Italy Thread

The Most Recent poll has Salvini at 29.2%, that is .2% above M5S and 12% above what they got in the last election.

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You know you Italians are pretty fucking lucky.


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Good but he needs to do more. When will the deportations begin?

polls aren't in any way reliable, they are used as part of the propaganda machine.

the polls before the elections were all clear shilling for a berlusconi-pd government, and we can see how it ended.

if there will be any deportations, they will come after the government gets to stabilize the situation in lybia. so it will certainly take some time, and it's going to be an extremely difficult battle.


>Salvini: we will list all gypsies
>All illegal gypsies will be expelled
>Unfortunately we'll have to keep the """italian""" ones

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disgusting flag
republic forever


"Salvini wants a Rom census"

I like this 1938 feeling

>mfw: he refers to it as "the Rom question"

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The republic was a mistake.

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Let's see if he delivers! I hope so, but I've seen this "X wants to do Y" and then he never does it so many times now that I'm going to be skeptical until I can see he actually does what he promises

the kingdom was even more of a mistake

I'm pretty optimistic. I would have bet that he would never close the ports but luckily I was wrong

Just a reminder that Salvini made a pact with the devil to form this government. Di Maio and the rest of the M5S are currently pushing incredibly hard for universal basic income, minimum wages, forced open-ended working contracts for even the shittiest jobs like pizza deliveries, earlier retirement with higher pensions and all other kinds of subsidies. I get that the immigration crisis absolutely needed an immediate intervention, but Italy, Lega and all other right-wing parties are going to pay a great price for it.

Attached: di-maio-salvini.jpg (690x442, 40K)

>Italians are WHIIIIIITE

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All republics are mistakes

t.ignorant germ

Apart from the first two hipsters they all seem much whiter than you Mohammad

Bump for QT Italian grills

Just watched Molymeme's vid?

t. increasingly nervous german government official

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I've seen some clips of him and he seems pretty genuine, certainly more so than many other european anti immigration politicians. I hope he steers the country in a right (sic) direction.

I do agree that there are fiscal problems, however, the UBI thing is a meme. Its just a new welfare program to replace the old one. Only poor people get it, you can only get it for a limited time, and its means tested. That's welfare, not UBI. I think its just the English media using a shitty translation because M5S calls it 'citizens income.'

She's real QT. Definitely a pretty wamehn

Are you saying I'm wrong?

I'm Italian btw you stupidi negri.

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stay in germany ignorant faggot

The next election is years from now who cares? They'll have to keep this momentum for almost half a decade for it to have any meaning.

It's promising though because many 5 star supporters are from the south and would have never vote for Salvini because of Lega Nords views towards terrones in the past. Looks like their appeal is starting to broaden in the south since southern regents are hit hardest by boat niggers and Salvini is the most obvious choice for keeping them out

UBI will never be a real thing, the hartz 4 model is inapplicable in Italy because burocracy, m5s will do some social fight and I'm ok with this

The coalition could collapse before the next scheduled election.

It's sad but I probably will if things keep going like this. Taxes are already stupidly high, if Di Maio also wrecks the economy with his retarded socialist policies no one will want to create businesses and hire people in Italy anymore.

Go choke on a dick
Lmao implying M5S will do shit
Salvini is acting like he's the real boss, thus exposing the weakness of M5S who's letting him doing whatever he wants
Then stay there and never come back, faggot
Nice memeflag shlomo

>people actually think calling a south Euro "non white" can in any possible way be insulting

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A complete waste of money, that's what it is. You can't expect to make the life of unemployed people better by giving them gibs for a few months while at the same time destroying all available jobs with the taxes needed to pay for the gibs.

>minimum wages, forced open-ended working contracts for even the shittiest jobs like pizza deliveries
Nothing wrong with that
>earlier retirement with higher pensions
This point was shared by Lega, because the previous "leftist" reform raised the retirement age to 67 and was hated by virtually everyone
UBI is a meme and they'll not even try to implement it, tho.

elections might come next year, who knows. all depends on the stability of this government, but we are all optimistic about it.

I don't think Lega can get many more votes from the south right away, as the whole "right" was in open decline in the last elections. the parts of the south more interested on immigration already voted for Lega anyway.
The real gain in votes in Lega will be in the north and the center, eroding consensus from Berlusconi's party.

you are wrong.
taxes will go down, nobody will wreck the economy. foodora can fuck off and there is nothing socialist or retarded about it.
this are just the first weeks. everyone will have to shine, if they work correctly.

I'm not saying I agree with it, I don't. I'm very fiscally conservative. I'm just saying it's not as bad as UBI. The immigration issue is an immediate existential threat to all of Europe, the fiscal threat is also very important but it is easier to make an economy recover than the entire Italian race.

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most important thing, is your lazy youth finally going to get a fucking job? or are you going to stay living at your parents house forever

>This point was shared by Lega, because the previous "leftist" reform raised the retirement age to 67 and was hated by virtually everyone
not to mention that it blocked the generational cycle of retirement and new assumptions, aggravating our unemployment problems.
>UBI is a meme and they'll not even try to implement it, tho.
I hope so. I find it quite abhorrent because of the society it envisions.

nonsensical trash from a moron.

>steal money from people who work to give it to people who don't work
>literally incentivize people to not work
>nobody will wreck the economy, there is nothing socialist or retarded about it

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Also, speaking of fiscal conservatism

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yeah that's not what's going to happen.

You mean Italian youth shoud leave their 100% owned family homes to lease a tiny appartment at 1500e/month from the banking jew?
Fuck off you kiked&cucked faggot.

>wanting to be considered white


damnit meant 2018

Das Rite Singapore.

No, I'm pretty sure that is Poland.

my bad

you lega jews keep trying to say these stats for the last month

shut the fuck up

just start deporting jews and niggers

That is remarkable since Lega was a fringe party 10 years a go

Leave it to a Polack to get the date wrong.

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Since 1945 (and almost certainly before then too) anti-immigration has almost always been the majority position in almost every western country, even the more cucky ones. It's only ever been the elites that support it.

>H-he c-can't close the port to ONGs
Salvini closes the porta.
>H-he can't refuse Cambodian rice
Salvini refuses chink rice
>H-he c-can't list gipsies
Salvini lists them and kicks out illegals, like France did

>he prefers anglo masons over our long traditional republicanism

>implying the Kingdom of Sardinia wasn't ancient

National Socialist, faggot. Based as fuck.

So... who's happy to have to go to the (((bank))) to retire his paycheck? Thanks PD.

Are you implying there is anything wrong with that?

>chink rice
I hadn't heard about this so I looked it up

>Cos’è l’Eba
>Dal primo settembre 2009 c’è la piena liberalizzazione delle importazioni di riso lavorato senza limiti qualitativi e a dazio zero da una lista di Paesi meno avanzati (Pma) .

>Since September 2009 there's been a full liberalization of processed rice imports, with no quality limits and zero import tax, from a selected list of less advanced countries

>L’obiettivo della politica che sta alla base del sistema delle preferenza tariffarie generalizzate (Spg) della Ue è aiutare i beneficiari a integrarsi meglio nel commercio mondiale, contribuendo al loro sviluppo attraverso riduzioni dei dazi doganali per determinati prodotti importati nel mercato europeo.

>The objective of this policy is to help beneficiary countries integrate better in global commerce, contributing to their development through reductions in import tariffs on select products imported into the european market.


It's like they're ACTIVELY TRYING to crash the EU's internal economy, they don't even fucking hide it.
What the actual fuck!?

>associazione nomadi

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I'm thinking of moving to Italy for a few months from the UK. Where is a good and cheap place to live? How will I be treated?

Soon it will be possible again to have a nice vacation in Italy, i.e. without being swamped by Africans.

This has always been possibile if "vacations" to you doesn't mean going in big cities, because if you go in touristic areas let's say like Salento in Puglia you won't find a single nigger, maybe just a few on the beach trying to sell some shit but they're harmless and we have them since forever.

Glad to see brothers of Italy still there.

Americans have brain damage.

why is there no Mafia party?

God I wish that were me.

Sounds like Strasserism.

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