How do we stop Trump's holocaust of immigrant children?

How do we stop Trump's holocaust of immigrant children?

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Why would you want to stop it?

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I'm not op or part of the Trump cult. There if your only goal is to deport kids there is no reason to separate families.

We don't

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>load the cages on a ship
>drop the cages on Mexican territorial waters
>immigrants returned, problem solved


the same way you stopped Obama from creating it you POS

Good Thing, Trump told Congress to fix Obama's mistake

it uhhhhhhhhhh needs to happen.

They will go back and tell there fellow countrymen/kids how they were treated and hopefully it will be a deterrent to the others not to come. illegal immigrants need to be shot at the border.

I really wish he was killing the invaders. Too bad he isn't.

The best solution right now is for the state to demand the parents come forwards and collect their little brown crumb crunchers and go home. Borders are probably the most important part of any country and have to be enforced, it's why Brexit was such a big success for us here in the UK.


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So your going with the actual Hitler metaphor should be real thing. Also use your real flag Russian.

It will stop on its own when they are all dead.

I'm Canadian bud sorry you hate your country so much you want to see it erased not everyone is as much of a suicidal cuck as you.

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By properly explaining the consequences of jumping the border to their parents.

But they knew this already, and did this to themselves.

Im sure you already knew that though didnt you.

Kys shill.

Catch and deport.

I lived in Quebec with a beaner for over a year and a half in 2016 to early 2018 and holy shit, I feel almost glee for the suffering Trump is inflicting on these spics.

I am Sikh and I love this country, but this ungrateful faggot was so nasty towards the USA and anglophone Canadians. He pretty much thought Mexicans and Hispanics should be allowed to go whereevertheFUCK they pleased.

Fuck these spics, fuck their children, gas them all for all I care.

I support Trump 100% with this!

Except these cockroaches breed fast and, oh, did you forget IT'S NOT THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY?

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I fully support punishing invaders

the left has truly reached bizarro levels i never thought they could reach. it's like they're existing in a parallel dimension.

>a criminal commits a crime while accompanied with his children
>criminal jailed
>kids not jailed

it's like i'm taking crazy pills.

The holocaust ends when there are no children left

>A criminal commits a crime
That's the thing, they don't want there to be ANY border laws at all. They want to just flood the country full of poor non english speaking immigrants so they can talk about how progressive they are from their gated communities where they won't let any non rich person in

They fail to see these poor non english speaking people will smash down there gated communities sooner or later.

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