Is it me, or all these "alt-right" Youtubers complete morons?

Is it me, or all these "alt-right" Youtubers complete morons?

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Fuck I became a foot faggot

It's just you. But it's not just me that all these antifa are nothing but a troupe of faggots.

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those are some big feet

it's true, not only the youtubers, but anyone that associates with >le kekistani alt righter.
it's pretty much the other end of antifa degeneracy, they think they are subversive but they're just as domesticated as all the other collectivist movements.

Lmao is that Shoeonhead's face photoshopped on the picture?

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footfags truly are the worst

holy shit she finally posted feet I was the guy in her livestream that would always ask for her to post feet noice

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fuck you faggots got me

>Is it me, or all these "alt-right" Youtubers complete morons?

Many anti-White SJWs say so.

Attached: fat white anti-white SJW fuck white people.jpg (592x790, 109K)