Was Stalin a nationalist?

Was Stalin a nationalist?

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Communism is the idea everyone is equal.
Stalin did anything but. He's more fascist then fucking communist. Imao.
So yes.

''Socialism in one country''

He was a crypto jew.. communism is judaism...jews responsible for the death of over 100 million Russians and Ukrainians
Also donmeh jews calling themselves the young turks were behind the ARMENIAN genocide...the holocaust as it's sold to us today is neurotic bullshit. The Jews are fyckin liars.

Communism in international, they don't see borders or respect them

dude you see jews everywhere

The word fascist means nothing.

Is a government fascist for taking away your right to eat dogs, or to abuse children, or to murder, or to walk outdoors naked etc.?

Every government in history is fascist because it is the goal of government to restrict freedoms in order to ensure the maintenance civil functional society. The content of the freedoms taken away depends on the state of social development, unique history of the people residing in the particular region, and the particular time in history.


Idiot. Stalin was a Stalinist.

He was not a nationalist personally but he did build a nationalist state.

Absolutely, he didn't force populations to move for nothing, he did it to build Russian hegemony everywhere in USSR.

No but he did did use nationalism to boost morale during the war.

>Was Stalin a nationalist?

He was a Stalinist.

and you don't see them anywhere

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How can you murder your own people and call yourself a nationalist.

Yes, he was

He murdered only capitalists , gays and other anti-russian shit , all of them deserved it

what a bunch of hooah.
there's only one way to maintain a nation and that is to have a culture, a border and a state worth defending, and the only way to have it be worth defending is by sustaining a certain level of national pride.
tito wanted to be a nationalist but his socialist sensibilities made him live in denial of it.

Stalin purged deranged anti-Russian elements (e.g. read his letter to a lefty writer Demyan Bedniy), but he then killed off those that wanted Russia to have more rights with the Union (so called "the Leningrad deal")

An interesting detail, Stalin kick started his career by massacring a Georgian rebellion, his own brethren. We can agree he's a socialist statist, and was not against projecting an outward power.

>killed anti russian shit
>Didn't kill jews (before 1945)

>not obvious to at least 95% of anons statement
Not how it works, bucko


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I don't think that taking out some political opponents and little extra would contradict anyone being a nationalist. It's not an ideology like pacifism where you instantly become the opposite if you murder anyone.

No, he was a Eurasian Imperialist. He did promote Russian nationalism somewhat as a way of consolidating power in the USSR, and he promoted Slavic culture above the others in the USSR. He was opposed to the International Socialism of Lenin and Trotsky, but only in practice. He still claimed to believe in the same ideal. I don't think he believed in anything but power, though.


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No, he was a stalinist.

And yet in practice the strongest borders are on communist countries and the weakest are on capitalist countries.

He had a plan. At first gays and capitalists. Then jews . If Beria didn't kill him , Stalin would sent all fucking muslims to GULAG after jews

No, he was a cunt.

>East Germany began to invite North Vietnamese students to attend study and training programmes there as early as the 1950s; cooperation expanded in 1973, when they pledged to train a further 10,000 Vietnamese citizens in the following ten years. In 1980, they signed an agreement with the reunified Socialist Republic of Vietnam for enterprises in East Germany to provide training to Vietnamese; between 1987 and 1989.[4] The East German government viewed industrial trainee programmes not just as a means to increase the labour supply to local industry, but also as development aid to the poorer members of the socialist bloc.[9] By the mid-1980s, Vietnamese, along with Mozambicans, comprised the main groups of foreign labourers in the GDR.[11] From a population of just 2,482 in 1980, the number of Vietnamese residents of East Germany grew to 59,053 by 1989, with the largest influx in 1987 and 1988.[12]

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>After the revolution several black African families came to the Soviet Union under the auspices of the Comintern. They were chiefly specialists in the spheres of industrial production and agriculture. The technical equipment, modest means, and professional experience brought by them were an appreciable contribution to economic development of a new state. Among them were Oliver John Golden and his wife Bertha Bialek (he brought with him a group of 16 Afro-American experts in the cultivation of cotton) Some of them stayed in Russia and their descendants still live there.

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You are so funny.
In the USSR there couldn't be nationalism, there literally destroyed all cultures.

He was the opposite of an nationalist.

This was a training program to enrich the vietnamese. Obviously to be effective they would all have to go back to effectively accomplish that goal. I doubt Stalin would have allowed the huge influx of non-slavs into the ussr if it risked changing the national character as the capitalist countries are doing in the west.

At least theoretically in communism the standards of living are pretty close and everything is tied to the nation state. If people were to leave one communist country for another because they were more developed they would be seen as a selfish traitor to the state and contained by both countries.

This was obvious and effective propaganda. There is a huge difference between mass immigration and a few families in a nation of millions. You can take these examples but the fact remains that they are still far, far more strict in their borders than any capitalist country. Do you really think the Norks would be letting African refugees into their country en mass?

nigga no

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Nothing cringier than a communist Amerimutt

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Stalin was the greatest person ever. As a communist I hope to join the ranks by setting a kill record of 300 million people.

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either communism is humanitarianism with a tyrannical tendency or pure misanthropy with a big heart
either way it's busted

How is Communism busted? Couldn't a meteor hit America and kill everyone living there in 1945 and mean Communism won since the most of the economic production is now communist? Just because the USSR collapses doesnt mean Socialism/Communism was this crazy fantasy idea.

it's literally based on fantasy. marx was an out of touch bourgeois jew with no speciality in anything except making predictions that didn't come true.
christ why don't they teach kids about history these days
also fuck off back to r*ddit you cant even reply properly

Bruh, i have never even been to reddit before. Also he was right about all his predictions. The world rate of profit is falling and wealth inequality is slowly tearing everything apart. Thats why things like UBI are talked about today.

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He was a Communist...lol anyone who says different is a communist...and a faggot.

Not even in the slightest sense. He wasn't even born in the Soviet Union, the only thing he was loyal ro was his personal goals.

Jesus Christ. Can you imagine having to import niggers for their “technological advancement”?

wuz Nazbol

100 millions already? Plus 20 in the WW2, for a total of 120. And in a decade or two population of USSR was bigger than before the war.

It seems my ancestors were fucking faster than rabbits.

t. kike

Stalin reached-out to Russian nationalists and the Orthodox Church after he killed/exiled the (((Trotskyites))). During WWII, he gave them even more support and freedoms in order to boost Russian morale and recruitment.

>and kill his masters
I don't that was his plan...

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Yeah, I'm not saying Stalin was /ourguy/, just that he was more nationalist than normies realize.

Also he was kind of a tard peasant from Georgia, so he needed Jewish urban elites to explain economics and diplomacy to him. He was the one who controlled the police and army though, so the kikes were more like his prisoners.

Observed. This is why as a NatSoc I sort of like Stalin. He did a lot for the people in regards to who he purged. And it appears that thanks to him you guys retained a lot of your culture. Slava Russia!

Jewish lies. There is not verifiable source they ever killed jews (based on anti semitism opression)

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meant for

No. Stalin was an Internationalist.

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ain't that so

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Trotsky was an internationalist. Stalin was an isolationist.
USSR had like a 100 nationalities. It was naturally anti nationalist, or it wouldn't exist.

They are all terrible. European ones clearly try to appeal to the far-right, but thankfully, that doesn't work.

>Builds walls
>Sends guns to Africa so they kill each other
>99 % White nation
>Rounded up bankers and globalists
>Autarkic closed economy free of foreign influence
>Kills Poles in phenomenal numbers
>Strong state keeping sexual deviants in check

Is Jow Forums ready to accept the bolshevik pill?

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>99 % White nation
>What is Tajikistan
>What is Kyrgyzstan
>What is Turkmenistan
>What is all the Asians in Eastern Russia
>What is Uzbekistan
>Killing Poles is a good thing.

>Killing Poles is a good thing.

Funy thing, Poles have destroyed every nation they have ever been part of, including Poland.