is pic related a nazi?
Is pic related a nazi?
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His daughter is literally Jewish.
>internment camp
>demonizing a particular group of people
>allied with foreign dictators
>supporters frequently use Nazi iconography
All signs point to yes.
so was Soros and he ended up HELPING the Nazis
Not only that.
God I hope so
nazis never existed in the first place.
literally hitler
That's insulting National Socialism
God I fucking wish.
You talking about Bill Clinton there, right?
No this is more like it. Mah 6 gorrillan
>loves the kikes
Probably not
If not then explain this pic
No, I wish he was. I wish the ZOG media would stop pushing this idea so that the right wing will like him again. We can see through your false dichotomy, kike. You can keep building your houses of cards, and the gullible goys will keep fighting to knock them over, but eventually, one of is going take that deck of cards away from you.
I wish he were.
No, He wants to be a dictators/king. He would use anybody to get it.
He is King if the Mutts. That’s almost the exact opposite.
>Anyone who want a white Europe and the end of the Jewish elite rule is a Nazi
Would you fuck off already
Nazi? No.
Dotard? Yes.
wtf i love trump now.
I'm impressed. If only he could nuke Israel now....
>kills white people
>coddled jews, let live in safe areas away from fighting
>gun control
>terrible choices of allies
>loves the wogs
>nationalized industry
>attacks Russia
1 posts by this ID.
Calling him a Nazi isn't only insulting to the actual Nazis, whom I really agree a lot of their politics, but it really makes this dumb fuck looks like as he's more intelligent than he's. He's not a Nazi, he lacks the intellectual capacity of being one, he's just a dumb redneck uncultured cunt, who's trying too hard.
>so was Soros and he ended up HELPING the Nazis
He helped the Nazis to spread anti-Semitism because the plan was to offer Zionism as the solution.
>pic related
Stop falling for Jewish tricks.