Sargon is streaming on his joining UKIP with Kevin Logan

Sargon is streaming on his joining UKIP with Kevin Logan

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At least he is trying to do something I guess.

lol so is pol watching and commenting?

yeah I am glad too see he is trying to do something

TFW you're not racist but you only ever do racist stuff, hang out with racists and now campaign with racists. Can't wait for another thread of apologists pretending the guy's not a massive racist cunt.

he could do with some more Jow Forums superchats i think

he doesnt seem racist too me the guy hates the altright

f-free kekistan

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Logan is a low IQ leftist

r u gunna tell him or me?

The absolute state of Sargoy. This pretty much guarantees that UKIP is fucked without any chance of recovery (they had about a 2% chance before). Fuck sake.

He battle for freespeech i want the freespeech

Fuck off faggot

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naa Im good, Im not a jew check the uk statistics there r no jews, good argument buddy.

muh freezepeach in it's current form is a losing battle when you're arguing for allowing the people who don't want it to have it.

eceleb cancer

we will see, we must convince them too to demand to have the human right of free speech

but hes battling the feminists we dont need to have him on side on everything but if hes overall a net good then let him be, and tyr to convince him that his bad ideas are wrong.

Sargon has to yet again coopt something, because he is an absolutely inept chucklefuck

This guy starts his own political movement that is dead on arrival
The site for their movement is nothing but some innocuous, basic bitch libretarian principles and a FAQ page with two questions
Their official reddit page gets around 10 upvotes per thread on average
Nobody besides Vee and his other die-hard sycophants adopt the label "Liberalist", because it's absolutely laughable

Now he has to join an establishes political party, because he can't cut it on his own, along with a dude with a sickle and hammer tatoo and an alarmist faggot
i sincirely don't get why they would want him, since for the milquetoast opinions he hold , he has remarkably shit optics
>white people don't act like this, you are acting like a bunch of niggers
>the alt-right is not hardcore and is cucking to my morals by not shooting blacks in the streets
>i wouldn't even rape you

Sargon is a hack, that will ride on every counter culture bandwagon he can, suck any momentum out of it and then move on like it never happened and claim he is furthering some nebulous cause that will save western civilisation

This is the most cringe, fucking pathetic debate I've ever witnessed. Both these fat fucking softbody faggots tripping over each other to show more respect to foreign invaders, more respect for pussy, non-effective approaches to attempting to salvage what remains of their ravaged and permanently fucked country. "Tommy Robinson is mean because he provokes violence! I wish he wouldn't do that Don't patronise the angry masses --- they should know better than acting out violently against a state that hates and is actively replacing them!" "We can't force them to speak English!! That would be authoritarian!" / "You want to close sharia courts? Well, you'd have to close ALL faith-based courts for that to be FAIR!!" "We need to be inclusive!" This weak, pathetic obsession with universalism, with non-violence. It's no surprise the UK is the way it is when this is what passes for "high-profile" debate between "popular" political "thinkers". It's absolutely sickening to watch. Fuck these two idiots. They deserve the impending Caliphate they're getting.

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Who gives a shit? World Cup game is on.

Thuts nut rully muh punt

If you don't know why zionism is the problem watch/listen to this video it explains it pretty good

Corrupted media and how it works

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>hates the altright
So he's an anti-semite?

Why is he joining a collective?

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>cuckgon of mossad
why would you watch this bluepilled garbage?

Aw look the little lefty has his feeewings hurt. Maybe you should go get AIDS from the sub saharan Africans you fought to import.

Why does Sargon look so smug? It's awful. How can he be so pleased with himself. It's obnoxious. Nice shirt, faggot.

>talking to kevin logan
>joining ukip
wow, sargon doing so much recently

This dilemma fixes itself considering how overpopulated we are