Are we the baddies?

I honestly don't think I'm capable of ripping away a young and innocent child away from their parents. I don't know how these men do it. I'm against illegal immigration but this is just beyond the pale. We've become monsters.

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grow up you fucking cat lady

They knowingly broke the law. They knew this could be the consequence. So be it.

It’s not about being bad or good. Thinking with duality is why the West is dying. It’s about being disciplined.

>Are we the baddies?
No. They are.
>I honestly don't think I'm capable of ripping away a young and innocent child away from their parents.
The parents aren't innocent. Do you want a child to stay with criminals?
Conversely, they can be together as a family... in their own country.
>I don't know how these men do it.
Easily. They've been doing it for 30 years now.
>I'm against illegal immigration but this is just beyond the pale
How so.
>We've become monsters.
You don't know what monstrous is. Keep pushing for lawlessness and invaders though, and you will.

Why the actual fuck should I care if law breakers are separated from their parents vía ICE but everyday American fathers are separated from their kids by our very own court system?

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What is best for America may not be best for other people. As soon as you grasp that concept you can grasp the concept that there is no good or bad in the world, just opposing forces/points of view.

The seperation of kids must continue. We have no credible way to say that all these kids coming with the adults are actually the kids of those adults being detained. Sex trafficking of minors through the border does happen. These kids can end up in horrid conditions if allowed to enter the US. If people don't want to be separated from their kids at the border, then don't come here. Simple as that.

fuck you faggot, it's their fault for bringing their kids over with them. kys

Thank you

kek do you faggots realize we don't give a shit?

did you forget where you are? your (((tricks))) dont work here

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Jewish banks lead to colonizing new worlds not allowing them to flourish as civilaztions...then Jewish interest comes in secondly and uses their relativism to debase the local population destroying any standard of culture or society in their wake...jews don't see us as we see each other ...with empathy...they see us as mere cattle...we are beneath them so they destroy...its in their nature...after destroying the target culture they open the borders to the white countries...jews despise europeans...thats why they are set on destroying yall

>Are we the baddies?

>Rip kids away from families
>conspire with our enemies to win elections
>raise tariffs on our allies
>put more strain on the middle and low income classes to lower taxes on the wealthy
>Support the Jews who've been in Israel for 80 years over the Palestinians who've been there for 2000+ years

Yeah no shit.

What a pussy. Just be thankful you’ll never have to go to War you fucking faggot

Hurf durf why are we sending criminals to jail what about their kids durf hurf i'm against crime but this is beyond the pale

Absolutely this. Leftists would rather defend criminals than good fathers.

Dont take your children with you to commit a crime and you wont have any problems


the democrats are trying to have little white girls raped to death by muslims and mexicans

how about deporting the kids back with them?

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Lectist support the castration and groming of kids

Kids used to be deported with the family until dems got pissed off and made a law preventing that so if ur pissed off at anyone look no further than the ones pushing this propaganda as usual.

We do this every fucking day when parents are found guilty of a crime and the kids have to be taken into foster care while they're in jail/prison. Why should illegal aliens be exempt from this? Frankly, I think we're too compassionate when it comes to these invaders. We don't shoot them on sight like some countries do, nor do we put them to work in work camps treating them like slaves.

Mexicans are rational people, they're appealing to pansies like you in trying to get their way. Having a crying kid doesen't put you above any law.

>Thousands of US citizens have have their children taken away when they commit a crime every day

>taking children away from foreign criminals is somehow different


Very sure that you, the left (even when pretending to be the right), are the baddies. You're pure evil. You're fighting to save your slave trafficking lines. You're literally the worst.

If we're the bad guys, then I don't want to be good.

how was that passed
literally splitting up families
just make them go back with them

It can happen to literally anyone who breaks the law.
>dui check point
>drug bust
>momma doing stupid things to win stupid prizes.
Don't want to be separated from your kids? Don't do crimes.

Yeah we're the bad guys but it feels so
Right punishing criminals and thier children. I want to kick this kid so hard while wearing a full Portugal kit.

If the parents didn't want to risk being separated from their kids maybe they shouldn't have entered the country illegally.

>We've become monsters.
Not yet, but we'll keep riding the tiger and get there eventually.

Believe me, you could if you see how much you can get for it in the DeepWebz

>growing up means having no empathy

This is why you will die a violent bloody death for israel, cuck.

why don't we send the kids back with them? what the heck

>I honestly don't think I'm capable of ripping away a young and innocent child away from their parents.

I realize you're a 1 post by this ID shill, but everyone who actually thinks like this must surely be aware that millions of children have been "ripped away" from all sorts of criminals, not just illegal aliens, for decades.

Exactly. The only people separating children from their families are the law breaking parents.

These idiots are not entitled to another countries resources just because they want them.

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>I honestly don't think I'm capable of ripping away a young and innocent child away from their parents.
>from their parents.
The relevant law has been in place since 2000.
It separates minors from adults for a few days so that the custody of the children can be determined. The point is the identify ACTUAL offspring from children that are being trafficked for sex.
>Muh kids
Let's all just turn a blind eye to human trafficking and immigration laws simply because some naive posturing assholes are making emotional assertions about a situation they have no direct familiarity with. Fuck laws and reason, let's decide everything with emotions.

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JIDF in full damage control


I’m afraid history will not be kind to us.

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>meme flag
>1 post by this id

stop fucking replying retards.


Those now coming to the border hoping to get their free gibs will now know that there will be consequences that don't just hit them, but their family as well. Maybe they'll turn around and not put that on their family, maybe they'll still go for the illegal route. Either way, it's their fault not ours.

Would you rip criminal parents away from their innocent children?

>us mexicans are not violent

Stay in mexico

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Nice one Rabbi.

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They're controlling they way you think through feelings and emotions. The parents know that they will never have a stable life crossing the border illegally and they chose to risk their kids.

Fuck you OP, you make me sick.As if you've ever given a shit about any one other than yourself in your whole miserable life. You're style of writing is pathetic, you "honest"! I'd buy a used car from Nixon before I'd trust your smarmy ass. Go to hell and sage dumb-ass.

>The state of stupid fucking spics

If a mom is passed out on meth and the kid is running around naked when the cops come in the house, do you take the kid away because of the dangers involved?
>Yes, the mother broke the law and put her kids at unnecessary risk.
If a mother robs a bank and shoots a teller, you don't give her a reduced sentence because muh vagina. Do you take the kids away because mom is going to jail?
>Yes, the mother broke the law and put her kids at unnecessary risk.
If a mother tries to enter another country illegally do you take the kids away?
>Yes, the mother broke the law and put her kids at unnecessary risk.

iif you want this to end, vote the democrats enabling it to happen out of office in november

There's right and there's wrong, good and evil, and it's not hard to see which one ripping families apart and locking innocent children in cages is.

If you're still confused, try reading the fucking bible.

I agree. Send the little fucks back with their parents.

It is not illegal to seek asylum.

Fuck off. We have to protect the border as a matter of principle if nothing else. These people are showing up for the sole reason of expecting immediate welfare. Sorry folks, get in line.

lmao op do you know where you are typing words?

How do you suggest we fix it?
Put the kids in adult detention?
Or, build all new family holding facilities?

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its Obama's policy, change the law through Congress and send them all back

Why don’t people ever point out the officers are always Hispanic as well? These people despise the illegals more than anyone else because they worked their asses off and these illegals walk over here and get shit for free

>having empathy for people who begin their relationship with your country by violating it's laws
>having empathy for people who are willing to commit crime with their children present

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It is if you don’t go through a port of entry

>supporting Democrat policy

fuck you

If everyone can just skip the line and show up at the border seeking “asylum” then what’s the point of having a border at all?

Russiagate burnt out, so now its time for something else to slam Trump for.

It's illegal to cross the border to suck off the country's teats without the proper procedures being taken.

Maybe just go back to the way we used to do it. Fucking retard.

Kill them or send them both back you fucking pussy

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no. and fuck off cunt, you are not we. We work for the future for our children, not the seething masses of millions. Our children are our morality and there is no other morality but that.

No, you don't understand, we're sending them back With their families :^)

It’s Clinton’s policy, 1998.

Just put them in hotels and give them a government issued credit card user it’s so easy and it’s the right thing to do!!

Asylum is not granted in all cases, but seeking it isn't a crime. They are innocent until a court decides they don't qualify at which point they will be deported.

They know they are breaking the law, user. This shit should have been enforced more than twenty years ago.

>We should ignore the law, retard.
Fucking KeK

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No, "we" are not the bad guys, YOU are the bad guy-- promoting White Genocide.

Why don't you jew bastards promote jewish genocide?

Actually, you are, it has reached the point where the entire world want's you dead.

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Hey basedboy faggot! Ever thought that dragging their little brown kidlets to ILLEGAL and possibly dangerous border crossing is responsible parenting?

that picture only needs Brazzers tag

That's a load of bullshit. In many cases these people cross several safe countries they can seek asylum in just to get to the ones that offer appealing Welfare systems they can leech off of. They're parasites and the host countries are worse off with them there.

They should just shoot both of them if these fuckers tried breaking into my house is blast both of them

I love the coverage this is getting. It won't stop, and I want every shitskin thinking of crossing the border to see these reports and think twice.

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sorry, i meant of course S 0 Y B O Y, you fucking pol cencor bots.

We have have standards to even consider asylum. If you’re coming from south of the border and aren’t from Venezuela you have no valid claim to asylum. Last time I checked there are no civil wars or oppressive dictatorships raging in Central America

The child still has mexican citizenship, doesn't he? Most coutries give citizenship based on ius sanguinis. They can fuck right off taking their spaws with them and having them renounce the US citizenship. (I don't know how are you so stupid as to keep giving citizenship to kids of illegal immigrants. As far as you're concerned, those people are in their country and the kid can't have been born on US soil - absolute presumption. Another exception should be tourists.)

Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.

Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Germany for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Germany and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Sweden took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

fuck you SPIC, they deserve anything that happens to them vbecause they BROKE the LAW

History is written by a bunch of revisionist Jews. They would have you think everything about Hitler and Nazi's is evil. They gloss over WWI, the economic vacuum created in Germany right after the fact and the massive amount of Jewish busness's that purchased forcefully ceased businesses and property for pennies on the dollar when the same offerings and financing was not delivered to the German people.

If you are a cuck jew lover, then you are right, Trump will end up on the wrong side of history. If you realize the church of Satan is the current Jewish world structure and the Isreal and jewish people your bible teaches you to love are but a small remnant that is not related to the Satanic "Jews" in world government, then you will realize we aren't fighting against the jews, but satan who has coopted the Jews once again for the nth time in recorded history.

Don't feel bad, they "Satanic Jews" what to destroy the world. They want to take everything that is good and destroy it. You find societal cancer, like Africanization and inject it into 1st world countries and it destroys the host. It makes honey bees that don't make honey. Completely fucked system.

You're gross and you'll go straight to hell for defending human traffickers, literally begging the president of the united states to break the law so the invaders can keep their slaves. tsk. jesus would flip your table in a second, bitch.

you've been living in Germany but you are nto German right? Fuck off.

>it’s so easy
And so expensive
>it’s the right thing to do
The right thing to do is doing it right

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Unless you're suggestingthat it's never ok to separate families, even in the case of felony prison time, divorce, or military deployment, then really this is just special pleading to not enforce immigration laws against anyone who can acquire a child near the border.

>lets not blame all these people guys
Fuck off /reddit/

He difference between Syrian and Iraqi refugees and Central Americans is that Syrians and Iraqis are actually fleeing their homes because their once functioning society has collapsed.
The Central Americans are coming because of economic reasons not legitimate persecution

I think this false dichotomy of if you're not for letting them run amok or putting them in jails with their families then you're for taking kids from their parents is just bullshit. Even worse are all the bootlickers who really just dont give a shit. The fact of the matter is that with real immigration reform and a wall/border patrol we could prevent this whole situation in the first place. Instead you've got people supporting the separation more than they're supporting keeping them out in them first place.

If America will turn into new Mexico, does that mean i cant post on Jow Forums anymore? ;((

Sarcasm user

Appreciate the yous. This is just new pasta from a diff thread. I didn't even read the whole thing.

You view the US with malice and contempt. There’s a reason why the Marines stormed the Halls of Montezuma. It was to keep you in check. You and your people feel entitled to the land of the Pioneer? Tragic. You can’t even put Mexico into working order. It’s had more than enough chances to lead Latin America but failed. How did those revolutions work out for you? Y’all were better under Spanish imperialism.

>I did it for (you)'s
Fuck off /reddit/