is this dude pol approved now?

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Never heard of him. Back to

suits him right it is the black man's party anyway

pol isn't one cohesive unit with a single hive mind opinion. yes stormfags heavily populate this board but there are a substantial number of more "moderate" views.

with regards to Sargon as someone who is a massive fan and fond of this idea of a classical liberal democracy, that supports the society and upholds its values whilst remaining free from the shit in other far right thought concepts. However i feel this was a terrible move. Its either that hes gone "fuck it we need to get as many people who hate the left" (the entire major political scene in the UK is lefty-socialist leaning) which is a complete clusterfuck because it means he will be either sacrificing his political leanings or attempting to implement his policies in the preexisting UKIP structure. Both of these are not good. If he started his own party i would be much happier.

what hes done has just basically said, fuck all the left lets join the right. instead of creating his own platform. And the worst part is it all appears to be a meme choice rather than actual in depth decision making

>nigger loving, science denying, politically irrelevant civicuck retard who thinks that race doesn't matter and its all about culture joins politically irrelevant civicuck party that thinks that race doesn't matter and its all about culture

shock imagine etc

Stop reading John Locke and read Joseph de Maistre

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It's past time he gets out of his own way and aligns himself with the right. I don't even like the guy but it frustrates me watching the man zealously neutering his undeserved stardom by pretending to be a liberal.

Classical liberalism has a is a very broad spectrum in modern society with some being anarchistic and others being blatant advocates for protectionism and that is disregarding social policy which is a modern phenomenon. When somebody proudly says "I'm a classical liberal", I hear "I'm a filthy centrist that is afraid of my own viewpoints".

Fuck you, you crypto-nigger god I'm drunk

He is a closet blackshirt, just 4D chess lads

>closet blackshirt
>agrees with almost all of the progressive left and denies racial differences in human beings, shits on the right for 'racism'

He lets his power levels slip occasionally, he knows that demography is destiny and ultimately that's what matters everyone is going to shift to the right more explicitly in the future, sargon included, he's gonna have to get edgier to keep up

Big if true


The problem with these internet cam whores is that they are willing to do anything or say anything for squealing fanboys and jootoobe bucks. Maybe they seem principled in the beginning, but they all manage to slide down the slippery slope of crass commercialism. He's just another weak-willed sell-out in a crowd field of sleazy sell-outs.

>actually using the word stormfag
>being on pol with a "moderate" view
get the fuck out of here, faggot.

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did the jooo take away your little gay site?

Your kind doesn't belong here

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I mean the political space in the UK right now is a little bit fucked. There are two parties that matter in the grand scheme of things. Conservative and Labour.
The economic choice? They position themselves as the sensible choice, the party that although won’t do anything ground breaking, won’t implement anything far from the centre of the political spectrum. They have a large focus on economics and balancing the current debt.
What you get is a political elite of blind politicians which are disconnected from the general masses, they’ve comfortably been a major political party and held office for the last half a century (probably more I didn’t care to research to in depth) they have a reoccurring theme of instead protecting the interests of the people they protect the wealthier members of society. This involves tax loopholes, privatisation of public services, protecting fox hunting (a meme issue but showing a complete deafness to the masses) and more worse a dementia tax, which would fuck the elderly. The rot extends further when Brexit as an issue comes forward. Half or more of the conservative party does not want Brexit and is actively trying to sabotage it. What’s worse on that is the actual leader of the entire party (someone who should have never reached this role) is also a remainer and completely inept at political leadership and debate. Repeatedly embarrassing the nation and failing in the crucial stages of Brexit which will in the long run damage the UK further. Perhaps some have even said that this is an active decision to subvert Brexit until the masses decide that the torture is worse and we may as well become a full member again

(more to come)

The party that has gone from conservative-lite to socialist in the space of 3 years. What’s followed with the socialism of Jeremy Corbyn is a SJW eque version of feminism in the open political spectrum. A party that really shouldn’t be achieving what it is, yet due to the ineptness of the conservatives to seize the total domination of parliament they floundered it with autistic policies and a weak leader. I mean Jeremy isn’t even that bad, he’s a fully fledges socialist but at least he’s clear with that and wont openly fuck up the will of the people, he as supporting Brexit chose not to fuck it up and actually voted in favour when it came to parliament following the will of the people. But he is adjoined with a complete following of toxic feminism and the shit left that has erupted from twitter in the last 5 years. His policies are worrying but the man is a fucking stallion at publicity due to the failure of May. If something doesn’t change, he will win next election cycle.

The party that aligns most with me, but along with the conservatives absolutely shafted themselves with poor leadership. Instead of capitalising on the weakness of the conservatives, the outrageousness of Jeremy Corbyns political image. Good old Nigel jumped shit too. Leaving the party in disarray and a number of successive leadership changes (I think at least twice in the last few years) where the general populace has almost forgot the party. It could be so good but is held down and Nigels leave has fucked it since he was actually in my view an iconic figure that could pose a threat to the two others above.
there’s an example, the man is switched on and can achieve a lot yet gave it away when he perceived that he reached the finish line, realistically he jumped the first hurdle then walked of the track

I like him more now he isn't a fence-sitting homo feminist. Looks like he found his backbone and his braincells the same night. Good for him.

You and your epic fencesitting centrist stand for fucking nothing. Get the fuck off this board and back to plebbit where you came from.

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He’s still a fucking fencesitting epic centrist and civnat cuck who keeps people from realizing the truth. Fuck him. See:

>Civic nationalist joins civic nationalist party

He stated he thought the best strategy is to coopt an existing party based on some pretentious faggot he read. Probably Alinsky.

It will dilute the message but UKIP isn't a bad party to begin with so...

dream on larper, you are literally arguing against boogiemen that only exist in your mind

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You love your BASED black men so much, don’t you Eurocuck?

ukip is a libertarian capitalist party. weak.

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>muh reddit

Too smug

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>putting in a political failure whilst calling a party that actually achieved something weak


Mosley was a great man, he would've succeeded if it wasn't for the lack of elections and the war. Yes UKIP got us an EU referendum, but they still support libertarian capitalism.

holy shit that come out of nowhere. isn't that an oxymoron in your world? are you sure you aren't projecting you gayness for huwhites
> I admire your huwhiteness. Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister!


I'd rather have Sargon's ideal society than the totalitarian shitholes many on Jow Forums advocate. Most of his policies would keep most non-whites out in practice anyway.

i thought Jow Forums was for UKIP
what happened? when did people hate Nigel?

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he's a fucking idiot. no, thank you.

The BUF got from 1.0% to 2.9% during the bi-elections in 1940.

Then stop acting like you came from there in the first place

Nigel doesn't run UKIP anymore, he left the day Brexit was announced as a thing the people wanted, the conservatives are quickly fucking it up and UKIP is in disarray whilst quickly falling in popularity

>if u aint a blackpill ethno-fascist dark sun made of ss lightning bolts u don't belong here

u are aware how left reddit is?

Wayhey, finally! About time. Good oh, I hope he stands for election one day.

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In ToS the federation didn't possess site-to-site transport technology

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>"Despising Locke is the start of wisdom"
De Maistre was really ahead of the game.

>he left the day brexit was announced.

ah you mean the day he crippled UKIP as a third party, neglecting to pressure May for a hard brexit while getting a comfy job on FOX while getting hi kids german passports. That day, eh?

i dont want to believe he knowingly fucked it up. i want to believe he just made a mistake

Birth rates are a projection of current trends, which are already changing. The primary impotus for mass immigration is business who desire a class of welfare consumers and exploitable labour. There are those that desire genocide through population replacement, but the government doesn't actually care about them at all; they just happen to be currently aligned. I think at worst we're going to see balkanisation where parts of the country become 100% non-white, but they are contained.

Having waited and waited for Metokur to prove he is white, I, and many others have decided to pledge our allegiance to Sargon and UKIP instead.

God save the Queen.

we salute him for helping achieve the Brexit vote. We will also mourn his loss.

>All these brits liking Sargoy
This is why your country is fucked when it comes to censorship and government.

What makes a crippled burger who doesn’t even show his face, better?

LOL, Sargon joins UKIP after they spend the last year SHITTING all over For Britain. Typical

Sargon's not right-wing, you morons. He just happens to align with the right on every single political issue.

Get your facts straight, Nazis.

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I'm not the one who's supporting a guy that called Jow Forums "racist"

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I said fuck the left, a year ago now. I used to be a leftist but since there's no redeeming their shitty ideas, I've shifted way to the right. In Early 2017, I was on the left but now I'm way to the right.

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>implying that is a bad thing and an inaccurate description

if Jow Forums isn't racist I don't know what is

wtf i like s0igon now

Well it is, isn’t it?

This is that idiot who pretends he is a leftist right?

civnat globohomo go back from huwhere you came

no he really is a lefty cuck.
You lefties just eat your own alive any time you don't get 100% compliance and constantly push people to the right.

>muh Centrism
LOL this fat, fucking pedo is pathetic

Why would that push anyone to the right? If someone said I was right wing, I would say fuck them, it doesn't change my opinions. If your opinions are changed by other people's perception of them, you are an idiot.

Your opinion should be changeable and shaped by the information that is available to you. Otherwise it's just zealotry. I used to be a leftist cuck apologist. But I got sick of all the zealotry that my fellow lefties espoused and started exposing myself to other points of view and learned just how retarded I was before.

I've shifted from being a liberal to being a... centrist, apparently? I thought supporting nationalism automatically made you far-right.

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I'm pretty sure John Locke was literally retarded. And if Cicero's writings (half of them anyway) were never recovered by Petrach, Locke wouldn't have had shit to say, because all he really said was a butchering of Cicero.
>Hey guys why don't we like rebuild the Roman Republic in America.
>Sure, the Roman Republic ended up as empire and monarchies anyway, but we can do better than they did
>Sure we lost half their writings, but we got the King James Bible to fill in the gaps.
>Sure we mistranslated half the writings of the bible, and mistranslated half the writings of the romans, who themselves mistranslated half the writings of the greeks, but it will all work out
Bishop Berkeley: Yo dawg, you know your bullshit is gonna lead to a godless degenerate society, right?
Locke: Nah bro, people will just look at nature and see proof of God

>is this dude pol approved

but this is entertaining.

That is different though. You changed your mind on the issues. The left is the same, you are what changed. Make sense?

He was confused. It took him, what, three, four years to realize that the "absurdities" of the Left were in fact just the Left all along. I believe it's called "breaking the conditioning". Now he's wised up and joined the only Centrist party in mainstream UK politics to arise in a long time.

Better late than never.

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Honestly, that's as far right as a swede is capable of going. Good job.

Being right wing in Europe is about identity and race. Right wing in the US is about being a market liberal and maybe (with Trump) civic nationalism.

Yep. This is basically what happened.

He'd good. I'm more a Hobbes man myself tho.

Don't know much about Swedish politics, other than the crazy we hear about, which I don't know if really representative. But in Denmark the right wing is market liberal and want to destroy the welfare state. Only DF pretends not to be, but they always vote with them.

He always was , even if we pretend we hate him

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>70+ replies and no one asks for source
Typical Jow Forums

SD is the only party that cares about identity. It's considered far right, but is centrist when it comes to economics. C is very libertarian and very pro immigration. M is somewhere is the middle of SD and C, but still quite pro-immigration. The left wing parties are all pro-immigration and pro-welfare state and so on. I would say that that mirrors a lot most of Europe quite well. Maybe with some exceptions.

In the US mainstream Dems and R are pro-immigration and R is more pro free markets. With Trump that's different, but he's still very much a civic nationalist. And Trump has the R establishment and the deep state against him. I doubt it will last.

Unfortunate, but true. I absolutely care about race, identity, heritage, culture, and upholding the Christian religion. But I'm a minority.

SD are our equivalent of the Liberal Democrats m8, like, they are almost a carbon copy. It was Nick Clegg of the LD losing two rigged debates in his favour in a row that propelled Farage to a household name. SD are only considered extreme because of the unreal extremes of the insane people you chaps have allowed to take over your institutions. You're too nice, it's such a shame this was taken advantage of by sociopaths.

>SD are our equivalent of the Liberal Democrats
Not true at all. It's true that SD is not extreme enough though.



Contact info

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> SD is not extreme enough
While I agree, it probably the reason they have as many votes as they do.

>70+ people informed on the matter or informing themselves not to be the retarded asking for source
>why nobody geef me link and sheet
literal nigger

Holy shit, it's real! Sargon is even encouraging his 800,000 followers to sign up to UKip in all of his latest pinned comments.

Okay, this is good. Sure, it's a shame he didn't do this two years ago, but eh, you can't have everything, where would you put it?

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I don't like seeing Sargoys face here, but if you don't know him you probably have been here for only a few minutes.

He's doing it as a joke.

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> Okay this is good
Yeah, if you want a civcuck infestation

he is gonna make history, he is going to cuck his way to the power.

>And the worst part is it all appears to be a meme choice rather than actual in depth decision making
1. What is wrong with basing your choices on memetics?

2. I watched Vee interviewing a real ukipper on this, and I understood quite well why UK is struggling. He was more interested in understand WHY something happen , and to show how smart and moral he was, instead of understanding how UKIP could win.

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Just vote fucking DUP and Conservative instead of throwing away your vote.

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Obviously a marketing stunt by Ukip.
Same for dankula and PJW.

>He is a closet blackshirt, just 4D chess lads
I suspect that too.

Both Sargon and Dankula uses pro-white memes, so they must be quite stupid to not understand this is the same as pushing a pro-white message in some normalfaggot friendly way.

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>Yeah, if you want a civcuck infestation
We have that all the time, and it usually end up with them being red-pilled.

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I like This Week in Stupid. Always have, never really cared what "Jow Forums thinks"...

Rather that than the world envisaged at the Labour Live 2018 debacle m8. 3000 attendees in a space booked for 20000, LARPing that they are the good guys and that the "far right" of the likes of UKip is the face of evil on Earth.
The moment the fence sitters stopped sitting on the fucking fence. They even include a little dig at Jow Forums for fun.

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>when your right-wing populist party are cucks

>not acknowledging jews are pushing the destruction of the west

Ok retard, you have to go back

He is co opting UKIP