PHASE 1: Piggyback off of the Dankula/Sargon/PJW autism and get people to mass join UKIP. You don't have to like them, you just need to be able to use them. Shill this everywhere, say whatever you need to say to make it happen.

Doing so will scare the Tories into not pussying out on Brexit - they will see a mass movement to UKIP, and will be forced into keeping us on track for a clean break for fear of losing votes.
PHASE 2: Hijack UKIP. IF enough people get phase 1 done, we will have enough of us (or at least, enough people who we can manipulate) to be able to push our agenda.Remember, we don't even need a majority - we just need enough to be able to set the narrative in our favour. UKIP leadership is weak right now, and the will jump at anything that is gaining them this many members this fast.

PHASE 3: MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN. With a well-known political party pushing our agenda, we will be able to do exactly what UKIP is famous for - being a small, but crushingly effective tool for swaying the normies to our side. At this point, we will be able to demand anything we want. Like Brexit, it will be laughed at at first. But, as history has shown, we will prevail.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Good luck Saxon bro

Just concede defeat already.

Attached: 9 out of 10 poorest areas is in britbongistan.jpg (788x700, 99K)

Godspeed, save yourself from this madness.

How about kys, rape capital of Europe.

bump for Mosley's Britain

Sargon of Cukkad is going to ruin UKIP just like everything else he latches onto. Fuck this faggot.

>northern europe

Attached: 1524330910721.png (645x729, 56K)

>implying hard brexit is a bad thing
>implying fighting feminism is a bad thing
>implying fighting islam is a bad thing
>implying fighting marxism is bad thing
>implying fighting socialism is bad thing

Jesus fuck mate, you're way down the purity spiral.
Just because someone is not a white identitarian/full blown 1488 doesn't mean they're a cuck.

We have common enemies, let us as least fight side by side for now.

>a fat liberal with a black stepson and a homosexual waterfilter salesman are accepted in britains biggest far right party

KEK sorry to spoiler it but you guys are doomed

a fookin luv kekistan lol

Attached: 3657463.jpg (360x360, 25K)

>announcing that you plan to coup something

retard alert

>let's join UKIP and work for years to over-throw leadership instead of simply exposing Israel for European Genocide
you bongs... are fucking... stupid.

spoken like a true swede
always just wants to give up

don't even got a single ski jumper, because that's hard. and he's only going to get beaten anyways.
>his king doesn't even have any gold medals in sports of any sort
>because that's hard
>and he's just going to lose

Attached: e1d01867aee4aad9c0e65b8290923f63aae372781db3fdcad096bd3ef475ae0e.jpg (364x500, 41K)

You're going to need mass deportation and incarceration for that.

Farage is still a member of UKIP, right?
"Hijacking" UKIP could mean destroying what Farage worked to build. But I definitely see the logic in having a third party that scares the Tories into keeping their Brexit promises so they don't lose votes in the next election.

>Not even a single medal
>Not even bronze
>haven't even attended the olympics, yet dare to call him self a king

Attached: FireShot Capture 020 - Harald V av Noreg – Wikipe_ - https___nn.wikipedia.org_wiki_Harald_V_av_Nor (1526x1186, 363K)

This speech has almost over a million views, this and the Day For Freedom march on Whitehall is why the UK pedo establishment had to shut Tommy down.



UK police whistleblower: youtu.be/LAMcVquIe2o


>Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an Observer investigation can reveal.


Attached: 2607839d751f51c49da9ce9477ba1fa24cedcc3e3db9c7baa9f1f563f76d8e2b.jpg (1080x1920, 183K)

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think his political career is over? He kinda did what he joined in on it for?

Anyways I really wish he still was their leader, he is damn based

UKIP is nothing without Nigel Farage at the helm.

Got nothing against Gerard Batten but the last few years of "UKIPal Chairs" with the leadership is just taking the piss, and Batten said he will do another leadership contest after a year. Brexit is a mess because of the Remainers stuffed in cabinet, Nigel won't come back because of internal politics or something involving the NEC, what can you do?

Attached: 1409959005359_wps_21_Nigel_Farage_Leader_of_UK.jpg (634x542, 59K)

Jesus christ, what the fuck has 4pol become

>simply exposing Israel for European Genocide
>you bongs are fucking stupid
Are you a fucking retard? Yeah guys lets start a party and movement on the premise that Israel is engaging in a genocide against Europe, people will flock to that. Fuck you cunts are thick as pig shit.

Farage still leads the UKIP group in the European Parliament (under EFDD) but no he is not the leader. Who knows what he'll do next year, people thought he was going to start up another party with Aaron Banks because of bullshit with UKIP's NEC but it seemed to be false. And then Nigel backed Henry Bolton which turned out to be a huge disaster.

Attached: nigel.png (159x249, 84K)

Hmm. We'll see what happens lad

Attached: Back_in_time.png (801x801, 37K)

Politics and semantics. It's a battlefield lad.

Attached: Questioning_.png (801x801, 35K)

This, I'm convinced the purity spiraling retards are opposition plants to make the movement unappealing to the masses.


Are you still allowed to vote?