What would you do if your country was invaded by hundreds of thousands of pic related immigrants seeking for a stable life with white men?
Would you betray the western white woman Jow Forums?
Yellow fever
oh yes , I would have several of them
>Would you betray the western white woman Jow Forums?
What for?
making babies
I would tell them to fuck off. What difference does it make who invades my country? I care about my people, not yours. Fuck off.
>implying the finnmongol would notice any difference
>What difference does it make who invades my country?
I would rather be invaded by cute asian girls than millions of muslim bois
> What would you do if your country was invaded by hundreds of thousands of pic related immigrants seeking for a stable life with white men?
Well, who would let such a golden chance slip by?
> Would you betray the western white woman Jow Forums?
They already betrayed us.
Import japanese men and make them get married and spend money in our country then go home.
Lol wtf why so many Asian women threads
more like import cute asian girls and make a conservative nation of (pic related)
she is 100% russian
nice try race mixer faggot
If I couldn't find a Serbian woman, yes. Gladly. I just want a family
Miss me with those asians whores. And there are hardly any girls who actually look like that. I'm not giving in to some kid with cute eyes
Non chinese asians are ok
But with so many women we may have to start being polygamists
but a lot of russians are white/asian mixed dumbass
They wouldn't survive here
kill yourself pedos and yellow fever faggots
i live in markham/toronto and its full of these chink
the prettiest of them work at "spa" that are actually brothel . bj + doggy 160$ gg no re
she can be my maid and do my cooking and cleaning
This user
>import cute asian girls
an export the feminist roasties
Take her in and love and honor her till the day i die making many babies
I live in Sydney. A quarter of our population is rich east asian students. Very few of the girls look like that. The qt asian meme is absolutely false advertising.
But first generation Asian immigrants only marry within their community and barely have contacts with the rest of society other than running health hazard restaurants and brothels
Better than sandniggers and spics.
>she is 100% russian
prove it
> race mixer faggot
German Sheppards are great dogs and we only achieved them through ((racemixing)) done right
>What would you do if your country was invaded by hundreds of thousands of pic related immigrants seeking for a stable life with white men?
Fall to my knees and Thank GOD!
Most of them aren’t Christians.
pick one
>we may have to start being polygamists
hmmmmm, I have no complaints about that...
Anyone else?
Id feel really dirty about it, but god gave me a penis and I’m gonna use it.
Deport them. People who would like such a scenario and not much different from white whores who like the fact that all those niggers and sandniggers invade their countries. But i guess a country which ends itself to fulfill their sexual fetish hadn't much right to exist in the first place.
this. Send the feminist roasties to Africa so they can have the bbc they always dreamed of.
100% yes.
> asian girls wanting a stable and devoted life with white men
> "deport them"
Switzerland NO!
>hating one of the pilars of western civilization
>see flag
Oh now this makes sense.
You would go insane unless you’re a multi millionaire capable of supporting 20+ people when you start having a few kids.
This, and Chinks immigrants only bring fraud, prostitution and squalor
I know this hot little chubster. I want to spread her cheeks open and play with her cute labia.
So they're assimilating to the local culture.
What's the problem?
The thing is you cannot tell. I genuinely cannot differentiate cute hapa girls from the ones next door.
No, genetically we're not. The DNA stuff is different.
You guys are the male equivalent of coalburners
Yes as a matter of fact I want to do it now.
Chubby jap girls are the shit
>implying you'd even get one of them
Ultra Chads will be the one with harems and pumping their seed into them user, not you.
>what would you do if your country was invaded by people seeking a stable, healthy relationship who are known for their work ethic, strong morals and culture that has stood the test of time
>would you betray the thots that only think of black dick and how to make false rape accusations with their feminist theory degrees?
the fuck kinda stupid thread is this
THIS is why white men get yellow fever!
>posting uggo koreans
No one cares about gooks. Japs are where the primo shit is at.
gg no re?
> plastic surgery
white thots are doing this shit as well. Also
> Goods != Japs
>Japs are where the primo shit is at.
They look the exact same without makeup
Beware anyone seeking a better life. It is their genetic code that makes their countries shitty
A reminder that asian girls actually crave BBC like the rest of them.
I want to lick her feet
Agree 100 %.
Asian butt CAN be amazing.
It's the wide Japanese hips.
deport all non western migrants
I already have a western white woman, and she worships me as a God, so no way I'm betraying that. But sure, I'd happily take a few Asian concubines if that's a possibility.
Yellow fever is cancer, they are not attractive, and OP is a faggot.
I love RollRoll, it's a shame thought that the few that bought her premium sets have not shared them.
go away footfag
this. its peak delusion, masquerading as something else.
why tho
Why not? I don't actually care about ethno nationalism anyway
>bought her premium sets
Why would ANYONE *pay* for porn??!
There is an almost limitless amount of it.
Soon we will have robo-wives that can change the way they look every couple of months to always be new and exciting.
Every drop of semen
I already have a taiwanese gf so I wouldnt care too much.
>that pic
Just another dumb roastie, muh traditional modest azn waifu is a meme
why do you think alah belivers have harems?
I would literally arrange the ships to deport white roasties to Africa and replace them with Asian qts.
because its degenerate
Did and proud of it.
Betas just mad they can't get a qt Asian waifu.