Are we the bad guys?

Are we the bad guys?...

inb4 but Obummer did and no one complained then = must be okay now = retard logic

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I support them to fuck off to whatever shithole they came from with their parents

We're a nation of immigrants but we're also a nation of laws.

Wrong on both counts. Nations means bloodkin. Countries =/= Nations.

How many of these threads are you going to make, did you get too assblasted in the last one?

So why don't we just do that?
That isn't what we are doing!
That isn't what Trump is doing!

>A kangaroo

>liberals complain about the Japanese interment yet still call FDR one of our greatest presidents

Do we have skulls and crossbones on our hats?

Look at the liberal bullshit racism involved here.

Being a criminal = being Japanese = being Jewish.

Apparently we're supposed to throw the kids into prison with their mothers and fathers, when one of the parents commits a felony. You know, so that the prison system doesn't separate children from their families.

believe it or not, its possible to agree with some of somones positions but not all of them. considering your worship at the feet of trump like a little bitch cuck, im sure this is a foreign concept to you. sad.

There are no good guys or bad guys, there are just people
It's an ugly situation but honestly, what else can we do?

americans have been the bad guys since 9/11

>Are we the baddiess?
No, user, you'll be the bad guy when you have a skull on your socks and mug and ashtray and hat.

Shut up fag

>It's not being hypocritical when we do it

>Illegal is now an ethnicity or nation

I dont consider trump a great president

But I thought we do support locking up jews?

Unironically this.

These people are so out of touch with the brutality of the world
Yes, people are locked up and contained at times
You know what other regimes around the world, or hell in not so long ago history did to these people?
Outright slaughtered the lot of them

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Noone is making them come here you retarded fuckass. the border is clearly marked, they know the risks, they are lucky they are being fed and have access to a lawyer. Absolutely no quarter for human traffickers.

but by all means, please keep trivializing the holohoax to the point where people having to wait longer than 10 minutes for their uber is the new Kristalnacht.

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> The Japanese Americans

Eh. It was wartime. Not the US's best moment but there you go.

> The Jews
I don't understand that leap in logic

That's right, fall for the psyops of taking down Trump using another phony front, since Russiagate petered out.

No. We are the heroes. This latest attempt to force open the borders of our nation, and force the dissolution of the United States through open borders has failed.
The Facts:

Criminals who endanger their children by breaking the laws of another nation deserve to have their kids taken away.

These policies were in place under Obama.

These children are victimized when they arrive in the states. Some of them wind up in gangs. Some of them wind up working for drug dealers. And worst of all, some of them wind up in sex trafficking rings. It is far more compassionate to detain them while they await to be reunited with their families in their home nation. It is criminal, cruel and irresponsible for their law breaking parents to bring them to our nation in the first place.

Illegal aliens come to the United States to work as slaves. They are paid slave wages. They are not given basic health care. And if they dare to complain they get deported. These people and their children are exploited savagely and the best thing for any of them is to keep them from coming to this nation in the first place.

>let kids get trafficked because leftists lobbied for no screening
>"waaah drumpf how did you lose 1500 keeeeds??"
>start screening kids
>"waaah gas chambers and lampshades druuuuuuuumpfff"

>implying i wouldn't have supported all of that

>implying alcoholic retard doug realizes the fact he can speak freely is because of his oppressive murrikan society

when your best argument is coming from a drug addict retard who obviously absolves himself of his own shittiness and unwillingness to lift a finger to change himself / anything by poorly critiquing society you're done. though i get you're a herd nigger and feels > reals for you every time


if those kids are getting food and shelter they are in no position to complain

there are homeless kids without either that would love to be in that position im sure

This shit is basically socialism and they should be fucking putting them in work camps or gassing them

leftoids think this is rightism? pathetic

Kys you stupid kike, shitskins and kikes don’t deserve to live on our land

I support taking them to the border and giving them a swift kick in the ass. Only reason they're in custody is because they're applying for asylum.

False equivalence.

Illegal immigrants deliberately voluntarily break the law AND they risk their children as well.

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We are locking up people because they broke the law.
>Being Japanese is against the law
>Being Jewish is against the law
>Crossing the Mexico-US boarder without going through the proper administrative processes is against the law

>why don't we just do that?
Because the privatized prison lobbied like hell, during Obama's administration, to change the way illegal immigrants were handled.
Instead of simply being deported now, they're locked up to await a hearing, and are then either directly deported, or get to serve an additional lockup term before then being deported. Moves a lot more bodies through the privatized prisons, increasing their profits.
Privatized prisons were a fucking huge mistake, and will end up becoming one of the biggest issues of this century.

kangaroos are sexy

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Fuck yourself moshe

I do support locking up the Jews and gassing them

Deport them or kill them I don’t care, but if you don’t fix this problem we can find someone that can. Families can stay united in their own countries.

Why should we, as tax paying citizens, be enslaved to pay over $34,000 per child per year, for the offspring of immigration criminals who mean to change our political demographics and marginalize our own citizens?
This is an invasion as harmful as any military action, and we have no legal or moral obligation to let these foreign usurpers continue their campaign.
Retard Logic = falling for an obvious emotional argument

I don't even care about myself, let alone some brown skinned piece of shit.

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remember that the democrats were the ones that locked the japs up

Nah most of those japs n jews were legal citizens so we're not that bad

All shitposting aside, why are we splitting up families again?
Why aren't we just shipping them all out?

Because the dems made a law a few years back that said that the children of illegal aliens couldn't be held in detention centers as it was traumatic to them


Did we miss a meeting or something?