Do any of you saliva drippers really believe this WHITE collage PROFESSOR from a MIDDLE CLASS family with NO PRIOR...

Do any of you saliva drippers really believe this WHITE collage PROFESSOR from a MIDDLE CLASS family with NO PRIOR CRIMINAL RECORDS gonna do anything more then community service?

this is post charlottesville America we are talking about, the Judges are not some aliens from outer space, they watch the news, they know that Kekistani flags are neo Nazi symbols, they saw the Nazis give the Roman salutes in Berkeley. they saw Heather Heyer get murdered on national TV, they saw Richard Spencer supporters shoot at protesters after he fail to give his hate speech in Florida.

and he's being judged in California.

this is gonna end with you killing yourself's at your mom's basement.

Attached: drop-charges-against-eric-clanton-ucb.jpg (480x320, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You niggas like a bread sandwich

all bread and no SUBSTANCE

Attached: 28435797_202628936998757_6356585420947456000_n.jpg (320x316, 39K)

No. It will end when a relative kills him or one of his family members. I hope it's torture desu.

Shut up lady justice is blind.

Im sure the purple haired transexual MTF jewish judge will fairly punish him for hitting a nazi.

The jewges are from commifornia, they are very likely to request the victim paying for the bikelock repairs instead. And chances of finding a jewry without a single person, willing to hang it on this charge is negligible in CA.

Him winning this case would further help to normalize political violence in the United States.

Attached: ted kaczynski on leftists.png (1200x1620, 152K)

> Ancom
> collage


ted was Antifa himself!

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer