First of all, Improve. Post /SIG/ material in this thread (they can't say this isn't political). Arrange to meet other anons in a general location & form local Vanguard groups; start shaping each other into leaders. Start putting up posters like pic related. Buy a pack of red paper & a can of white spraypaint in cash, print one off, cut out the letters & use it as a stencil. Knock out a full ream's worth of posters in under an hour without any printer tracking dots. Meet up, hand them out & cover everything in a three-mile radius. Get to know more of your neighbours. The first England game is on the 18th- go down to your local pub & start talking. If they're civicnats, they'll still be interested in #FreeTommy events, but if they're redpilled, you can start expanding your local Vanguard. Redpill the rest carefully and slowly. A backfire could land you in jail.
Then fuck off to Jow Forums, this isn't a football thread.
Austin Hernandez
It's fucking coming home. Simple as.
Brandon Young
Caleb Bailey
What you can do: Start writing to football teams and say you won't buy any of their shirts if they don't drop foreign sponsors Stop buying season tickets or tickets to any game with teams that have a foreign owner or sponsor Stop supporting teams that don't employ native (white) staff, both at the ground and in terms of coaches, physios, scouts etc. Stop supporting teams that do not consist of 80%+ white british players
Together we can improve british football, lets get to it lads.
the blackshirts would fix the premier league, along with the footie lads alliance
Nathan Ortiz
*strokes your eyebrow*
what if I stay awake at pat u to sleep
Kayden Stewart
>supported concessions to the IRA >supported devolution >was a labour MP >supported reforming the House of Lords >supported being part of a European state >loved by Catholics
There were some promising sights Saturday bfor last- people are starting to get angry and they don't rally care how they're sen expressing it. Unfortunately, they'r aimless & bought out by Tommy Robinson, the civicuck. This is our opportunity to step in, start talking to these people & show them why they're never going to get anywhere under EDL 2.0, & start organising locally to keep these issues in the public space & uncensored for everyone to see. Only problem is trying to get brit/pol/'s army of LARPing tripfags & their enablers to see the obvious.
thnx m8. it's a damn shame that based (((tommy)) is the forefront to the upfront ATM.
Cameron Russell
>[On stopping] the immigration cap from applying to doctors and nurses, so that more doctors and nurses from overseas can come to work in the NHS: >Support: 72% >Oppose: 15%
>On "increased taxes on people like you to pay for an extra £20 billion per year for the NHS": >Support: 54% >Oppose: 38%
I'm having a gin and tonic while I wait for my bud to chill, I have 4 in the freezer but I left some in overnight when I was pissed but I'm not throwing them away so I defrosted them and when I'm pissed in a few hours I'll drink them and the one I left open on the side because I won't care about the taste
Aaron Moore
if they all have massive jugs like that can we get that as part of the points based system please?
Jayden Long
That it is. And that's why we need to act now, while he stills has some momentum behind him that we can use, before he squanders it.
The government isn't deified, it's just accepted, and that's fading fast. And you should know better than to trust polls by now.
Grayson Long
The IQ in 1889 compared to 2004 was 13.35 points higher. The average IQ of a college graduate is about 115. If rates of miscegenation continue at the rate they did between 1889 to 2004 (they wont, it will be far, far worse) then our IQ now, by the year 2134 relatively speaking will be the difference between a college graduate's and a member of the general population. Relative to the Victorians our average IQ is just below 85 (1.16 points per decade as stated in the article since 1889). If you have an IQ of below 85 you are technically retarded. As a nation we are literal retards compared to the Victorians.
Mason Bennett
he means the nhs
Asher Turner
My interpretation might not be totally correct but you get the point.
Noah Gutierrez
Lmfao at labour complaining about Tories having to increase taxes and borrowing to pay for the NHS, truly shows how retarded party politics is
>rates of miscegenation mate what are you talking about? 2004 graduates were mostly white not nearly enough to account for all the change you just seem like another fake news guy desu and you posted this yesterday
Ethan Reed
>not be totally correct pretty much totally wrong
Hunter Jackson
There's a number of factors that goes into that, it's not simple decay. For one thing, it's not miscegination. Interracial relationships are higher then they've ever been, but it's still a small number. The problem is the demographic shift affecting the average, and to a lesser extent the breakdown of self-control needed for long-term planning & the gutting of our education system to lower it to the demands of the new average.
Ryder Hall
>increase taxes not paid for by the brexit dividend anymore?
Eli King
Any size will do, just as long as they aren't muds.
Josiah Evans
Thought that was Stefan Molyneux in the thumbnail
Jayden Wilson
i hope you faggots have stockpiled your memes in preparation for actual goalposting
Ethan Ward
there is a chogie at work that keeps giving me the sex eyes with massive tits
Sebastian Morales
There's a link to the study right in the post you replied to. The article mentioned dysgenic effects.
Isaac Ortiz
what about how many coons are on England football team? I counted 11
Gabriel Young
Well, that's simple enough. You don't have to de-deify the concept of the NHS, you have to de-deify the concept of scalping foreign graduates from underdevloped countries to avoid paying to shape our own, and then it simply becoes a matter of how it's operatd & funded. COnsidering how much of a shambles the government makes evry time it interfres, a more nationally-overseen privatised model, like Singapore (note- LIKE, not the same as) would be more preferrable.
Cooper Green
>just as long as they aren't muds. they will get extra points for speaking english so it doesn't matter
i need to make the random pixel thing i've been thinking about so i can post duplicate images
>link to the study but you appear to have added a lot of your own spin
I'll delete my posts out of embarrassment, but I still don't think what I extrapolated was too unreasonable.
Juan Reyes
Jew graves are getting smashed up in Manchester lol
David Kelly
>estimated from a meta-analysis of the slowing of simple reaction time I've already explained to you the factors that go into that; the parts that aren't your own spin.
Logan Anderson
>squatters rights Why the hell is this a thing anyway?
Landon Ross
Honestly the only reason I can get off on black women is cos their pussys look like a horse.