How's it going lads? You getting ready for June 23rd?
US and UK thread
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Getting my flags prepped for Independence Day
As are we, it'll be the 242nd year of our independence.
what's happening on the 23rd
Trump UK visit.
Brexit anniversary
Oh ok cool. Can't wait for all the protests and virtue signalling
feeling pretty shit about our country's mutual relations but in the spirit of friendship i try to be optimistic
Pic related by heading the protests; a homosexual who defends Islam.
Fuck, I was too busy studying to further our nation's economy and academia and forgot. Will our (((EU))) passports still be valid, since I'm gonna be abroad then and want to come back to enjoy internet freedom?
*will be heading
Fucking hell.
Wait fuck, isn't our deadline to leave the EJew also supposed to be around now?
>feeling pretty shit about our country's mutual relations but in the spirit of friendship i try to be optimistic
Just remember it's only our leftist, globalist shill political class stuck inside the M25 motorway that dislike you, and that most British people are extremely pro-American even if we sometimes dislike your foreign policy decisions. Farage is far closer to what most people are like with Yanks.
Disgusting. How does he and anyone else reconcile this obvious fucking contradiction holy shit.
I stand with you bros. Things will change one way or the other. Either a right wing nationalist uprising, or societal collapse. Globalhomogayplex isn't sustainable.
I take solace in knowing he will be fucked regardless of what happens. Right wing nationalism? Fucked. Muslims take over and whites become a minority? He gets thrown off a rooftop. Society collapses? He's a coddled swine who can't survive without consumer capitalism (typical socialist).
If you ever want a cringe and to see the people who sold us all down stream, look at his channel. The vitriol in the comments section is good for hearty keks too.
Remoaners and never Trumpers are already chimping out
23rd is going to be the saltiest day of the year here I guarantee it.
yeah that's right lol, there's no way he comes out of this alive.
oof those downboats. im already seething at this video as he's doing the retarded naxalt argument for muslims. He also did the bit with blaming Islamic extremistism on western imperialism. ISIS themselves specifically point out in their official magazine that while western imperialism is a factor, it is not the main reason they are waging their jihad. In fact they're frustrated that us infidels focus on this aspect and not the fact that we are heathens who don't worship Allah.
send guns
Is it a state visit?
Can we free Tommy from the tower?
It's a good trade, you got a princes (sic)
Any Whigs left in UK can escape with him
He's an apologist and traitor to his core.
He's not as popular as he thinks, luckily. He is popular with coloured folk and domesticated whites. He and the party (Labour, the opposition) he shills for had a "concert" event the other day and they barely managed 3000 people *after* they slashed the ticket prices and even paid for peoples transport to the place. Fucking hilarious.
There are still options.
are you allowed to use any of those "legal" guns for self defence?
Brits and Americans are the biggest good goyim. They should be nuked along with Israel. Trump and May are kike puppets and Robinson is a filthy Mossad Agent.
hello Rabbi
image is a lie anyway, none of that stuff is "legal", they have to have licenses, be part of hunting clubs, keep ammunition locked away separate, etc
Now say it without the meme flag
Why do you have so many Muslims?
Why do you have so many niggers and spics?
It’s because both of you are worthless subhumans who promoted “diversity” along with the kikes.
It seems self hating white faggots are a dime a dozen in your nation and mine. Just from that video alone I can tell he has a really inflated opinion of himself. He talks to people that support him as if he has some great insight or wisdom to bestow lol.
BTW I won't lie seeing that video of the Tommy Robinson guys shoving those coppers felt really good to see. I hope the best for Tommy, but it's good to see so many true Englishmen out on the streets in big numbers. Keep the fire blazing pls
Brits and Americans are the biggest good goyim. They should be nuked along with Israel. Trump and May are kike puppets and Robinson is a filthy Mossad Agent.
How am I a kike for wanting Israel to be nuked? You dumb circumcised mutt.
yes, thank you shill
not related to thread
If my Nazi ass gets blasted for being a fucking good goy, I will return from beyond the grave and curse the motherfucker that did it. Some of us are really trying to fix this shit here.
Good job. But you should still fuck off.
Americans aren’t fixing anything, their immigration act isn’t repealed and Trump is the most pro-Israel cumstain in the world. My city is still being flooded with spics, chinks and pajeets. Fuck populism, fascism is the only thing that will save our countries. STOP TRUSTING POLITICIANS YOU DUMB BRITNIGGER.
>Muh shill
Kill yourself kike
Nope. It's clearly far from ideal but it's better than the "literally no guns at all" misconception continuing and in a true SHTF scenario, who is going to stop you? I'd rather people on my side had more at hand than socks with stones in them.
They're football hooligans who love an opportunity to lash out physically regardless of context, not really the type I want to associate with but they are numerous and good for momentum. I guess I should say their hearts are in the right place and seeing the police run off with puckered arses was too funny.
you want me to tell you how I know you are shill so you can shill better in the future?
fuck off
Dumb Frogposting mutt
Shouldn’t you be busy getting raped by Muslims, Abdul?
I feel like the best take on it is to look past the individual of Tommy and his football bros and recognize him as the flashpoint to help encourage the UK to take control again. Tommy and the EDL aren't as important in themselves as the action they are inspiring. IMO
I know it's technically legal, I was just fucking with you. Somebody already listed all the hoops you have to go through and spoiled my fun. Seriously though, they arrested an old man for defending himself in his house with a screwdriver. That's messed up
How the fuck is Theresa May still in power?
Trump should just shoot the bitch.
Because you and Americans are cocksuckers who worship nonwhite dick. You destroyed Europe and gave kikes power over our nations. You deserve those muslims.
Tommy might not be the best martyr, but he is well known. Whatever it takes to get UK to wake up.
Those spics and niggers raping your women aren’t fucking with you
Americans and Brits will never wake up because both of you along with kikes are responsible for this diversity bullshit. You killed Hitler and you deserved to be taken over if it means the rest of Europe being saved.
>reconcile this obvious fucking contradiction holy shit.
they truly believe there's no difference between whites and sandniggers and that they can tame islam like they did christianity
the overton window in UK is so far skewed.
That socialist bitch is considered conservative
Oh I absolutely do that. I agree, it's more about movement in the right direction. I'm sure he's a decent enough fellow but he's done some very dodgy things and I would say he's generally not very competent. His arrest was in part a fuck up on his part that could have been avoided, even when you consider the police cowardly waiting to pounce on him for even the slightest infraction.
It is very messed up. What is more, many people here clearly think a person does not have the right to kill in self-defence if they fear for their life. I understand showing restraint if you can confirm they are no longer a threat, but people here are incredibly squeamish about killing. I'm not saying it's easy or not potentially traumatic, but people won't even entertain the idea that it is morally acceptable.
This pretty much. We can all sit around and wait for the perfect person/movement and likely nothing will ever get done.
Labour are trying to grill Tories over Islamophobia as we speak.
I know. The bitch is more left wing than the past Labour governments. Just want her out of power as she has no fucking idea what the fuck she is doing.
Cheers mate, and good luck
Thanks. Pretty optimistic. Happening may be soon. I'll send a postcard.
is 40k gbp considered a decent wage for new grads in the bong kingdom?
Man i used to love all of brittania so much but its so fucking vile now move over here bro maine would be perfect for you. I dont live there and its kinda liberal but theyre also anarcho af they have legal salvia and bud with an age limit and they have a system where the electoral college gets split only nebraska also does that, meaning once you gain citizenry your vote matters more than anyone.
I am so tired I didn't even notice this.
Very solid.
seems a bit low
i make 50k gbp here as a fresh grad
are your taxes lower than ours or something?
No one alive killed Hitler you spastic. Why do yanks over do it saying you to everyone? Simplistic retard
I wouldn't know since I have yet to pay taxes (student) but as long as you are coming out of with a STEM degree you can expect about 30K-40K on your first job, very broadly speaking. I'm not an expert but I would say 40K per annum is nothing to sniff at as a starting wage.
fucking burgers easily get 70-80k as STEM autists
and certain industries break 100k
and they have lower taxes than us
Relax, have a joint.
>tfw I make $35K without any degree
Capitalism is pretty cool.
Can we regime change Britain and Canada yet?
actually without a degree you'd probably be making more here
I'm Norwegian actually. good try tho, shill
Britbro said I’d be making 30-40k with a STEM degree in Britain.
I wasn’t talking about southeast Europe.
>being excited for anything
>around this time of year
I can't, it's too hot for me. Go on without me.
>it's too hot for me.
Wow I've been Canadian all this time.
hope it goes well bongs
Happy Independence Day, Bongs!
Naaa the bitch knows EXACTLY what shes doing.
United States of Burgers checking in....
Let that dystopian pedophile island of Islam ROT IN HELL.....
And let our dystopian land mass of pedophiles and spic/niggerdom rot in hell too.
is that cum on his lip