Pol approved democrats

Post Democrats that you would unironically vote for from 1960 onwards, I would have to go with George Wallace or Larry McDonald.

But from 2000 onwards it would have to either Jim Webb or Joe Manchin

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Fair enough

david duke (for a while)

larry mcdonald

Why for a while?

it doesnt even really count when youre talking white america. democrats were more pro union guys but not really cucks except for the new england fags like kennedy.
the current democrat party is so far to the left of what it was in even 2000. al gore would be considered right wing now

ted kennedy not jfk

>why for a while?
he left the party.
also in my view, while he's def /ourguy/, he needs to cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

Also, maybe more controversially, keith ellison in the 90s. he was a nation of islam member and wanted racial separation. now he's terrible of course.

They used to dogwhistle to Whites as late as the 90s.

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Jfk was pretty liberal, I mean he did want to reform immigration and get rid of national quotas plus he shilled for integration and civil rights

Tbh one of the best guys at dog whistling to whites was Jesse helms (former democrat)

Neocons won't let this meme die because he ran on a hawk campaign against Communism and cut taxes.

Yeah reminds me of his outburst at the 2006 American renaissance conference where he went a bit of the rails about the Jews

Yeah modern day republicans give him quite a bit of praise despite the fact that he laid the framework for the reduction of the Republican Party’s constituency (aka he helped decrease white population via 65’ act)

He's also a cult figure for Boomers who are obsessed with their childhood and the bullshit of Camelot that the media peddled to the public.

This dude was pretty redpilled

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Savage quote.
What happend to all these people? Why are there so many redpilled, rather influential guys out there that accomplish fucking nothing? Do the kikes just finish them all off as soon as they identify them as a threat or what? How come no one has been able to better things for us even the slightest?

Attached: handsome_Hitler.jpg (500x700, 41K)

Well coincidentally with Larry McDonald he tried to expose this sorta shit on a episode of crossfire in 1983, the same year that his plane went down resulting in his subsequent death

>his plane went down
I see, you really can't do shit against the kikes

Yeah ruskies shot it down

You mean (((ruskies)))

Attached: 17401A-719x1000.jpg (719x1000, 85K)

So you're saying they convinced Chun Byung-in, first officer Son Dong-hui and Flight Engineer Kim Eui-dong to violate ((Soviet Territory)) during the (((Andropov))) period?

Yeah those type of Russians

Plus read the first quote

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I think we're better off now than ever in terms of redpills.

Most people in previous decades would have dismissed the John Birch Society as cranks, now we see they were warning us.

Simply stating that soviets shot it down

>I was only 19 years old.
>I loved Žižek so much, I had all the books and films.
>I pray to Žižek every night, thanking him for the knowledge he's given me. “Žižek is love” I say, “Žižek is life."
>My dad is Jordan Peterson. He hears me and calls me a cultural marxist. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Žižek.
>I called him a pseudo-intellectual.
>He hits me and sends me to sleep.
>I'm crying now and my face hurts.
>I lay in bed and it's really cold. i smell something...
>It's Žižek! I was so happy.
>He whispers in my ear an obscene joke.
>As I laugh he grabs me with his slavic hands, and puts me on his lap. I'm ready.
>I am all ears for Žižek.
>He penetrates my mind and expands my view on the current predicament.
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Žižek. I can feel my neoliberal illusions shatter and my eyes starting to water as i am picturing future authoritarian regimes in the west.
>I want to revitalise the left.
>He sniffs a mighty sniff as he fills my young mind with his wisdom.
>My dad walks in.
>Žižek looks him straight in the eye and says,
>"Capitalism is approaching an authoritarian phase."
>Žižek crushes him in a debate and leaves through my window.
>Žižek is love. Žižek is life.

Attached: anormiezizek.jpg (441x280, 34K)

That's sickening to the soul

Maybe they tampered with the instruments so they'd go off course. The KAL 007 incident has a lot of unanswered questions that are left unexamined.

Who knows wtf happened that day

JFK just because he tried to end the Federal Reserve (That's probably why he was killed).



>Jim Traficant | "Israel has used us like a whore!"

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>Democrats that you would unironically vote for from 1960 onwards



Based Webb - decades of experience, a bonafide war hero, and the man who accurately predicted every fucking thing the Democrats would do wrong in the General Election.

It's a goddamn shame he'll be too old to run in 2024.

Attached: jim-webb.jpg (599x337, 19K)

>Webb - decades of experience, a bonafide war hero, and the man who accurately predicted every fucking thing the Democrats would do wrong in the General Election.
>It's a goddamn shame he'll be too old to run in

We could have had Oliver North, who was everything that Webb is, but more.

Attached: Oliver_North.jpg (508x388, 36K)

Bull Conner.

Attached: bull_connor.jpg (620x412, 202K)

North is inseparably associated with one of the biggest political scandals of the 80s. Webb threw himself on a grenade to save a man's life.

Webb is the superior choice.