Why does he have a massive audience ?

Who the fuck is that guy ? I see him everywhere, who is he so influential ?

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>Why is a jew influential

Attached: hitler2.jpg (470x599, 57K)

probably because he used to make genuinely good content


It couldn't be that they were in bed with the obama admin right before trump took office?

>Nigger doing nigger stuff
>Am I suppose to laugh ?


he built his whole model around being kosher Sam Hyde

Because reddit

What do you mean? He was only popular in 2016 and that popularity died down in 2017.

kike called kike inc. to get subscribers from kike friends

He looks a bit like Walt Disney in this pic

Attached: Walt_Disney_1946.jpg (220x330, 21K)

Yes yes, everyone knows the french have about as much sense of humour as they have backbones.

Mah boi E-Klein

God I want to seed his Lebanese helper

So your a fan of him then ? Seriously, explain to me his charms

poor ethan ran out of ideas
maybe hila should do more utterly redicoulus random shit, tho ethan probably want to mentain some kind of intelectual approach
not sure they good tho
maybe they should rather start a blog and do some deincriminating work for their jewish community

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If you explain a joke/humour, then it isn't funny. Are you having arguments with anyone whose sense of humour diverges from yours?

It will be like me explaining colours to a blind man

You are wrong, look you are french, I love love love Dieudonné ( I go see him every year), but I can find the appeal and popularity of french comedians I don't personally like (maybe hate), like Debbouze or Gad Elmaleh (even though I hate jews)

I can understand*

>why are you laughing, cant explain?
>obviously a jewish conspiracy then

the absolute state of this board

Well I'm still waiting.. What do you find funny in him ? At least the jewish conspiracy is an answer

he had videos reacting and commenting to SJW freakouts, that's how i know him and assume how he became popular

like that "humongous" video, look it up

>No response
>It's because he is a member of The tribe

Started off as a young jew in Israel married to his Israeli wife making videos on youtube for fun. Some were silly, a lot were them just ragging on people which was admittedly funny. Then they exploded in popularity, moved back to the US (commiefornia), collabed with many youtubers in california and NY, used memes on their reddit and in vids to stay relevant and have a different type of humor. (Although Sam Hyde accused H3H3 of taking his style, to which H3H3 said they were influenced by it). After their memes and reaction video fame died down they became youtube activists by taking sides in youtube drama between the company itself and other users who would steal content.

They've only stayed relevant because of their Podcast which has scored some major guests like other big edgy youtubers and 'artists' like Post Malone. Not to mention they're still riding the wave of their meme videos such as VAPE NATION.

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Finally, thank you, so he's a mossad plant?

Attached: tommy-robinson-mossad.jpg (840x1119, 124K)

also a lot of people gradually started to hate him after he backstabbed PewDiePie (including myself)

Why did he do that ?

No that's really not an answer. Perhaps you're too old. I'm 23 and already this kind of comedy has lost much of its appeal. I used to watch him in 2014 because he was original. A fat, hairy 40yo man dancing around, doing reaction video parodies on fake prank youtubers, literally gagging his lungs out from the cringe. It was absolutely hilarious.

Here's one of his best vids of that time youtube.com/watch?v=idY1boBrzso

He's just another youtuber that will come and go as the meta humour of a certain age group changes. Today he's huge and still growing, in years his channel may be just a memory.


probably is now. Ethan admitted he was a bum and had no real job/life and just wanted to marry his israeli princess even if it meant living in israel.

The one thing that made H3H3 gain a lot of normie mainstream faggots was when they'd release 'moral' videos where they took a stand or outted other users as being shitty, stealers of content, or when youtube struck videos. Some notable people they went after was SoFloAntonio, some guido who downloaded videos from youtube/facebook and reuploaded them as his own in a compilation and made revenue off it. Another were a few youtube 'pranksters', this was back when PRANKs were the mainstream and weren't so much pranks but more so provoking violence.

t. dickhead who stopped watching these fags when ethan started putting his no personality wife in every video.

What did he do to backstab pewdiepie? I forget. There was a period they stopped doing funny original videos and kept releasing shitty call out videos.

In all honesty their vids were good when ethan was the only one on screen and just reacted to the camera that hila was holding. It turned into shitty static cam w/ both infront of it reacting to videos which is basically what everyone else was doing.

she evolved a lot over the years. but no one can keep up the genuine comedy of ethan, hes a natural.

(((He))) stole content from others and was better at promoting it.

Nafri shitskin detected. GTF out of Europe you scum

I'm 23 too and your response is the best so far.

Unfunny e-celeb rat faced kike sonofabitch, that's who he is. Next question?

i dont know when did this happen.

when pdp sent the message to the indian guys with kill all the jews joke, they uploaded a video saying that they thought it was funny

Nafri? Don't undersand, I am of Celtic descent...

Its still the same shitty broken english and one liners that are fed to her by Ethan. Ethan is all the talent and she just saps all the energy.

This, I think theres even screenshots of H3H3 and MDE conversing b/c they stole MDE's style and parodied one of their skits. H3H3 also became big because it was aimed toward teens to be wild and crass but not too political or mean.

Very talented Jew.

Attached: the-jewish-path-to-success-nepotism.png (669x1819, 727K)

Those vids are the best, its a lil more personal and funny b/c of how the camera moves and ethan's reaction. The video places you there at his side as he watches it and reacts. The newer vids are stagnant and soulless, hes run dry of content.

Used to make good content now plays nice with the system to make bucks

Not bc of that, but rather Pewds saying "nigger" during a livestream (even though Ethan said it a few times himself)

If you have watched him from the start its obvious he gets inspiration from Jow Forums.

There are many youtubers who use Jow Forums for inspiration or opinions such as MKBHD and Pewdiepie.

I guess the difference is they can filter out all the offensive shit for the youtube audience.

h3 is like John Oliver, gives you half of the pie.
He was watchable at first but now he's only material for the tards.

Never understood the appeal, watched a couple and reminded me of people I dont like

He resonates with the basedboys

fat bandwagon jew who steals videos and content and milk jewtube shekels.

I think its more because he ran out of ideas. A LOT of ecelebs shit on PDP and are still going strong.

He was funny back in 2014 when reaction videos were original but now his humor is old and been done to death, boomers won't understand how popular this guy was among highschoolers a few years ago
I guess he used his BIG ASHKENAZI BRAIN to market his videos properly, each of his videos seemed to have a catchphrase that went along with it which would spawn shit tons of memes, "I'm Ethan Bradberry", "Vape Nash", "Just a prank bro", stuff like that. Like I said before if you weren't a boomer you'd be hearing this stuff every day at school

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married to a jew

Onions recognize onions.
>Sick quads bro

You say that, but /tv/ actually liked him a lot in 2014-2015.

Are you retarded? His name is Ethan Klein. He is 100% Jewish himself. Who cares what he's married to.

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine
>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew,,,,,

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He's making millions with his podcast. The full 2-3 hour videos get millions of views, and then he uploads "highlights" to a separate channel, which get many more millions of views. And podcasts are probably the lowest-effort type of content you could make. No video editing, just sit there and talk. I have to admit I'm pretty jealous.

He became popular because of his "Vape Nation" parody video.

His videos are the kind where a friend shows you them on a phone expecting you to laugh every 5 seconds and you just sit there awkwardly. Good on him for winning that court case but fuck me he makes such shit content.

For example his recent gun video youtube.com/watch?v=JfsxLhPn-oA
what the fuck is going on? You expect there to be a joke or some punchline but nothing happens, do they think guns are inherently edgy? Is it mocking gun owners or gun controlers? This video highlights all the problems with H3H3, there's no "content" which he provides as a channel, you don't get anything from watching him

Yeah, he's truly awful.

Without Filthy Frank appearing on his channel I never would have known who he was.

He tries to dance the line between serious and outright stupid. Its somewhere between an attempt to be phil defranco and childrens humor.

11/10 muh nigga.

Things i like about this guy:
>not a racemixer
>likes guns
>sometimes makes funny videos
Things i don't like:
>he's jew living in the US, and in commiefornia of all places
>ZOG probably keeps a check on him so he doesn't make the goyim wake up, made him movie to commiefornia
>some of his videos are pure trash

people only watched that video because IDUBBZZZ was in it. Ethan was never really funny to begin with.

>Who the fuck is that guy ?

He's a Jew.

>why is he so influential ?

He's a Jew.

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Watch this video, how can anyone here like him?
