel has been debunked for years user.

You are fucking idiots. It's a finite resource. Sure, we won't use it all up this year or in the next 10 years, but we WILL USE IT UP.

Try thousands of years.

The entire earth has been covered in living things that have died, think billions of years of dead things rotting under the ground.

This isn't why we need to stop oil, carbon emissions less so, we can create technology that combusts cleanly. No, it's because fuck you sand niggers.

I don't even have the time to explain this to you before work. Just look it up. I hope you speak Russian though.

I'm just impressed they can get carbon and hydrogen from silicon.

>Oil exists in a variety of states, some of which are more expensive to mine than others.
>Mine the high quality, easy to reach crude first. Plentiful supply keeps prices low. A few years down the line the supply if this type of oil begins to decrease while demand increases. Prices increase.
>Price increase gives oil companies extra capital, oh shit now we can afford to mine the next most expensive type of oil.
>"new," stage of oil increase supply enough to lower prices again.
>Repeat cycle several times.
>Eventually all the oil is used, same cycle for copper and aluminium

How do you get Materia from Mako?

The point of Hubbard's law isn't economics, it's the probability of finding new oilfields.

If economics are factored in, then it is about what is cheapest to get oil from regardless of where it comes from.

Given the fact that oil supplies are not infinite, peak oil exists per definition.

Theres gotta be a shit-ton of oil somewhere in Australia????

If there is, it would've been found already.


Not really. Mostly gas and coal due to east-coast back-arc extension/subsidence (and iron ore out west). Our ancient inland oceans weren't algae and coral fests like Saudi Arabia :'''(

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The only oil is offshore near Indonesia. We have fucktons of coal tho.

oil is a infinite resource

that explains price. but what about the quantity. more expensive oil means theres less of it

you tried

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I wish coal would become more popular. It's ridiculous that the world is switching to natural gas. Coal is so much cheaper and more accessible than natural gas. In the US, the northeast runs out of gas almost every winter due to the switch from coal. Luckily, we don't need to use coal in Norway due to hydropower (except Svalbard, which is powered by coal).


>Is peak oil real?
Pretty soon, the landscape will be dotted with thousands upon thousands of oil tanks, because it will become profitable to build and store oil due to prices rising constantly with no end in sight.
All models are showing that production has a 100% chance of peaking in 2030. It will probably happen sooner than that.

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Damn right.
oil being made up of dinosaurs and ancient forests is a real dumbfuck idea.
Prove me wrong pol
> protip: you can't.

Perhaps. The theory of how oil is actually created may contain some inconsistencies though since "peak oil" was supposed to be here already and we keep finding new pockets. It could be made by subterranean bacteria for all we know.

you mean like racial demographics?


Estimates of up to a trillion barrels of shale in outback South Australia

Le burger education.
Do you know what begging the question is?

Lol u occupied krautnigger.
Just keep parroting back ur master's indoctrination.

Haven't we been at (((peak oil))) for a while now?

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Bang on. Honestly, what chance do we have with the fucking brainlets on here?

>>hurrdurr it's all dead dinosaurs and sheeeeit user

How did dead dinosaurs seep 10 fucking kilometres into the earth user?


Look at the works of Vladimir Kutcherov. The soviets reproduced the conditions of the inner earth and made hydrocarbon chains with 10 carbon atoms after some limited testing...

once we mine all the oil on land, the oceans have many times more oil. Oil will just get harder to mine

What in the fuck is that?

Why is a bell curve natural distribution chart being used? It should be a negative linear line. There is no such thing as "peak" oil as it has just been running out since the day it was first used by humans. If anything, "peak" oil would be at the beginning before it was used en mass by humans.

Science is full of vanity.
I have no idea why every single trivial idea, observation and equation needs to have some ASSHOLE'S name attached to it.
In mathematics the fundamental theorem of calculus gives a pretty good clue to what it's about. The quadratic equation? Self-explanatory. Thank fucking God.
But if you wanna know about acid dissociation, well that's the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
FUCK YOU Henderson.
FUCK YOU Hasselbalch.

The Russian theory is actually that it's continuously manufactured by bacteria living deep underground. We know from drill core samples that extremophiles do indeed live down there so it's not *totally* crazy, however AFAIK nobody has found a species that obviously produces oil, and petroleum geologists use the fossil record to track oil-bearing seams so those deposits at least are clearly associated with prehistoric remains.

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yes , for the poor niggers it`s always real

>Look at the works of Vladimir Kutcherov. The soviets reproduced the conditions of the inner earth and made hydrocarbon chains with 10 carbon atoms after some limited testing...

and yet they couldn't stop soviet produced crude from peaking in the 80s and leading to the collapse of the soviet union

>Is peak oil real?
no, oil is a renewable resource that is replenished by the earth.

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because its peak oil production. we did start out producing only very little oil

Indeed, the boomer mentality of pushing consequences of ones rich lifestyle unto the next generations

Peak production/extraction could, I suppose, follow a Gaussian; but I'd imagine a negative linear regression would be right to a first order as per your question.

As real as it was in the early 1970s when we were told we were at peak oil. Guess peak oil lasts several decades.

You expect a lab to compete with the Earth's mantle? How dumb are you?

How long until I can run my car on dead Jamaals and Achmeds?

>Is peak oil real?

We were supposed to be 'there' in the 70's. What happened?

We found more oil. Plenty more.

There is enough in current (known) reserves now for the next 300 years. We will find more. There is plenty of oil.

Source: 20 years in Oil&Gas

>reproduce the conditions of the inner earth
>make hydrocarbon chains with 10 carbon atoms after some limited testing
>still can't provide bread and toilet paper

yes. also it's spelled pea coil you fuckin' idiots

Yes, but your image is incomplete. The true graph is 3-dimensional and also has an axis for the price of oil. But all slices along this axis always taper off toward 0 at the ends, so this additional degree of freedom does not mean peak oil is not a physical inevitability.

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With advancements in coiled tubing, wireline and frac processes we can literally extract more than ever thought before. We have so many wells capped off waiting to be metered of all kinds of gasses and oils.

Peak oil will be when CNG takes off and goes full production, along with crude

so the general theory is that oil was created from dead dinosaurs or some shit like that.
why can't it be created from other dead organic species?
why is oil limited? I don't really believe it.

Oil can be synthesized or recovered by recycling plastics, so it's really an energy and economics problem. If we've perfected fusion by the time it rolls around (good luck, ITER-chan!) then it shouldn't be a huge deal.

Attached: ITER.webm (640x480, 675K)

Coalbed Methane is cheaper and cleaner than coal mining and only the methane which makes coal flammable is pulled out. Because of leftist propaganda like Gasland, everyone thinks getting methane from coal this way is salting the land. So, we will invest all of our money paying warlords to get their slaves to dig up rare earths in Africa so we can make PV cells.

Knew this psuedo-science would come up.

The recipe for generating oil is the same the world over. You'll find some kind of volcanism or mountain building, organic material (algae, peat bogs, etc) and porous rock with a layer of impermeable rock to stop it from floating to the surface.

There are some oil reserves where no one can find these things, but most professional geologists are in agreement that the oil must have migrated from somewhere else.

Even Russia today finds the majority of their oil in Western Siberia or the Caspian. Which have the same recipe as oil reserves everywhere.

Fuck off cunt.

The name association comes from the community. No one names something after themselves unless they are batshit crazy.

that's not how it will work, if there's more demand than supply it'll quickly begin to fuck things up

we have about 50 years more oil left. And I am probably going to be dead in 20 years.

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Why do you assume that oil is normally distributed

The general theory is that oil is made from mostly ancient plant and animal matter, and more is being made, but it takes millions of years for pressure and temperatures to convert such matter into oil.

dead dinosaurs is just a meme. its biomass, plants algae, whatever grows and reproduces faster than it decomposes

What do you call a failed mathematician?
A scientist.

And that's why socialism doesn't work. Without a market to price/allocate resources you can waste resources on all sorts of shit.

This refutes abiotic oil how, exactly?

Why don't you cut the foreplay and just die now, boomer?

Scientists cant even figure out the mechanism that creates crude oil that is pumped from the earth
everything is pure speculation and conjecture. Please note there is a difference between knowing how to find something and actually understanding how it was produced. Google 'dry wells', and you can see that there is a massive industry surrounding the practice of going back to old oil wells and just...drilling them again after they have cooled down for a decade or so. Odd that a perishable resource would re-appear like that, no?

Anyways, the advent of fracking made more crude available than humanity could use in 500 years of use at this level. Fossil fuels, as they like to call them, are not going anywhere for a long time, even if their true nature is not as well understood as they try to make it seem.

>so the general theory is that oil was created from dead dinosaurs or some shit like that.
why can't it be created from other dead organic species?

It’s created from any dead matter, including plants. However, not all dead matter turns into oil, some turns into coal instead.

It’s limited because there’s only so much dead stuff underneath us. After we dug it all up and turn it into carbon dioxide, we have to wait a long time for the trees and animals to reabsorb the gas and create more biomass.

Yeah, every 30 years we hit peak oil.

Depends on your definituon of "peak oil".
There will be a maximum of oil production, but there will most likely not be a huge crisis due to that.
We already have the technoligy to produce synthetic- and bio-fuels at a acceptable price and we can convert most cars to run on alternative fuels (CNG/LPG) if required.
Oil is just fucking cheap, so we don't do that as long as it stays cheap.
As soon as the oil price rises for more than a few months, production of synthetic- and bio-fuels will be commertialy viable.

Most professional mathematicians are highly theoretical scientists, economists or computer scientists. The most pure of the pure mathematics is motivated by theoretical physics for the most part.

Do you know anything about the fields you are talking about?

We haven't reached peak oil so that image is a lie

Their nature is perfectly understood. But that isn't edgy enough for you, is it?

>Is peak oil real?
It's absolutely real, but most people don't really understand it. Every oil-well got a production peak. After this production is slowly declining. For worldwide production this means you need to find new oil wells to increase production. This is becoming harder and more expensive. today you need to go offshore. So oil production is becoming more expensive as well. Coal was always cheaper, now renewable becomes cheaper. Industry will switch wherever possible Demand will decline and so will production.

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>wake up before going to work as a reservoir engineer
Gotta leave in 10 minutes so I'll make it quick
1. Peak oil is real, but it a "peak" is relative and can occur multiple times (it has already happened once in the US). Hubbert even referred to US production in his original paper.
2. Peak oil refers to technically recoverable reserves. There is abiotic methane gas in the universe, but if you can't get it it's not considered recoverable! Deepest wells in the world don't even touch 50,000 ft. Methane in the mantle is at least 20 miles deep!
3. Reserve growth occurs when reported reserves increase. It's not magic, it's economics and technology. Hydraulic fracturing drastically grew international reserves. Reserve growth is not linear to price. The higher the price, the higher the growth in barrels per $1 increase.
4. At this instantaneous moment we have anywhere from 40-100 years of oil left. If prices remained the same, all companies quit exploring, and technological progress halted, we would run out of oil.
5. Only about 1/3 of all oil discovered in history has been recovered at this point.
6. Anywhere from 80-90% of near-surface hydrocarbon energy has not been harvested (oil, gas, tight oil/gas, shale oil/gas, methane hydrates (big one), kerogen).

Don't lose sleep over it.

>They have basically tapped into every existing oil resource.

Not even close, they just haven't developed new fields. There's untapped oil all over the world, that's really hard to get to, or expensive, and they find new fields all the time. Talk to an oil company geologist sometime.

So, no, peak oil is not real.

I just know having to remember a bunch of fucking ASSHOLE'S names whenever I needed to figure something simple out.
I never had that problem with maths subjects. They were so much kinder, less entitled, and more about the substance of the subject rather than crowning some faggot's ego.
I loved maths.
Scientists can go suck a parade of dicks. (Which they would for a grant)
t. former uq student.