TEDx: Why pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation

Weimar 2.0 full steam ahead.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck pedos, but on the topic of your pic, why the fuck do faggots dress like this? I mean, yeah we get it, you take it up the ass, but do you seriously need to dress like some cthulian horror? What the fuck even is this? It looks like something that crawled out of fucking Quake.

What does this costume have to do with sucking dick? Why must children be subjected to this walking nightmare visiting their school? Can't we just go back to teaching our kids math and english, ffs? What was wrong with learning the alphabet? This pic of a literal giant horned sodomite on my screen simply enrages me.

DOTR target designation protocol activated
Subject: Mirjam Heine

did they delete the video that was uploaded on ted?

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also youtube.com/watch?v=egiBgmvv8wA
what the fuck?

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They are attempting to normalize children associating with filthy fucking pedophiles. What is just as bad is that the parents of these children virtue signal by subjecting their children to this disgusting shit.

yes. here is the old link. youtube.com/watch?v=kR23SXhOKXE

RIP civilised and progressive WEST

She speaks with a certain innocence as if someone above her sold her this narrative and she naturally believed it without question as women tend to do with all jewish tricks

Yep, they Shoahd it, probably because the DOTR was being organized in the comment section.

No doubt she has (((handlers))) who spoon fed her the (((research))) that was no doubt conducted in Israel.

>Why pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation
I have a black boyfriend and I'm his Doc if you know what I mean,lol

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I think faggots who make the same thread over 3 times should be banned.

we need a bigger oven

Pedo detected.

Stealing shit is just as valid as buying it, goyim.
Torturing people for fun is a natural expression of a healthy mind.
So, "do as thou will" is mainstream now.

Pedophile detected

The only possible result.

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Hello (((Jonas)))

The video was deleted from Ted's YouTube channel, but the information of her talk is still on Ted's website:

>Mirjam Heine
Please tell me, she isn't German.
Also could be (((HEINE))).

Why would TED approve of this, sign her on to do the talk, film it, upload it to the internet, and then delete a few hours later?

Archived: archive.is/GPUBJ

The theme of the TEDx talk? "Future Societies".

>Mirjam Heine
>Medical Student
>One to two percent of the main male population is considered as pedophiles. This means worldwide more than 57 million people. Therefore, pedophilia is not an irrelevant phenomenon we can ignore. It is unrelated to class status and educational level. The medical student Mirjam Heine explains how an appropriate approach to the unchangeable sexual orientation pedophilia might look like. She is mainly guided by the works of Prof Dr. Dr. Beier, the head of the institute for sexology and sexual medicine at the University Hospital Berlin and the prevention network “Kein Täter Werden” (meaning “don’t offend”). Hence, she also believes that no one is responsible for their sexual orientation, for their feelings, but that everyone is responsible for acting upon this sexual orientation. She also inquires how all of us can gain if we distinguish clearly between our feelings and our actions. Since pedophiles can’t change their sexual desires, they must learn to control them to not act upon them.

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I just don't care anymore. I feel so cold and empty after watching that video. This fucking civilisation we live in needs to burn.

FFS of course Berlin.

Here is Dr. Kalus Beier giving a talk about pedos:

Fucking degenerate, leave the children alone

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>not a single like

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no problem with this

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Ted used to be a reputable brand

Why did they branch out into giving retards a platform for whatever they want

yep. it was linked on anonconserve's r/K blog yesterday and got a ton of traffic, and got nuked in the last 24 hours.

some user is doing God's work to preserve this. saved 14 minutes before i tried to.

(((jews))) always push too far.

Thanks maple syrup nigger, but I just can't watch this stuff, I just knew it would be Berlin.

What's your problem with the video?

Oh I see, you're mentally deranged

Sometimes I forget where I am here lol

for real tho, tyhose horns looks cool AF

>Ted used to be a reputable brand
REALLY? you think so?
personally i always thought they were jewish and signally, pretentious and faggy.

lol all these utterly deranged morons here

A pedo enabler is a jew, what a surprise.

they had good speakers and topics were intresting tb h

>pedo enabler
So you either didn't watch the video you posted, or you're too deranged and intellectually incapable to comprehend it lol

Goddamn spirals again

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lel list four. i dare you.
then for each one you list, i'll come back with five jews trying to subvert society or inane stupid useless bullshit talks.

Psychopaths enjoy scaring people. They want to be sexy and terrifying at the same time. You don't understand it because a result of serious psychosexual issues.

>come to anime imageboard
>anime extremely often features sexualised children
>soapboxes about how this is bad

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sam hyde

Time to get the band back together.

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get an axe

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>a pastor wouldn't be allowed in to preach their disgusting religion.

>pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation just like heterosexuality
What is there to understand, pedo? You want to justify your depraved and degenerate sexual lust for children and push it onto the rest of society.

okay you're utterly retarded then lol

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This is going to be the topic that wakes whites up and puts blood in the streets. Watch how fast 40 years of "progress" is erased overnight.

>there are the amount of pedophiles in the world as the population of in Italy or South Africa.
>Time to bomb the shit out of them both

if a loli is secretly 3000000 yr old witch it's fine

the weimar came right before the 3rd reich. prepare yourselves.

>he's not really a pedo if he fucks his daughter to get back at his wife
we really gotta do something about Germany causing so many god damn problems

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

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yelling allah ackbar and exploding people or running them over should also be a diagnosis too, that way they avoid regular jails.

i'm sarcasm btw


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don't care if it is, shoot them

Defend pedophilia now, Muhammad. Let's hear your talking points, you sick fuck.

>take small sample size in industrialized country
>extrapolate that number to the world population

so this is the power of leftist thinking

Oh hi again. Had my sleep now. Pray continue.

calgary is a testing ground

glad I could preserve the down vote ratio


This speech has almost over a million views, this and the Day For Freedom march on Whitehall is why the UK pedo establishment had to shut Tommy down.



UK police whistleblower: youtu.be/LAMcVquIe2o


>Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an Observer investigation can reveal.


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have another mirror anons


Horseshoe theory of politics is so accurate - creeps, paedophiles, and morons on both extremes. Society should banish all these oddballs and just include proper people with proper jobs and normal sexual urges.

Hate all you want but again she is also right and all you have 'day of the rope' memes.

She's a kike. Doesn't matter what country she was born in. A kike is a kike is a kike.

It seems ((they)) are using tedx talks as part of their incremental goyim frog boiling plan.
The crowd are totally accepting and non judgemental of satanic concepts in the atmosphere of faux intellectualism and the viewer of the video is tricked into thinking these ideas are acceptable because of the crowds reaction.

Why is it always kikes and degenerate krauts that are pro pedophilia?

flag checks out

It already is. Now you have to deal with it like a mature adult or stick your head in the sand like most people do. If you think you can elliminate them through hate and violence you already lost.

I posted this on /lgbt/ the other night. Guess how many replies I got? Around 8. Most of which were 'kys'. /lgbt/ are scared to talk about it. They know if they even aknowledge it they will undermine their very own movement. It was why they disassociated themselves from NAMBLA decades ago. They know it will weaken their cause if they allow it.

hahaha typical leftist arguments. you are the one to be culled first pedo apologist

A wild pedo appears.


wtf kill yourself pedo degenerate apologist..

I'm starting to be blessed to live in a third world shithole . at least we are not fucking degenerate


BASED Tony Montana

You can bet it is MUCH higher in non-industrialized societies. The Muslim world/Arabic/Thai/Mexican/Brazilian countries etc are all well known for rampant underage sex. My guess is it is closer to 10% of the world population if not higher.

We can eliminate it through state sponsored murder and intimidation.

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you and your ilk will die slowly

Everyone contact Ted at their website and ask why they support the normalization of pedophilia.

Christopher Holt, from your Google picture you look like a complete faggot.

Grow up retard, the ancestors you look up to probably married a 14 year old girl

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I'm proud europeans are taking extreme steps in normalizing pedophilia and hopefully America will follow suite. We must embrace the rot and decay of society not shy away from it.

thanks user

See that's the thing. You gotta find them first. Good luck with that.

you're easy to bait out, as evidenced, here you are again pedobong. you kiddie diddlers cant help yourselves.

Your government knows all about your little "sexual orientation".

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How does one see without eyes?

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Jow Forums does not want to discuss anything in a mature manner. All Jow Forums wants to do is spread hate speech and post memes from their basements. I would argue that there are more single men on Jow Forums than /mlp/ (I am pretty sure that is why they put the two together on April fools day).

You are probably the most likely target group that would be 'purged' when'the day of the rope' actually happens (if ever).

You guys are funny. You have no idea how to interact with society as a normal and productive individual. You are as bad as a pedo getting his jollies off to CP.

kill yourself

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>Jow Forums is one person
>pedo pandering
opinions discarded

Perhaps. Perhaps not. They do not have the resources to chase everyone though. Expecially a someone who just posts on a Chinese cartoons imageboard.

Teenagers are a moral grey area and girls were married young because it was necessary for tribal survival due to mortality rates. Anyone actively trying to fuck 9 year olds should be shot.

bump video is creepy af

Hitler was a pedo lol