How do I achieve happiness?

How do I achieve happiness?

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By learning to enjoy the suffering.

Get off facebook

Happiness comes from within.

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Like this

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You're here, it's already to late.

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This. Embrace the agony of living and be reborn a champion.

But what if I'm empty inside?

Eat right, and exercise. That will balance your brain chemistry.

certainly not with a smart ass know it all Slovenian woman I tell ya.

Move to the united states and marry me

become a hero, you dreamed of being in your boyhood. you don't have to any particular thing its the way you live your life how you follow the best you you hope to be

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>How do I achieve happiness?
Get rich or dye trying.

Where do I find a gf.

Live authentically and stop lying to yourself. Do the things you know you should do to improve your mind/body/soul/goals. Eventually you will become the kind of person you like, this will make you happy with yourself and thus you will finally be able to appreciate life. Some people call this state of living honestly "happiness" but I say it's more important to acknowledge that 'happiness" is the funniest English word spoken with a heavy French accent.

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Live for God

This is not for pussy

You are slav, you can t be happy.
You were born in pain and in pain you will go embrace just like your people embrace the bitterness of the spirits you drink.
Meanwhile be a decent human being and make a good family.

deference to pleasure, say no to the utopian pleasure cult

> You can't Be Happy, you're a slav
I can't too, i have partita iva

Zen Master.
Teach me how to invert images and blow the minds of children on Jow Forums.

By finding, or rather, giving yourself purpose Janez.

this is the most anti-slavic thing i have ever read. happiness is western subversion.

There are 3 kinds of people.

First there are masochists, the preachers of a pain cult who are against all expressions of pleasure, those who live an excruciating life:
Then there are those who give up on this game, saying that it has no winner:
And finally those with the right answer

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>How do I achieve happiness?
Lie to yourself and to others.

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stop being Slovenian

Happiness is a manufactured emotion, like love. It's sold to the masses. It doesn't exist, unless laughing like a schoolgirl at Disneyland is 'happiness' to you. You'd go insane in a short time with that mindset.

You can achieve various states of contentedness. Limit your highs and lows. TCB. Judge everyone who enters your life for character flaws and dump them if they display too many red flags. Failing to do that will lead to a lot of drama thrown your way. Just because someone smiles at you doesn't mean they are good.

Other advice - own a home without adjacent neighbors. And fence off your land.

Through shrooms

Thank me later

No expectations no disappointments.


you don't

happiness is for chumps

I kinda like the idea of psychological torture, that's why I spend time on Jow Forums
Sometimes I need to leave Jow Forums if I want to no longer be a zombie with a fried reward system. Take the useful information and get out, or else I will be addicted to quick dopamine releases. The irony is this will stop me from using that knowledge in the real world, and will increasingly distance myself from real people, because reality doesn't offer me the quick stimuli Jow Forums does.

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You need to work on things that you feel passionate about. Try to make your hobby your job, after a time everything will sort itself out.

To open your eyes means to sacrifice happiness in order to know the truth no matter how grim.

Make more money...

Joseph was a cuck and the Virgin Mary took Roman centurion cock up her ass.

I can make this political. The only way a decent man can achieve happiness in this world is to take women’s right to vote away. There. Now it’s political. This dream of finding a ‘good” woman... it’s not a dream, it’s a fucking curse. Imagine a world where men are free to act on their instincts without consequence. Now realize that we currently live in a world where women have that exact ability. Until you restore the consequences, there is no happiness to be found for you.

You don't. This society doesn't allow it. At the very least you can attain a feeling of 'this is alright'.

This is how you achieve happiness regardless of circumstances of birth. But also, happiness is a fleeting emotion that will never stay. You don't want happiness, you want a fulfilling life.

Unironically this.
It is your choice to approach reality from a negative or positive standpoint.

Christ still loves you user. Learn to seperate God from the other authority figures in your life. Otherwise you are no better than that of a son of Ham. (Nigger)

No idea, but cigarettes help a lot

Litteraly Judaism.

Become a liberal.

The way you experience world exists only in your head. So you can actually choose to be happy by changing the way you think. Read Awaken the faggot within by Tony Robbins. It helped me.

Kill your enemies and enforce your will on the world. The world will kill you, but for a few moments you will know true power, and when you are gone, there will be a hole left behind. Your victims cannot rise from the dead. The state can destroy you, but it cannot stop you.

Sow chaos. Bring emptiness. Destabilize this evil system just a little bit.

Move the needle.

Time for you to find God, user.
That is no way to live life.
Speak the truth and bring joy and happiness to others.

By bleaching white women.

Set goals and achieve them

those quads

You must start wearing flannel.

Kill the VILE people
The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew

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Be lucky or be stupid.

Not all jewess mothers are like yours user. Stop projecting. Find Jesus and God already.

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Same way you achieve orgasm, lots of grunting pulling hoping and sweating

Plastic surgery, no seriously. You're looks determine your out come in life and mandate the social interactions you have with not only women. But also men.

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You don't.

It is impossible to be happy all the time. Life is a mixture of emotions. Take them all. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Forget about validation from external sources. You must be at peace with yourself first, user. Having a girlfriend DOES NOT FIX YOU. Money helps but it's not the end solution (Look at the famous and rich people that are killing themselves). When you achieve zen status and stop giving a fuck people will notice. Study the stoics.

Do not care what other crabs in the bucket think about you. They hate to see a free man.

Exercising and a healthy diet helps. If willpower is the problem do the bare minimum. After sometime you start pushing further and further.

Start new hobbies. Try to do something new each month. Once a year do something that will blow your younger self away.

Also shrooms and mdma...

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Do you suffer from anal prolapse?

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Surprisingly accurate. Should be redone with the collective sawing off his ill fitting piece though

It's not easy but even slav can be happy.
But yes, it's not easy to be happy in our lands and spirit drinks are really a way to get out of our misery for some time.

Being a slav is a blessing and curse at once.

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Your pic reminded me of home.
Truly, there's no happiness for slavs.

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You can't, I tried.

With the rage to succeed. Get angry at everything you hate and at all your failures, fuel your burning rage with it and spend the energy created with that rage into achievements whether they are physical, intellectual or both. Then you'll find true satisfaction and happiness. You can't say you are truly living your life if you are not doing that.

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work everyday towards your goals.

You get off the ride

Why does this stupid meme reply make me feel weird?

Step one: leave Slovenia

But the ride never stops.

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Get your head out of politics and live a simpler life

It's the new meme virus from yesterday. Have fun Jow Forums

by finally realizing that all 3D women are evil and acquiring happiness by only seeking 2D anime waifus.

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In each there are few redpills and good comments, search no more, this comment is the redpill of this thread, thank you user.
