Star wars

>CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Monday, 18th of June — The Latest on President Donald Trump announcing new “Space Force,” other space initiatives.
President Donald Trump is announcing that he is directing the Pentagon to create the ‘Space Force’ as an independent service branch.

>I believe Russian Air Force has been renamed into "Air and Space Force" quite a while ago
its not just in the naming. they are definitely intorducing new war technologies

>Chinese are also involved in this
There have been reports of their satellites coming close to the american satellites. Possibly learning how to maneuver and tilt orbits.

>Anti-satellite weapons are actually a thing
what have i missed? what do you know? discuss.

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It's called NASA.

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Five other threads exactly like this one.


Oh but nigger dick threads can stay up for hours at night? Fuck off.

The comedy of this news is that millions of you dumbfucks still haven't caught on to the fact that military covert space programs have been around since the late 70s AT LEAST and now there are likely numerous parallel black ops space forces within the US alone. The tragedy is that this 'new' Space Force will probably still be using stone age fuels and rockets and present itself to the world as top of the line.

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99% of those programs are satellites.