Seriously, why doesn't Trump just deport the kids and parents back together? What's the point in separating them...

Seriously, why doesn't Trump just deport the kids and parents back together? What's the point in separating them? It seems needlessly cruel and makes him look bad.

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Gassem together

Bro, as a Hispanic, you should relate.

I’ve been wondering the same thing.

I don't know if this is bait but I legit don't know what's happening.
Why the fuck are they splitting the children from the parents?

muritard edukashiun

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Just teasing man

He's not choosing to separate families, he's choosing to arrest the parents for breaking the law. When you arrest the parents the children are separated from them.

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No not bait, seems so stupid. I'm all for them going back, but breaking up moms and kids is never gonna be a popular solution.

Because that's illegal

They're separating kids they feel are in danger, kids who aren't related to the adult accompanying them and kids in illegal situations. No one is reporting that though.

mexicans aren't human.

Deportation does not work, it never has. They just come back. They need to be executed.

It actually makes liberals look like hypocrites. If they complain about trump splitting families trump can say “i didnt think you cared about your family seeing as you left half of them in mexico. Where was all this outrage when they decided to split themselves?” Parting from your family is what men have always done. You didnt see europeans complaining about how their families were split when they came to america. And if you forced them back to europe they gladly take their kids with them. Nonwhites give immigrants a bad name. Youre doing it all wrong.

Most of the immigrants are Guatemalans and shit. Even Mexicans look down on them. I kinda feel bad for em desu.

Fuck people need to actually read about what is actually happening

>illegal migration up significantly since last year
>normally we stop them and release them back
>they just try again
>jeff sessions decides this is time to stop this
>says they will start jailing anybody who tries to cross illegally - no more releases
>people continue to illegally cross because they are used to no repercussions
>US arrests these people and prosecute them
>decades old law says children cannot go to jail
>to arrest the adults, the children thus must be separated, US hands are tied
>children are kept in a facility that according to NYTIMES is clean and has free schooling, play time, food, and beds
>literally nothing else the border officials can do with them
>people are pouring over the border still, and some facilities have passed capacity and conditions are a little tight
>border is getting more resources but it isnt instantaneous
>activists are jumping on the smallest of lapses in conditions and trump is now hitler even though families were warned early May that this was going to happen
>nothing is ever illegals fault in the mind of a libshit US faggot
>mfw a wall would solve all of this

All the "parents" need to to is produce legal documents proving that the childern belong to them.

Charging them, and then they go to court. With the explicit threat of continued speciation and permanent separation. That’s duress. And under the constitution and laws of the US, duress is a violation of due process. It is unconstitutional. And just watch ... it’s going to be challenged. And lawyers are going to sue for civil rights damages. And all these “illegals” are going to get settlements and $$$, and lawyers are going to get rich. BECAUSE TRUMP IS A FUCKUP.


What the hell is going to do them ? They are already different but,,,

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Youre supposed to one up the natives. Show them some shit. Blow their minds. You dont just go like some coward. Shit out a bunch of kids. And cry when they try to send you back.

That's probably a lot harder than it sounds for some of these people. I saw an article today about a mom who got sent back to Guatemala and her kid was still in Texas.

And talk endless ammounts of shit on every platform you can about the natives.

I guess that they should have thought about that before they broke the law.

>I am responding to a shareblue faggot

>Thousands of US citizens have have their children taken away when they commit a crime every day

>taking children away from foreign criminals is somehow different

The feds don't split up every group you fucking retard. They separate the kids when it's not clear if their escorts are actually family, or human traffickers. It's for their own safety.

you need to stop them before they get there. Before they even get to the boarder. You need to have people working with the Mexican authorities in Mexico

You can blame democrats for coining the term anchor babies. Theyd like you to believe republicans coined the term but it isnt so. If democrats hadnt created this “if youre born here youre a citizen” bullshit these families wouldnt be split.

>literally nothing else the border officials can do with them
We could ship em to mexico city

They’ll just turn around and come right back

Yes, it’s hard for the Democratic Party to understand, but most people wish to prevent children from being raped

anchor babies go into the foster system if they have no other family. This is about live kids who are smuggled over.

Nah I think you're confused, an anchor baby has to be born in the US. Completely different scenario.

What do liberals think happens to american citizens when their parents are arrested? You cant raise kids when you are in the system. If its so bad, why do they keep coming?

Illegal alien has 2 year old “fashion accessory” he is in no way related to. How do you tell if the guy is actually a parent in a few minutes?

It's not Trump's policy, but Sessions. That senile Boomer has a raging hard-on for 'justice' and would gladly imprison 10,000,000 Mexicans - on American soil at taxpayer expense - just because they hopped the border illegally.

He needs to be sacked. If you're not going to let them stay here freely, send them back. Imprisonment is a waste of everyone's time and money.

Adults and children are showing up at the borders with no papers and asking to be let in. They're putting both into holding facilities for a few weeks while they figure out if their story is legit and they're a family or if this is a case of human trafficking (INCREDIBLY COMMON along the US's souther border). They put the children with other children, and the adults with adults, much for the same reason that if an adult is arrested now, the children with them aren't sent to the same jail, they're put into protective services.

>If democrats hadnt created this “if youre born here youre a citizen” bullshit these families wouldnt be split.

thats been in place since the 14th amendment

stop blaming democrats for everything

The fourteenth ammendment was a mistake

Wrong. Sessions and administration officials have said the point of separation is to effect an outcome .. the reduction of border crossings AND to pressure a guilty plea. That is the stated purpose and motivation of this particular policy .. unlike the wider separation process in the justice system (which is protection or child welfare). Purpose and motivation matter in challenging the policy. Moreover, the implementation of the policy/law matters. separation of kids under, say, protection and child welfare is highly regulated, foster homes, rights ensured etc; kids aren’t sent to detention centres. The implimention of this immigration separation policy ... detention centres, cages, etc .. clearly suggests punishment not protection. TL;DR: not the same, very different in purpose, process and implimentaion. TLDR: false equivalency, policy and law very different in purpose, process and implementing... illegal with big $$ lawsuits coming

being in jail itself is duress you dumb nigger

Amazing. Everything you just said was wrong.

Try at least reading into the issue first. Its not like we are purposefully going out of our way to be cruel. If our laws are to have any meaning they must be enforced or changed.

Illigals do not have constitutional rights lead nigger get raked

But can you prove it?

the 14th amendment is like a magic wand for the judiciary. That, and the interstate commerce clause.

Trump is a shit for brains motherfucker, and a fucking cocksucking son of a bitch who has a tiny microscopic dick. Also Trump is a racist who hates black people and mexicans and he’s slso a sexist who hates women.

Read up on legal jurisdiction, idiot. American law, including the constitution, applies to everyone on American soil.

shut up leaf. its not sessions its the fucking dems

No. That’s why there’s a laws (constitutional rights) to a fair and free trial, right to public defence lawyer, cereal and unusual punishment etc. The judicial system is set up around the promise of reducing duress and ensuring fairness.

Can you prove trump is a racist? I notice this is always where political discussions go to hell with anti trump people. Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Stop false flagger. This is a pretty civil thread, don't derail it.

leafanon is right, fellow burgerclaps

Nobody is legally entitled to count chocula

He’s a racist because he wants to build a wall.

you seem to be lacking in reading comprehension. if we do that they will come back, over and over.

There no right to spell check, only responsibility, user. Sorry, eh.

Because separating children from reckless criminal parents is what we do

Then Americans will foster these children, then the children go “missing”
Which is a fancy word for ‘fuck you they’re our children now’

We can enslave them

Guess there's nothing wrong with racism then.

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I'm arguing the null hypothesis, that these obama era policies are in place for the same reasons they were before. All session's changed was ending immediate release of border hoppers, he did not institute child separation policies nor did his actions alter the rate at which they were performed. Additionally, the border detention camps are undoubtedly more safe, comfortable, and enriching than the average foster home.

I mean ship the kids back to mexico city, alongwith any pregnant women. Adults should be jailed.

Some kike judge's bullshit interpretation of the constitution is not justification for allowing illegal immigrant criminals the same the rights and privileges of law abiding, tax paying citizen.

If his dick is in the fashion accessory

The Mexican government won't do anything because they benefit greatly from illegal immigration into the US. They get to dump their poorest citizens onto us AND they send cash back home. Win-win.

that i can agree with, just doesn't seem to be the way the laws are written.

trump should put illegals into the suv and tell ICE to chase it at 100mil/hr

Sessions et al wouldn’t be able to hide behind ‘it’s the law’ if Congress could be assed to make better laws. Leftist s don’t care about children any more that Trump does because they aren’t suing for new laws to supersede the old laws, rules, and consent decrees.

The constitutional rights only apply to American citizens you fuckwad. If it applied to illegal immigrants then why the fuck don't they get a lawyer and just sue the government for everything it has WELL because they can't. I am a white immigrant who came here legally with a job and stable income who hates people that come here. I love America and everything about it. Best fucking country in the world. People that come here to seek benefits can fuck off back home cus there is nothing here for them but the liberty of taking care of yourself and being free to do so.

Lol, so if I go down for murder my kids go to jail with me?

The interstate commerce clause wasn't exactly a bad idea back when state to state travel took weeks instead of hours and communication took weeks instead of seconds. It's one of the parts of the Constitution that actually is "out of date" and needs some tweaking. Maybe something to the effect of "Congress can step in if something involves more than two States and any State to other State transactions can be resolved between the two States."

Damn bro. I got a freedom boner reading that

You're probably a poo or something.

Don't you mean "Count Canuckula"?

legit lol at how wrong you are and what you believe to be facts. lolin

liberal judges made it impossible. therefore we have these holding cells

this is all liberals fault

found the brown

>same reasons as before
Yeah, but who's to say that wasn't Obama's incentive? Seems pretty logical to me that the purpose could be punitive. It's an excellent deterrent.

Last I heard the kids don't have books, toys, or adults who can interact with them.

Read the flores settlement.

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So trump is stopping child trafficking and democrats and Canadians are complaining. Day of the rake when?

From what I've heard, Clinton-Bush era laws (that Obama didn't see fit to repeal) dictate that children can't be housed with their parents when their parents are being processed as criminals for trying to illegally immigrate
And so children of illegals are sent to special facilities to stay while their parents go through the judicial system
Honestly it probably is better than deporting the children back alone or even letting them run wild in America, this way they are safe from sex traffickers

because of laws and manipulations of the law created under the obama administration.

if an adult and a child illegally cross the border, only the adult can be directly arrested for doing so. The child therefore has to be sent to a different bureaucratic group that holds them until their parent is sorted out or some other arrangement can be made.

this is why there are pictures of 'children in cages' from 2014 that you libshits tried to claim was a trump thing. Why'd they do this? Because he wanted to legalized illegals but he couldnt literally violate federal law directly so he made this loop hole to protect those under the age of 30. Of course, if you are a full blown conspiraitard, then an alternate explaination is that this was done because it gives the moloch worshipers in government easier access to children nobody will miss for their human sacrifice shenanigans.

Let's not have our memes be dreams

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