Another roastie bites the dust, soooooo sad

>be female comedian
>male fun of men, patriarchy and live #metoo
>get raped and killed
>reeeeee we need real men who speak for us reeeee

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Other urls found in this thread:

>socks tucked into shoes

>To my male counterparts, I say: We need you. We need you now more than ever to be our allies
Fucking pathetic

> she was young and vibrant

Probably loved to travel too

please never post this cancer again.

Wopeople were a mistake

Literally who?

>not linking to archive

Some interesting material in there:
>Most men do not rape and murder but as my sister said recently, men are like dogs, most of them are nice but some of them are vicious and you can’t tell which is which just by looking at them.
How about all those imported muslims or "asians"? Surely they are like dogs too?

>We are not safe in public, and particularly as black women we are not safe in the hands of the state, nor are any of us safe at home.
Lesson: don't date niggers, none is safe at home with them.

>I’ve made a note of “friendly” looking houses in the day “just in case” something happens in the dark.
I wonder who lives in these Melbourne houses to make them look "friendly"? Probably not sudanese.

>To my male counterparts, I say: We need you. We need you now more than ever to be our allies. In a society that seems to point all fingers at us for not taking appropriate precautions when walking home, we need you.
lol we independent empowered womyn don't need precaution but male help

>‘I am permanently vigilant’
>When I was younger I lived in a country town, it felt safe, and sometimes I would walk home a night; always against my mother’s recommendations. When I moved to Sydney, I walked home all the time, often drunk. When I moved to Melbourne, I would go running around Princes Park in the evening. I had my headphones in and a defiant attitude but enough nouse to know that I should be aware of my surroundings at all times. I would notice if someone was running a bit too close, and I always took my phone.
Why do you think you were able to safely do that in your town? Why has Melbourne become such a dangerous shithole? Connect the dots.

>men are like dogs, most of them are nice but some of them are vicious and you can’t tell which is which just by looking at them.

Exept that you can literally see if a dog is a good boy or a bad doggie
Can spot them from a mile away

Just saying

SJW's give a fucking bad name to us commies. I fucking hate them

The 150 million body count and widespread starvation isn't really doing wonders for the reputation of commies either though.

God damn tankies.

yep, she can fuck off

>The absolute state of women
Nah, fuck 'em, let the bitches that vote for more niggers and gibs get what's coming to them.

Aww I thought you wanted to be strong and independent?

Sorry, not gonna take care of you.

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>get raped and killed

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Man, you're a real fucking scumbag.

lets rape and kill feminists that'll show em
that theyre right

>We're strong and independent!
>The genders are equal!
>H-Help us, men!

Attached: umm no sweetie.jpg (237x250, 31K)

I see women's response to this in an anti-male way and a subconscious realization that they have caused all these "incel" men to lash out violently because the dating world is so unfavorable to them. Even the slightest hint of patriarchy is shot down with absolute vigor.... in no other topic do people have this sort of third eye supernatural ability to see hidden motives or agendas but when it comes to having society scale back to the way it once was these ladies always bare their fangs.

Why do shitskins apparently vibrate?

>Fuck men!
>Help us, men!

>reeeeee we need real men who speak for us reeeee

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not just some antisocial fucktard person raping another.
thy evil men!!!

‘Another young woman, bursting with potential, on the brink of her adult life, going about her business killed by a man who regarded her as an object
for reference.
fuckin pathetic.

Is this is the outfit that she was wearing when she was raped and killed? Jeez, Australia. You can't keep a lid on your psycho shitposters so they have to go shitrape an uggo IRL and end up murdering her.

It's those British genes.

>we need men like fish need a bicycle
>my body my choice
>smash the patricarchy
>import shitskins
>men plz halp

kek, thinking I have my apathy can be undone after being here for years and all the society made me do with my life

>men are like dogs, most of them are nice but some of them are vicious and you can’t tell which is which just by looking at them.
holy shit, it's just pretty easy to read people in just a few minutes. This bitches been running down the cock carrousell all their lives and still did not acquire the skill to read people and their intentions

>compares men to dogs

Can we put sjws and liberals in camps yet?

LOL!!!! that image classic

pick one

Yeah this honestly isn’t that hard

>year of our lord 2017+1
>getting raped and killed
What are you, retarded?

women are totally blind to danger. i've met a grand total of two women in thirty years that can accurately size up someone.
if they're so independent, if they're so equal, then they can go buy a knife and anatomy textbook. it's a man's world. welcome to it you fucking roasties.


Victoria Legal Aid lawyer John Riordan said it was Mr Todd's first time in custody and stressed his vulnerability in that environment due to his youth and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

BRB getting that sweet autismbux

>we need men like fish need a bicycle
We need women like a bicycle needs a fish

And yet they call themselves emotionally intelligent. They will insist that only a woman's intuition can serve as a caregiver.

If they could read emotion they would be professional poker players.

I have had women act this way when it comes to videogames of all things. Kirby mains who had a good experience spaming the stone drop back when they were young.

Did ya know, Sven, that women can be pretty god damn stupid at times?

This, I can’t fucking stand when people use this to describe themselves like everybody likes to fucking travel, especially if it’s to exotic beach resorts and 5 star hotels you daft cunt

>This was the last female thing Jaymes Todd will ever bone
Christ man. I get that he was a fatcel in the midst of a sexual emergency, but that's no excuse for low standards.

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