The sex industry in the US is dead

And Trump killed it. Since I'm not part of an elite pedophile ring or have a tranny wife to take it in the ass from, should I become an overseas sex tourist in Germany for example? Somebody is making it very displeasing for white men to live in this country... This is NOT what our forefathers envisioned.

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yep porn is no longer mainstream because the women have gone to uptight. it was a nice meme ride too!


I hear Thailand loves the D-gens

become attractive to women you idiot, 95% of men are hideous

>The sex industry in the US is dead
>And Trump killed it.
wtf I love Trump now

This will send prices down yes? ...Im all for it

majority of prostitutes in germany are slavs... waste of time and money.. they are rubbish.

you get more value for your money in thailand or Cambodia.

Attached: THAILAND.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

No gov bailouts or subsidies for the porn industry.

Why is that?